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Everything posted by 1975NQ

  1. Got down to 10% body fat, I have more muscle definition now then I did when I was 21. Brought in a new client for my business (I'm self-employed) and finally - have been getting all my sleep naturally for about a month now. The last one might not seem like a big deal, but I have been dealing with sleep issues for about a dozen years now. It was created from a combo of reasons (I essentially did it to myself), but after chipping away at it (doctors and "specialists" have been fucking useless), I finally cracked the code. Getting all my sleep puts me in such a great mood and makes a huge difference in every part of my life.
  2. Fast forward to 2015, and Daren is playing drums with The Fall, and damned if this track (also killer) doesn't sound inspired by the one above:
  3. Daren Garrett played drums on this killer Pram track from 1993:
  4. Because then we can't binge eat Favorite Day Rustic Pumpkin Spice Trail Mix from Target (which I recommend highly). 😛 When you make something exclusive and create that little window, you create demand. And people love to stress eat during the holidays. It's like a girl scout cookie kinda thing - except you can actually get those year round too if you know where to look. We still make Pumpkin Apple muffins as a regular thing. So damn good ...
  5. Just read the article. He's firmly entrenched with the right, that's for sure. Still, he has a lot of relevant things to say. I was gonna say something like he needs to dial down the rhetoric, but I think he's playing to his audience so can't find fault with that. Salesmen gonna sell. This passage in particular made me chuckle: "Between 2009 and 2016, a once relatively stable Greece nearly became a Third World country. So did Great Britain in its socialist days of the 1970s. " Great Britain had serious problems in the mid to late 70's - basically 74 - 83ish. But nearly becoming a Third World country? That's just crazy talk. The unemployment rate was under 6% for crying out loud. Lots of conflict, violence, polarization, "winter of discontent", for sure. But jeez he is really reaching with that one. The stuff he says regarding Cali (in other interviews and articles) really hits home as I've lived here since I was 13 and seen it change so much over the decades.
  6. Very cool! I'll have to check that out. And yeah, I don't know if he's a recovering neocon or just hiding it better to reach a wider audience lol. He does a lot of apologizing for Trump in his books which is why I decided to not buy/read them. I saw some of his interviews on YT and was super impressed, but when I read some reviews on his books, I found out about the Trump stuff. It sounds like he can't help himself lol. I just wanted to read a good book without any political agenda attached. But a free article? Yeah, I'll read that for sure. 🙂
  7. This is a bit random, but have you head of Victor Davis Hanson? I have a feeling you might enjoy his work and viewpoints (Bob, if you're reading, I think you'd like him too). Here's an interview of him on YT. It's pretty long, but there are others online that are shorter. I agree with just about everything he says and think he'd be a huge bestseller if he could keep politics out of his books. Sharp, sharp guy. https://youtu.be/UKe_U6QSpi4
  8. Only band I've come across that manages to sound like a mix of The Fall and Beefheart. Listen to those drums!! ^^
  9. I love all of them, this was a tough question. But I'd go with the first one as it just is such a timeless classic.
  10. Going more on feel vs technical ability: 1. Jimmy Page 2. Jimi Hendrix 3. Jeff Cotton 4. Stephen Malkmus - I would never in a million years call the King of Slacker Rock technical but man when he sucker punches you, it knocks your ass right down. You hear the song, and it's like "ok whatever" type playing and then BAM, he knocks your ass out. He's the only guitarist I've heard that has actually made me tear up. "Animal Midnight" has a devastating section that gets me every time. Same with "Church on White". 1. John Bonham 2. Keith Moon 3. Art Tripp 4. Daren Garratt
  11. This. ^^ I was gonna basically say the same thing, read your post, and realized you said it perfectly.
  12. I think his voice sounded a tad stronger, in terms of timbre, in 70 vs early 71, but as far as overall performance, I'd go with Belfast. It's one of my fav shows, and hearing him sing the material from the fourth album so close to the original album versions is the kicker for me. "Rock and Roll" from this show is just ferocious.
  13. Love em all of course, but here's my picks 1 - You Shook Me 2 - Moby Dick 3 - Hats Off to Harper 4 - Misty Mountain Hop HOTH - D'yer Mak'er PG - Ten Years Gone Presence - Achille's ITTOD - All My Love Coda - Bonzo's Montreaux
  14. Jeff Bridges and the Abiders. Oh wait, that's taken ..
  15. Still haunted by the memory of the woman who spurned his love in Italy ... no amount of winning can take her place ...
  16. I'll be damned, he does look like him!
  17. I've had the same black leather wallet since 1999 😂 They all look the same, perfect thing to just hold onto and not replace.
  18. "Italian businessman gets finger caught in jacket and keeps it there to avoid embarrassment as well as pay homage to his secret hero, Napoleon. Woman at bar looks on with a mixture of disbelief and disgust on her face."
  19. "Robert Plant, who has had one too many bellinis, avoids making eye contact with his hero Elvis Presley who is directly behind him."
  20. On an Elvis Costello kick. The new album is pretty good.
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