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Everything posted by 1975NQ

  1. Succession season 3. The writing isn't as good as the first 2 seasons which is a letdown as this was my favorite show from a small list of shows I like on tv. But it's still a lot of fun.
  2. Haha, you should do it! In my area (Sacramento), they're starving for workers in hospitality and restaurant industry. Get this - an owner of a pizza chain in Sacramento raised the salary of his Assistant Manager to 70k (which is nuts) and STILL can't find someone. Crazy times.
  3. Yeah, exactly! One fuck up and you were gone. She worked at a fancy restaurant bar and the customers I think feel richer and cooler than they actually are lol. That story is crazy! I've never heard of anything like that before. That drink she made sounds so bad, haha. Straight Kahlua woof. Gotta love the restaurant industry ... the owners and managers ALWAYS were banging or dating the servers, hostess, etc.
  4. My better half is making homemade Ceasar salads (chicken on mine) and the house smells like garlic croutons yummm. She just pulled them out of the oven. I could eat those all day and be happy. Pumpkin apple muffins for desert!
  5. I bartended in my 20s and loved it, too - sounds like we're the same age, My ex from a few years back was one of those young and beautiful bartenders (and yep they're what people want lol) and the stories she would tell me ... ugh. People (dudes especially) can be pretty obnoxious these days. I guess they've gotten more entitled or ruder or something since I did it in the 90s?
  6. That would be a hugely impressive feat, to come back like that, I'd love to see them go 10-7 and squeak into playoffs but those last 3 games are tough ones ...
  7. I think at this point it's safe to say they DON'T suck 😂 Which is a step in the right direction
  8. 1975NQ

    Found Money

    I found a five dollar bill when I was 8 just lying on the hallway at school. Turned it in to the office, and they told me if no one claimed it by the end of the week, I could have it. No one claimed it, and I got to keep it. The lady who gave me the money to keep knelt down and looked me square in the eye and said: "you did the right thing, always do the right thing remember that". And I did. It's weird how some shit just sticks in your brain. Plus, 5 bucks bought a LOT of comic books when I was 8.That was a happy day,.
  9. Duran Duran - Rio - this has always felt like the perfect cover for this record to me, a perfect marriage of artist and band and also it's time Yes - Fragile - same as above, perfect marriage Jane's Addiction - Ritual de lo Habitual David Bowie - Low Beatles - Hard's Day Night special bonus answer: Mark E Smith of The Fall made an art form out of making truly horrendous album covers,. I don't need to list any albums, just google "the fall album covers" and enjoy
  10. I have too many, but I'll try and make as short a list as I can: Eyes Wide Shut - words don't do it justice The Shining - subliminal head-fuckery, genius, people think Nicholson is over the top here but really he's acting his ass off Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy - hugely underrated, every frame is beautiful, everyone involved brought their A game GlenGarry Glen Ross - modern Shakespeare, never gets old. I can watch this in any mood, any time, it's hugely comforting for some reason Miller's Crossing - just watch it lol Excalibur - what magic really looks like, no cgi anywhere. plus Helen Mirren Spy Game - hugely underrated Tony Scott film, his best easily. unbelievable directing and production, Redford at his best High Sierra - my fav Bogie movie Appaloosa - my fav western, Ed Harris made a classic here A Deadly Affair - James Mason as Smiley, perfect! Murder By Decree - best Sherlock movie, James Mason is great as Watson ("you squashed my pea") Becket - Peter O'Toole as an English rock star before there were English rock stars.i'll bet this movie was a fav of Jimmy's back in the day
  11. Adding Copenhagen 71 to the list. ZepHead315 (Led Zep Boots on YT) just put up a speed corrected version of the entire show on the live show thread, with the full version of STH included (my first time hearing it), and it's incredible.
  12. Haha that song reminds me of an encouter I had in 95 that I can't repeat on this forum. It's an entertaining story tho lol. Keep em guessin, kid!
  13. Yeah, I'm gonna have to dig deeper into his catalog. This Route 66 theme is great - and new to my ears. Since Covid hit, my listening has gravitated for the most part towards ultra chill (Zeppin out not withstanding lol). So, I've dug into Gerry Mulligan Quartet, Oscar Peterson, Stan Getz, etc.
  14. Wooooaahh! My fav book directed by my fav Director has a soundtrack by NELSON RIDDLE?? How TF did I not know this. I'm a huge fan of the Sinatra Capitol recordings (happy ones, not "razor blade" albums) - they are a staple in my car (cds for driving because I am analog and they sound better on my car speakers anyway). Mind blown. Also, perfect background music for work. Thank you, Strider.
  15. We can agree to disagree then. I'm not a CNN or FOX follower and def think Fauci is a joke. I also agree that this pandemic is being used for a money grab, no question. But - using critical thinking here, my friend - long covid is real. IF the studies are correct and 1 out of 5 get long covid, then yep math says we're gonna be fucked if this isn't fixed within a few years. Try and look at the problem in a non-binary good/bad (us vs them) perspective. There are multiple issues happening simultaneously here. My main concern is long covid, that's just me though. Your bull in a china shop responses aren't helping your credibility here, in terms of anyone taking you seriously, but then again I can be pretty direct myself lol.
  16. +1 to everything you wrote. My take is we're dealing with human nature (in terms of public response to all this and daily behavior) which can never be reasoned with and only learns from pain (sadly). The x factor in this shit show is the long term effects of the vaccine which we won't really know about for many years to come. Hopefully, it's completely benign but presently is a huge unknown. I got the double jab because the math on it from my perspective was that it was by far the lesser risk (vs being exposed to the virus unvaccinated). In terms of constant booster shots every 6 months .. that's gonna be a hard sell for most people who are healthy and not overly vulnerable , myself included. I personally think the governments of the world did the math on this (specifically with regards to long covid and the huge economic and social upset this will cause over time) and are trying to mitigate as best they can without freaking out the public at large (hence the bullshit messaging). Some are doing a better job than others, most are overstepping a bit (Euro nations are obviously hugely overstepping).
  17. On this day in 1972, they played a nice one (to say the least) in Glasgow.
  18. There's an interesting article about the Get Back doc for anyone interested in reading. It suggest that Paul and Ringo wanted to preserve the Beatles legacy by showing the footage in a more positive light, basically hiring Peter Jackson to gloss over the negative stuff a bit. I personally think the documentary does a good job of balancing the negative with the positive, but the article comes right out and says: look who's producing this, Paul and Ringo. Anyway, it's an interesting read for those interested: https://www.yahoo.com/now/beatles-back-glosses-over-bands-134317794.html
  19. Me too. Aong with of course "You Really Got Me" by the Kinks - released 5 years earlier, in 1964!!! Of all the "garage bands" from 64-65 time period, I think they were actually the best (pre Face to Face, the next of many new phases for them)
  20. He is 100% being serious, that's what makes it priceless. I think if it were a gag, they'd throw a wink in there somewhere. But nah, they're selling cologne. Clearly, they're trying to be sexy and cool. I do think he'll get called on it and then say "oh, I was just joking around." It's that fake accent that helps take it over the top lol. If SNL had any balls, they'd do a skit on this and just roast him. Actors are a strange bunch, God bless em though!
  21. I need a better sound system 😂 Had to go back and re-listen to that STH ending. I can hear it now but had to strain to hear Jimmy over Bonzo and Jonesy for this particular recording. Pretty cool! It's funny how the brain works. I remember Plant sounding better on this one, went and re-listened to it tonight with fresh ears, and got a different listening experience. I think it's because most of the other times I've listened on this show it was with my iphone headphones while on the treadmill haha. It also sounds like Page is extending things a bit at the end of Sick Again, right? I wanted to do a comparison to this show with another hot one from 75 while it was fresh in my memory - so I've been listening to Philly 75 while working and watching the Cowboys-Saints game with sound off (watched Taysom Hill #7 throw a great one to ... Trevon Diggs #7 ... whoops!). I forgot how good Plant sounds for much of this show! And the sound quality is much better than San Diego's which helps a lot.
  22. Watching the game tonight, and this commercial popped up. I don't think I've ever seen anything cringier, and sharing is caring so here you go. For younger viewers: Johnny Depp did not used to talk like this, it's one of many fun affectations he adopted over the years. Without further ado, Captain Cringe himself:
  23. Just gave this bad boy another listen today and have to agree with that - top tier versions of those songs. Instrumentally, they are FIRED UP here. That OTH solo is killer, and SRTS ... Jesus lol. Robert really doesn't sound good to my ears until halfway through Kashmir, but then he sounds mostly great (but still with squeaks, crackles and pops throughout the night so maybe I should say "for 75" lol). No Quarter is one of my fav versions ever. I also love Jimmy's solo on STH. It wanders a bit, but the vibe of the song is sounding right, if that makes any sense at all. Robert sounds perfect for most of the song and of course atrocious on the outro haha. And wooooweeee are they fired up on WLL!! Robert sounds fantastic on the Crunge. So - my revised assessment is a hot night for the band, def one of the best of the tour, with Robert sounding very uneven as per usual in 75.
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