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Everything posted by 1975NQ

  1. This is dope af. Thanks for posting. I've liked Fela Kuti's music for many years but never ventured beyond that as far as African music goes. The drumming is so good I had to start googling lol. Joby Jobs, wonder if that was his real name ...?
  2. Wait a minute, I just made the connection .. Zephead315, are you also "Led Zeppelin Boots" from YT?? If so, thanks so much for all the hard work you've done over the years!! I don't have a YT account but am on there daily and can't count the number of shows I've listened to from your uploads. It's greatly, greatly appreciated. Thank you, muchas gracias, merci beaucoup!!!
  3. Yep, great assessment. And lucky us that all these shows are out there!
  4. Just listened to it this morning, and yeah I can hear that for sure. Bonham in particular sounds extra aggressive on TKR , he's going nuts lol.
  5. Gotcha, and yeah that must have been mind-blowing to actually buy Zep albums as they were being released - very cool! I was referring more to younger listeners whose reference point was rock radio starting in the 80s and I suppose YouTube in modern times. Their touchpoints are more random, and it could easily be Kashmir vs Stairway, Communication Breakdown, etc. You never know which song is gonna be the "gateway drug" lol. I've always thought Zep was one of those bands most kids discover in either junior high or high school, like a rite of passage. That's how it was for me as a high schooler in 1986, even though I had probably heard Stairway many times as a kid in the 70s and early 80s and just shrugged.
  6. My girlfriend's from your neck of the woods She misses "the loop" lol. I think the "Get the Led Out" programs were pretty popular in the 80s and early 90s. We had the same thing in the Bay Area back when I used to live there.
  7. The question was what song made you fall in love with the band. For a lot of people, it's Kashmir. It's the one that got my gf into them. For a lot of people who discovered Zep from the radio, Kashmir gets about as much airplay as any other Zep song. Nothing unreal about it,
  8. That's an interesting statistic about the wars, I had no idea about that. Very telling. Yeah, it's sad and fascinating about human nature .. we really don't like hearing truth because then that would involve self reflection and holding ourselves accountable, exactly. I think every leader we've had has absolutely understood the responsibility aspect of their position. Unfortunately, most have ignored it and absconded with the money/power/fill in the blank just like you said.. When I was a kid, Spider-Man was my favorite super hero. I actually thought Stan Lee came up with that quote for a long time 😂
  9. Yeah, I think so too. Call me crazy, but I actually like Carter's malaise speech as well 😂 He may not have been the most effective president (couldn't play nice with the folks on the other side of the aisle), but I think he was one of the most decent men to sit in that chair. He famously got hammered by the media for the speech, poor guy; He was just truth-telling which in politics seldom gets you very far. Anyway, this has nothing to do with covid or the vaccine just a quick detour.
  10. Haha yeah that was the vibe I was getting on here. And we probably agree on more than you think. I'm not hardcore in one camp or another regarding vaccines. I'm actually vaccinated myself. I just am concerned with government overstepping as that can set a dangerous precedent, Slippery slopes and all that.
  11. For anyone interested, there's a funny skit from SNL last week called "Man Park". I only mention it here because my gf told me about it, and this morning I was telling her how I somehow found myself posting on this thread (not something I imagined myself doing a month ago). And I said "well babe, I think I found the Man Park".
  12. I don't have time to listen to the Carl Sagan interview right now, but I'll check it out later! I might have even seen that one back in the day, I used to watch Charlie Rose all the time 😂
  13. I threw up that post as a reminder of another time when some politicians actually did say things that were not self-serving. A lot of current social issues and tribalism around our current predicament can be traced to lack of trust in government and media. This wasn't always the case (not saying that media and gov were pristine lol, they certainly weren't). I just thought much of what he said in that speech 70 years ago was incredibly prescient. It was also the time of the polio vaccine which is so different than the vaccine for covid in many ways. So I was also hinting at that by putting up Eisenhower's speech. The idea being it might get people to look at things happening today from another angle.
  14. Putting Atlanta Pop Festival onto my listening list for next week - I haven't heard it yet. I love how all these shows keep popping up. I was really into Zep 86-95 (first musical love you could say) then took a long break from listening to any of it beyond solo stuff from Plant and Page. I just got back into listening this year. I've got dozens of shows from back then (some are still my favs today) and now lots and lots of new favs I've never heard before starting this year. It's like discovering the band all over again.
  15. In no particular order: a) Kashmir - the main riff captivated me as a little boy in the 70s (grown ups always had the radio on back then). I stopped whatever I was doing to listen. It sounded like the guitar was going one way, the drums the other. Like an invisible rubber band being pulled (the guitar pulling one end, the drums the other) and the tension created in that pull sucked my ears/brain right into the vortex. I've never heard anything like it before or since (and I have looked hard lol) b) Down by the Seaside c) When the Levee Breaks d) Traveling Riverside Blues e) Hey Hey What Can I Do f) Tea for One g) South Bound Suarez - the timing of that solo gets me every time. I always visualize Robert looking over at Jimmy as he ends the verse, and then Jimmy going into shred mode h) Four Sticks i) Battle of Evermore j) Custard Pie - this sounds like Robert and Jimmy were listening to garage rock (Kingsmen, Sonics, etc) and thought "hey we can do that!". It has that feel to it.
  16. Haha, indeed no one's perfect. And yeah, agree with all that. The burning question is - what would the catch phrase be? "The jab is fab"? "Don't hes-i-tate to vacc-i-nate"?
  17. Yeah, I'm the same way with 69, rarely listen to it - but then sometimes it's all I wanna hear because it's just so damn primal. Jimmy just sounds unstoppable. The whole band does. I've been listening to 4-25-69 (what we have of it) and 4-26-69 lately, and it's just phenomenal.
  18. Eisenhower touched on what's happening today (not just government overstepping and the military industrial complex but all kinds of other things) in his farewell address. This was a guy who truly loved this country. His speech had nothing to do with ego or politics. He was deeply concerned about the country's present and future. Sometimes it's good to take a look at the past to get a better perspective on what's happening in the present. In terms of any connection to vaccine mandates, the role of media, misinformation and disinformation, tribalism, strategic divisionism for political ends, etc .. you can draw your own parallels. Just some food for thought.
  19. Great points, and I agree with all of that. My question was actually which 3 shows have you *listened* to the most over the past 12 months because I think it's telling and also an interesting question. I didn't really see it as a ranking question. For instance, the 3 shows I listened to the most in 1988 are very different from the ones in 2021. I always trust my ears, personally, When I think to myself "what are my fav movies, albums, led zep shows, etc" it's always easy to answer - whichever ones I listen or view the most are my favorites. But I wanted to contextualize it over a 12 month period just to see what people gravitated toward during this unusual time we're in (a lot of us have been home more than the norm since the pandemic hit) and also to see if there were any patterns to be found generally, as far as listening preferences.
  20. Rewatched my fav movie last night for something like the 200th time - Eyes Wide Shut. For anyone who hasn't seen it, I highly recommend it. Every time I watch it, I see something new. It's like being immersed in a Jungian dream, got more layers than Aunt Judy's Christmas Lasagna
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