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Everything posted by 1975NQ

  1. C'mon man, you like to rile him up. You get a kick out of it. It's pretty obvious, Just own it. I've noticed this forum is not always the warmest, most welcoming place with some of the "regulars". Which is fine. If someone is ignoring me, I just ignore them back - literally. Add em to my ignore list. Or if they say some stupid shit - they go on the list. It's an easy fix.
  2. Yes! We're talking the same language lol. I've seen that move over 100 times. Even the graffiti on the streets has meaning. I brought this up with an "expert" online a few months back, and she disagreed because she couldn't even see it. I had to point it out to her, and then she went quiet on me. Anyway, if I started a new thread, I'm pretty sure you and I would be the only ones on it. 😂 He made movies within movies as you say for both The Shining and Eyes Wide Shut. I'll start a thread on it next week if you wanna talk more about it.
  3. That sounds about right (and that's being optimistic). Systems always evolve, things change, empires rise and fall. I could see the US moving towards a more militarized system by the end of the century. Still sticking within the pseudo-democratic framework, of course. It almost seems inevitable the way things are going. But this getting way off topic lol. UFOs ... shit's CRAZY, right?? 😛
  4. Yeah I think we're in agreement on the basics. Law and order is better than the alternative. I was talking about those powerful individuals who, as you point out, have the system on their side. As far as who they are and how far their power extends ... we'll never know. One of the many facets of EWS is the exploration of that - and the reality that this is going on, today, in the world we live in. He didn't choose Tom and Nicole to star in the film on accident. There are so many other facets to the film Im not bringing up because it would turn into an EWS thread if I did loll. He really made something unique. That guy was just on another level, no other director comes close in my book.
  5. Cancel culture is bs for sure .I hear you, man. And I agree in theory with the general gist of your argument. BUT - I think these things should be looked at on a case by case basis, don't you? This woman came out with this at age 15 decades ago, way before cancel culture was a thing ... think about how hard that must have been for her. And she was squashed, in terms of anyone giving her story credence. People with money and power can absolutely silence the "little guy" (or girl), even in today's world. But she stuck with it and wouldn't quit. She kept after this guy for decades until finally she got some people in authority to actually look into her story - which was the absolute minimum she deserved. We're talking about some very, very serious allegations. I think she should be commended for her courage. I don't think anyone would have gone through all that if it wasn't real. Just using my own judgement here. We can agree to disagree on this one. Personally, I believe her completely. I also believe Bob's Hope's accuser Brice Taylor - an identical story of some evil MKUltra shit that went down in the 70's. One of the guards/hosts at the ball in EWS is wearing a Bob Hope mask, that's no accident. She published her autobiography in early 1999, not long before EWS was released. Her story ties in with the Epstein case you mentioned earlier.
  6. Hmm, that's all very interesting. What I read suggested Kidman was part of a group of men who were in essentially a sex cult and used the MKUltra technique on women and possibly underage girls. I didn't do a deep dive so maybe it's all bs. In other words ... I read it on the INTERNET 😃 As far as a global conspiracy, I don't know about all that. I DO believe Kubrick was privy to some very weird and evil shit with some very, very rich/powerful people early on in his career. It probably ate away at him (as it would anyone. child abuse is evil), and he finally did something about it with EWS. He was a little too smart for his own good and got wacked for it. Is this all hypothetical? Of course it is. But the circumstances surrounding his death are way too coincidental for me. And his movie is clearly touching on sex with young girls, grooming them, etc. I mean, it's about other things as well. It's a densely layered, incredibly well-made film. But to your point - yeah, no hard facts regarding the Hollywood sex cabal other than the stories of young (now old) women who have been shamed and marginalized by forces more powerful than themselves. I could go on and on about the movie for days, but am not interested in trying to convince anyone of anything, It's just some weird shit I personally find fascinating. If other people say "nah", Im good with it. 🙂
  7. He did?? Interesting, I didn't know that.
  8. Yes, totally agree. Still glad they did it though, as it was the beginning of the space program, Sooner or later we gotta venture out, right? I am aware of that theory ...don't get me started on Eyes Wide Shut 😂😂 Nicole Kidman's dad was part of that whole MK-Ultra sex slave cabal, did you know that? That movie has so many layers, it's definitely his masterpiece.
  9. Yeah, I've seen that link myself. I love the Room 237 documentary as well. It's really interesting, both as an observation of how people can get obsessive and where their brains can take them - and at the same time, there's some really legit analysis of the movie. I looked into all the fake moon landing stuff years ago and ultimately decided it was a rabbit hole that would never give me satisfaction lol. In other words, there will never be empirical evidence to prove that theory correct so why make myself crazy about it? I think it's important (and I have a feeling you agree with me on this) to not get emotionally attached to any one point of view when it comes to all this stuff. Or with most stuff, really. But I'm a Kubrick nut (dude was a genius) so I'm always gonna have interest in all that. I absolutely think one of the layers of that film had to do with his filming a fake moon landing. But yeah, I don't know about the actual footage we've seen as being fake. It's a hard sell for me, but I also don't completely discount the possibility. It's good for one to challenge one's own assumptions on a regular basis. I think it's healthy, actually. I haven't heard about the Soviet grain thing, but that's a good one! I could absolutely see that being true.
  10. Yeah, in a weird way I've always felt he was underrated. People see him as the Beatles guy, and the guy who had those hits from the 70s and early 80s - and he caters to that with his concerts, I suppose because he just wants to give the people what they want. I've always felt he got more interesting as a songwriter post Beatles. His solo albums are fantastic - especially from the 70s - and pretty underrated, aside from the big hit Band On the Run.
  11. One of my all-time fav albums, along with his first self-titled record. 🙂 I got the remastered box set as a present for someone back in 2018, and remember at the time thinking "I should have gotten this one for myself"
  12. My fav for this tour is 9-23, been listening to it today and forgot just how stellar it is, top to bottom.
  13. Btw sorry for hijacking your post with my own conspiracy theory haha. I don't know much about the 5G topic. I do agree that EM radiation is probably harmful over the long term. No cell phones in the front pocket!
  14. 64 here in Sac. In mid-January, crazy.
  15. Agreed. Again, the theory is that they did (obviously) go, and lots of ingenuity and hard work made that happen - but the gov wanted a backup plan so they could sell it to the people if necessary. That's what makes it plausible, imo. I don't think the actual footage we have is fake, to be clear.
  16. Yeah, she killed it as always. I think the non-subtle approach was intentional. The director probably talked it over with the Netflix people, and they opted to hit people over the head with the satire and caricatures. They spent a lot of money on big name actors and needed this to be a hit. It's sad .. on the one hand, audiences get more sophisticated each decade; but on the other, they clearly want their entertainment to be as palatable and "don't make me think" as possible. Look at film-making in the 70s compared to today. It's night and day. It's this weird combo of people absolutely being dumb-ed down, regarding their desire for content that doesn't require paying close attention or critical thinking - combined with their sharp ability to pick out plot holes and production issues with content much more readily (years and years of content consumption from their own homes give them this skill set). So, a simultaneously sharper and dumber (lazier) audience now, generally speaking.
  17. I loved it, too. I've seen it twice now. They nailed it with the tech billionaire guy. He is the perfect caricature of so many people in the bay area - actual billionaires as well as thousands of people with the same personality who want to be billionaires. Zero sense of empathy for others, living in his own head about how the world should be, full of hubris ... and has POTUS right in his pocket.
  18. Yeah, I think this is the right place. My all-time fav conspiracy theory - the gov hired Stanley Kubrick to film a fake moon landing. 😛 I actually think it 's not out of the realm of possibility but would never bring it up at a party 🤣 We absolutely did go to the moon (several times), spent lots of money, hired lots of people, etc. But why wouldn't the gov hire him to do that just in case shit went south once we got there - and the pilots couldn't actually touch ground up there? Or the footage they shot was not great or malfunctioned? As a backup plan, it makes perfect sense to me.
  19. Lots of great ones mentioned here, most on my own list of favs: Milwaukee 70 Honolulu 70 MSG 70 Copenhagen 71 Tokyo 9-23-71 Vienna 73 Providence 73
  20. I agree with everything Bob said and also with your own point. Our "buddies" with the flying saucers, triangles, cigars, etc are carbon-based advanced humans. But there are likely lots of other intelligent life species that as you say aren't even carbon-based and exist on levels beyond our own perception. Probably beyond even our own conception, in terms of what our limited brains could even dream up at this point. I think with all the infinite possibilities out there, it's logical to assume that type of life form is out there. Or at a minimum, could be out there. For sure.
  21. I saw that same podcast. At first, I thought it was awesome. And fascinating. And as time went on, it seemed more likely he was telling half truths. I believe his story but also think memory can be a funny thing. It can play tricks on us. I also think he's a bit of a character. I agree that the gov has things they could disclose, absolutely. I've often thought about the reverse-engineering/world domination theory. But then I think to myself - why in the world would we be the only country to be sitting on all this tech? What makes us so special? Continuing on with that thought and bringing it to its natural conclusion, I then realized it was a rabbit hole not worth going down. Because if these beings exist, they are so much smarter than ourselves that trying to figure out any of this mystery is just a waste of time. I think it's safe to say they wouldn't crash their flying saucer (watch out for that bird!!) then leave it for us so that one day we (USA) could take over the world. Whatever endgame that's about, and the Phoenix lights, and all the other crazy shit, is a big unknown. In terms of distrust, yeah. I think it's safe to say we're at an all-time high with distrust for government and media here in the states. It's a sad state of affairs. In fairness, if I were President, or more realistically whatever org is in charge of all this off the books stuff (Military Industrial Complex), I'd wanna keep it under wraps too. People aren't ready for it. They would lose their shit.
  22. I saw that same clip with the math guy, can't remember where it was from either. But yeah, of course not only are we not alone but there are likely thousands or even millions of intelligent life forms throughout the vastness of the universe - just from a mathematical perspective. As far as aliens, here's my own cray cray theory - they aren't alien, they're human. We're related to them. They could be from another dimension, super far away, from the future .. doesn't really matter. The intelligence differential is astronomical. The closest analogy I can think of would be a lab rat trying to have a conversation with the lab scientist. It just ain't gonna happen. If we operate under the assumption that they are real, we must then come to the conclusion that we have no idea why they're here and will never know unless they decide to tell us. I personally don't think the government is in "the know" any more than we are. The gov has access to things we don't (for instance, satellites), and I think *if* any of it is real, they would absolutely keep it under wraps so as not to freak people out. If any of this were to be officially revealed as "truth", there would be huge societal - and economic - problems. Our bullshit fiat house of cards money system would fall right quick. I once met someone whose grandfather or great uncle or something like that was high up in the Area 51 section of the gov (I never met him myself). He wasn't allowed to say shit to anyone, and they made it very clear to him that his life would be over if he did (and whoever he spilled to). So, he never said jack to anyone. However, he did once tell her this one thing: "if people knew the truth, they would be scared out of their minds". She was also in the military (military family) and had no reason to make that up. I've also met a lot of people with interesting stories on their own experiences (like many posters on here themselves). I have a close family member who has had some crazy experiences. It's all very interesting. I've never seen one myself and am kinda glad about that.
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