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Everything posted by 1975NQ

  1. Good catch! This is by far the most relaxing Zep song I've ever heard. It does indeed sound like Pink Floyd, Love the vid for this one up on youtube with pics of the band from this time period.
  2. You both bring up good points. There's a guy named Matt Taibbi (a journalist himself) who has done a lot of writing and interviews on this subject in recent years. One of his main points is that when they first started broadcast news they were as dry as humanly possible intentionally. There were only 3 major networks back then, and in order to reach as many people as possible and keep all those demographics tuned in, the idea was keep it simple and unbiased. With our current system of God knows how many cable and streaming outlets that cater to specific political and social demographics, it's now a completely different game.
  3. Oh, that's interesting. I didn't know that, Network is one of my favorite movies. That scene with Ned Beatty is the best.
  4. Actually, it wasn't Kingdom Come, it was Bonham whoops lol. I always get those 2 bands from 89 mixed up, they sound identical
  5. Yep, agree with all that 100%. The older generations would be pretty disgusted. We have it soooo easy today compared to back then and take a lot for granted. And I think existing generations have gotten progressively lazier as thinkers which as you say leads to bad decision-making and dangerous/unhealthy times. Pretty sad.
  6. 🤣 ohhhh dang ... ! Bob, you gonna let him do you like that? p.s. as an employee of Payless, I'm a bit offended
  7. Steve, we don't wanna see the pics you look at when it's after 8pm ... 😂
  8. I'll have to check those songs out. Always loved Sam Cooke, and my girlfriend is a huge fan of his. That's a great story about Afternoon Delight. Nostalgia is powerful stuff. What your brain attaches to when you're a kid pretty much trumps everything lol. I loved that song too and lots of other light, fluffy 70s goodies. Paul McCartney, Bread, Rod Stewart, on and on ...
  9. But regarding your comment about respecting others and being mindful, I'm with you 100%. In my day-to-day life, most people I come across are pretty open-minded and respectful about the opinions of others. There's definitely discord all across the country, but I think our media exacerbates this for clicks. Gasoline on the fire is good for business.
  10. NYT and WSJ stopped being "highly credible" years ago when it comes to certain areas of the news. Yes they offer facts, but the facts usually have a slant/agenda. I'm neither Dem nor Rep, just commenting on the sad state of journalism these days. Real, non-biased journalists with actual integrity are a dying breed. I wish I was wrong about that.
  11. Yeah, this one always makes me smile. 🙂
  12. Nice ones. Getting strong Rush vibes from the Quo Vadis song (that's a good thing)
  13. Someone on YouTube pointed out this gem from the 2/7 show, talking about Plant: Artie - "Can't wait till he hits the high notes, see if he could do it" Buddy - "Whole lotta love ?" Artie - "Anywhere, man." 🤣
  14. These are upbeat and fun! My brother lives in Tokyo and speaks Japanese .. I"ll have to send these his way. Although that might raise some eyebrows from his wife hmmm ... decisions, decisions 😛
  15. On a slightly lighter note, I'm listening to 2/7 NQ right now (yet again lol) while messing around the house, and one of my fav parts of this version is when Artie says "special effects, man" at the beginning of the JPJ solo 😂😂. Gets me every time. #notnoteworthy
  16. A few of mine - "Let's Go" - the Cars "Rock the Boat" - Hughes Corp (yes, it's disco lol. I was 4 when I heard it) "Get on the Right Thing" - Paul McCartney
  17. Hard to pick just one, depends on my mood. I lean towards 71 versions, but here are some favs: Belfast 71 Ipswich 71 (that solo damn) London "Electric Magic" 71 Leicester 71 5/24/75 Outrider Tour, Oakland 88 - I was at this show, and it was just magical with the crowd participation. Got the boot not long after this show happened and listened to it quite a bit in 89.
  18. I actually watched this game lol. As a lifelong Dolpins fan, all I can say is .... ugh. 😂😂 But hey, on a POSITIVE note, the Jags broke their losing streak!!/s
  19. Like everyone else responding, I would pick those 2 songs as well. I've also found the solo to NQ (album version) quite relaxing. First time I heard it, put the headphones on, lied back on my bed and closed my eyes and had some sweet leaf myself. Burned lots of incense in my room ... like THAT was fooling anyone. My room smelled like incense and weed 😂
  20. That sounds dope. Love La Jolla and really San Diego in general but never been to Coronado Island.
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