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Everything posted by 1975NQ

  1. Hank Williams would like a word. All kidding aside, this is one of the greats. Merle's hammin it up (in a very low-key Merle kind of way) for the camera, love it.
  2. No, but Les Claypool did in 1992 (it was bass, but close enough) Angelo Moore did the "vocals" (no lyrics tho) 😀
  3. Robbie was great. Loved his work on Peter Tosh's Wanted Dread and Alive record, one of my favs. He and Sly also turned Dylan's Infidels into a very nice listening experience. RIP Robbie
  4. Slack-jawed, clutches pearls, drops recorder in lap, hitting startled cat that jumps off lap. How DARE you ..?!! Picks up recorder and starts playing again. Jk. Obviously. Showing my age a bit here, but they actually made all the kids play recorders when I was in third grade. 😂 Music appreciation or something.
  5. You're on a roll, my friend. More perfect background music for work (and play).
  6. Nice! I've known a ton of people with anxiety over the years, and weed/edibles has been a godsend for them. Back when I used to smoke, I was also a lightweight. Just needed one good rip, and I was good to go.
  7. When I was a little boy, I loved drawing and loved comics. 7-11 was a magical place for me, in that not only did it have candy, sodas, slurpees, etc .. it had comic books. And every week there were new ones! I remember the first time I ever took close notice of the artwork in a comic book - it was getting New Teen Titans #1 from the 7-11 in October 1980. I was 9 years old. I immediately started trying to mimic his drawing style and picked up every title I saw that he worked on. Back then, it was NTT and Justice League which were also my 2 favorite comics. I bring all this up because I read today that George has inoperable cancer and has elected to forgo chemotherapy. He wants to focus on being with family with a clear head. He's been given 6-12 months to live. He's 67. Fuck you, cancer. This guy made a lot of people (kids and adults alike) really happy over the years. My thoughts go out to him and his family.
  8. Remembering the comic art of George Perez:
  9. I don't listen to the Japan shows too often, but my fav is the 23rd. I love STH and WLL from that one. Def agree that they got a little too loosey goosey by the time they got to Osaka (I should say compared to other 71 shows, Osaka shows are still great). In terms of Plant's voice, I think he sounds better in the Spring tour and also in the Fall UK tour.
  10. Great post. Opium in and of itself is not a bad thing - it's the abuse of it that makes it demonized and is preventing a lot of chronic pain sufferers out there from relief. It's not a binary problem, it's multi-faceted (like virtually any problem of real significance), but the media and politicians have just stomped this thing into the ground. I absolutely think if there's a holistic and natural way to fully relieve someone's pain issues, then yeah get em off the dope. But for some people, that's not a possibility and they're the ones who are really getting the shaft here. Great points on other drugs in their natural form as well. As far as weed goes, yep it's silly to demonize something that is grown on the planet and has too many beneficial uses to list here. Should people get high and drive? Or go to work stoned? Absolutely not - it's a mind-altering substance just like alcohol. But I'm pretty sure it will be legalized across all 50 states soon enough. About time, too. For the record, I don't smoke or do any drugs at all. I smoked like a Rasta man in high school and college but got tired of it by the time I was 21. It helps so many people with so many different conditions, though - and yeah, why not have it for recreation? It's not like people aren't doing it anyway haha. Might as well make some money off it.
  11. ^^ only funny if you're familiar with downtown Sac
  12. I decided a looooong time ago Never to walk down k streeeet at niiiiiightiiiiiime
  13. I've never seen a ghost but have a friend who has told me some shit I wouldn't wish on anyone. She's one of the most honest people I know, no way she's lying. I think they're real and actually a part of science we haven't figured out yet but will (if we're still around) many years from now. I also believe in "aliens" but am not sure they're actually alien in the true sense of the word. I don't think anyone knows, including the gov. I've met a number of people over the years who have told me interesting stuff (none of it super crazy or out there just stuff that sounds believable, I can read people very well) and have a close family member who has experienced some stuff that is just bonkers. I think the Phoenix lights thing is fascinating. For anyone who hasn't heard of this, in 1997 thousands of people (I think the reality is closer to tens of thousands) saw lights that were in perfect formation, a mile apart, glide over the state of Arizona slowly very low to the ground (maybe 500 feet or so). Many of them saw an actual ship outline, with the lights being on the perimeter of the ship (it's estimated to have been about a mile long). It's absolutely fascinating (and unsettling) - there's a lot of info on this on out there, including interviews with people who saw it.
  14. Yeah it definitely sounds 80s lol .. but in a good way! Just like Plant's Now and Zen (I commented on that album on the pre/post thread). And yeah maybe I should cut him some slack with the lyrics ... he probably did a better job than I could 🙂
  15. I had a love/hate thing going with AMLOR. Bought it when it came out, hated the lyrics, loved the feel and sound of the album. It sounds absolutely incredible and I think is underrated in a way. But lyrics are not Gilmour's strong suit lol. Then again, I always thought Roger Waters was a negative putz so not sure where that leaves me. Meddle thru Animals were the ones I listened to with any regularity (mostly Meddle). I think their first 2 records are classics, but they never pulled me back the way Meddle did for some reason.
  16. Hey, I'd love to be proven wrong believe me. It's been a wacky year so far so who knows, maybe they'll go far. My point was, the team seems to be walking a very fine line, both offensively and defensively. Xavien Howard was out for a while this year due to injury, and the defense didn't spring back until he came back to the roster. That feels precarious to me. I've been watching the actual games (last 9 or so anyway) and this is the sense I get. They're all feeling good, and success breeds success for sure. But I think if Gaskin or Howard got knocked out for the year with an injury, it would make a big impact. Bottom line, we need a deeper bench and a stronger OL, that's just my two cents on where we are right now. Playing the Titans and then the Pats will be interesting that's for sure.
  17. In 1994, Charles Thompson (Frank Black) made his best album ever, Teenager of the Year. I can hear Iggy's New Values album influence all over this. Thompson was one of the best songwriters of all time imo and was the best at adopting the styles of other rock and rollers and using it for his own devices - while still being completely himself and original. Anyway, there's a track on Teenager called "Pure Denizens of the Citizens Band" where he gives the vocals a strange treatment, and it sounds an awful lot like what Iggy did on the "New Values" song. Pretty cool tip of the hat to one of Chuck's idols. For anyone interested, he also did a song on his first self-titled album (Frank Black) called "One Percenter" that's about Iggy. It's pretty killer. The sound/feel of the album (New Values) is present throughout Teenager. Pretty sure Charles had this on regular rotation during writing/recording for this one.
  18. I'm not sure what genre this album would go under, but everyone should hear Elvis Costello's "Get Happy" album at least once. In typical EC fashion, the bonus tracks he and the boys did during that time period are better than most of the stuff from the album, which is saying something.
  19. I listened to Pink Floyd quite a bit in high school (going back a few years), including the Final Cut. I agree the lyrics were the best thing about it, but it was also the most depressing, self-involved record I've ever heard. Just, like, the epitome of a "feel bad" record lol. My fav PF album back then was Meddle, by far.
  20. ^This. Relying on a powerhouse defense (and if you were to remove just one player Xavien Howard, that defense would diminish significantly; he's clearly the leader from a morale and play-making perspective), some great rushing, and a competent short-throwing QB will not win you any championships. Dolphins fans are notoriously fickle, but ultimately the kid needs to learn to execute big plays or they'll never be a top tier team. I don't see him ever being a Justin Herbert in that department but who knows maybe he's a slooooow learner. 😛
  21. All the bay area people (and SoCal I suppose) who have slowly come into Sac over the past decade - and since Covid hit, the migration has exploded. I no longer recognize Sacramento. It's really sad. I moved here many years ago (to get AWAY from bay area people, ironically enough), and it was such a great place for too many reasons to go into. It felt like home. This place used to have a killer vibe and earned it's friendly "midwest of California" title. Now, it's lots of atrocious drivers, antisocial or downright rude people, or people with the personality of an eggplant, personal and property crime has skyrocketed.. just lots of fail all over the place. What made me go on here to post is the drivers. This used to be a very relaxed place to live. Now, I'm seeing shit on the road I have NEVER seen in my life. 6 cars in a row all tailgating each other at 70 mph ... that's a very common thing to see out here now. The level of stupidity is mind-numbing. I wish all these people (we are talking tens of thousands of them) would fuck off back to wherever they came from, but I know that's wishful thinking. The town is broken, and it will never be the same again. Ok, rant over. On a positive note, The Real Pie Company is doing better than ever. Only place in town that makes REAL key lime pie (and lots of other good ones), and damn is it good.
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