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Everything posted by 1975NQ

  1. This is great. Thanks for posting. Nice to hear music with a lot of life in it that brings you up vs bums you out lol
  2. Thanks for posting, this is great. "go on in, we're just looking for booze" .. atta boy!
  3. Yeah, D+C from 75 is f***ing tedious lol. I usually skip straight to the Woodstock/SF section then straight to the outro - or just skip the song altogether. There are a handful from that year that are killer and fly by for me, but they are rare.
  4. Thanks - I'll def check those Newcastle and Brighton shows out. Like the Glasgow shows, I skimmed them earlier this year but didn't give a close listen. I have heard the London Ally Pally shows and really like them, especially the first night. That one has a cool vibe to it. Hearing the polite English crowd quietly chatting to themselves between and during songs is fun, and I love the Thank You at the end. The story about that one on the LZ site is one of my favorite Zep stories. They came out and played to something like 200 fans who stuck around after everyone else left .. so cool. Like something out of an old Christmas special episode from a 70's tv show (they had those a lot back then, especially in England). "A Very Zeppy Christmas". Or something. I only mention it because sometimes i wonder if the culture in England at that time seeped into their heads in some way to even give them the idea of doing something like that - going back to play for whoever was left in the building, just to be in the Xmas spirit.
  5. Nice, Manchester and Bradford are def all-time favs for me. I listen to Manchester more due to better sound quality. That D+C/WLL soundboard from Bradford is about as good as it gets for me. I skimmed over both Glasgow shows earlier this year but for some reason didn't give a full listen. I listened to the entire first night (12/3) from Glasgow yesterday while working and .. damn, it's fantastic. How did I end up sleeping on that one? I plan on giving the second night 12/4 a listen this weekend. Totally agree about Dec72 being a great month for the band. That UK tour, along with Fall 71 UK and Back to the Clubs tour, are my favorite periods for the band.
  6. I don't usually listen to shows past 75. Pre 75, I usually don't skip any except for Moby Dick or unless I already know it's gonna be a boring version of a certain song (like Black Dog could be in 73, for instance). Listening to 75 shows, I almost always skip Trampled Underfoot. I just find the live version tedious compared to the studio for some reason. I also usually skip the encores for 75 shows unless I know they'll be good/fun (which was not often in 75).
  7. Zurich 1980 for sure ^^^ Not a fan of '80 shows but played the hell out of the Zurich show back in the 80s. They were really on that night. Listening to Achille's as I write this. Is Page playing like he did in 73? No, of course not. But it still sounds great to my ears. The show has a "quality", and the band is tight.
  8. It's already been mentioned here, but I'd like to second the underrated shows from UK tour 72-73. When they were "on", that was a Zep to be reckoned with. It's also where the "new" Plant voice really defined itself. And Robert sounds much better on this tour some nights than he did in the later European shows. My go-to shows for the UK 72-73 tour are Manchester and Bradford - both underrated for sure. If anyone knows of any other shows from this tour where Robert sounds great, please let me know! Also underrated: 11-25-71 Leicester (UK 71 might be the most underrated of all Zep tours) 2-7-75 MSG (not mentioning Montreal or Philly because it's well-established that these are hot Page shows so not really underrated). 3-10-75 San Diego. This one doesn't get mentioned much due to sound quality, but damn they are cookin and Robert sounds as good as I've heard from 75 on some songs.
  9. Slave labor ...??? Naaaah!! I prefer subtitles as well for the same reason. Tried to watch that German sci-fi Dark with dubbing on ... nope!
  10. If you like shows where reading text at the bottom is required, check out the Bureau. It's like John le Carre and Jean-Pierre Melville had a love child.
  11. Black Sails was a great show. Fun to watch and great writing. I like that they wrapped it up after 4 seasons before it could get bad haha
  12. An interesting review of the Spitz book: https://ledzepnews.com/2021/11/04/review-led-zeppelin-the-biography-by-bob-spitz/ I don't think there will be any earth-shattering new info here, and he definitely isn't approaching this from a musical perspective but more from a "behind the scenes" look. It could have some interesting stuff in it though, we'll see. He seems like a decent enough writer based on other books he's written.
  13. It is definitely a murky recording. Makes me wanna re-listen to this D+C to see if that makes it extra creepy 😛. The band seems super fired up right from the get go, and the crowd is obviously going nuts so that's fun. I wonder if Jimmy's solo on NQ is intentionally laid back to help chill em out? It sounds like he's having a lot of fun that night. He keeps going and going on WLL with the funk/Crunge bit .. Robert's like "ok, I guess we're doing this" lol. I really can't wait for the soundboard for this one, particularly to expose Robert's vocals. He sounds fantastic (add obligatory "for 75" here) on a lot of this.
  14. Both fantastic actors. I recently re-watched Dune last week (ahem, the real Dune) and loved Dourif in it. He's doing all this weird stuff in it that I just know he came up with himself. And of course Dean Stockwell was perfect as the doctor. RIP Dean.
  15. Another show I'd like to add to the soundboard wishlist is 3/10/75, first night in San Diego. This is not well-recorded but still listenable for us fans with bootleg ears. Robert is sounding really, really good for much of the night and Jimmy is fired up. I have a feeling a soundboard or better-sounding audience might reveal this to be a hidden classic (2/4/75 Nassau as well maybe although I'm sure Robert will be croaky for opening numbers). If I could only have only 3 new soundboards released from now til forever (forcing myself to choose wisely), it would have to be shows I know are amazing but not well-recorded. So, for me that would narrow it down to Belfast 71, Manchester 71, and LA Forum 6/3/73. That leaves out a bunch of amazing, classic shows but those are the 3 I would want if it had to be ONLY 3.
  16. Yeah it's one of my all-time favs. Saw it on the big screen at age 10, and it blew my mind. I love the dreaminess of it, and the actors really have fun with it but still deliver performances that stick. John Boorman the director def reached deep and made something here that was normally a bit outside his own abilities. I love it when creative types do that.
  17. ^ edit: I meant the break they took between final Dallas show 3/5 and first San Diego show 3/10
  18. ^ That's a hot one - I'm sure you've heard it many times by now lol. Btw while I'm not a fan of 77 in general (not big on their sound or the vibe of the shows for that time period), 4-30-77 has my fav version of Kashmir. For me, Robert needs to be in killer voice for that one as it really puts his vocals front in center (vs the album version which has a bit of a different feel to my ears). His vocals on the 4-30 Kashmir version sound otherworldly.
  19. I need to give this show a full listen, while I'm still on the 75 kick and not burned out yet lol. I gave 3-10 another listen over the weekend and liked it even more. They sound shit-hot there as well. Robert is erratic on that one. Sometimes he sounds amazing, maybe best of the year, other times .. not so much lol. I think the break they took between legs did his voice some good, and 3-10 is his first night back. Also, the shitty quality of the boot may be coloring my perception there, making him sound better than he is, it's tough to say.
  20. Nice, glad to hear you gave it another chance. It's interesting to me how the passage of time can change how we hear something.. A year from now, I could (and probably will) have a different idea of my 1975 NQ rankings. When I first got into Zep, Physical Graffiti was my fav album of theirs, no contest. As the years went on, it became HOTH and now it's the fourth album 😂 (Happy 50th to that one!!). And some of my all time fav records I was kind of "meh" on when I first heard them. I agree that the D+C from 2/7 is unique. I usually don't listen to D+C from 75 at all because I find them crushingly dull except for the SF/Woodstock section, but there are some that just fly by and sound killer and 2/7 is one of them. And yeah as far as the whole show goes, I'd also give the edge to Montreal and Philly.
  21. Me too, that one is killer.. And yeah I'm not a 77 fan either but it is cool to see those patterns.
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