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Everything posted by 1975NQ

  1. I question this 😃 This stuff is all subjective.. I know 3/21 is beloved, Iit's just never clicked for me.. Doesn't make one opinion right or wrong. And yeah exactly 5/24 is smooth vs disjointed which I agree most DC are from 75. I actually like the 5/17 DC an awful lot as well. I'd put that one up there with Vancouver shows for sure.
  2. Yes I am - look out your window muuahhaaaahaaa. Naw, just seems like you're into movies from the posts I've seen, especially ones in and about LA music scene.
  3. Yeah, give it another listen! I'd love to hear what you think. I think a problem 2/7 has by the hardcore LZ community is it suffers from "ugly sister" branding, compared to 2/6 and 2/8. But overall the show is great, and Page is playing much better than most nights of this tour. It's really grown on me. For some reason, I keep going back to it. I recently listened to the whole show (minus MD) and then listened to Montreal from the night before and realized I liked it (2/7) as much or better in some parts (part of this had to do with RP sounding better as the show went on). I don't think 2/3 is nearly as good as 2/7 but love the energy of the show, particularly with Bonham. And Page sounds pretty good on some songs. Def agree about the /CB encore lol
  4. Yeah, I think they're the last great shows they did as well, As far as PNW run being superior to EC ... we may have to agree to disagree lol. I may be in the minority with my opinion here, but overall I'd rather hear certain songs from EC vs PNW. It really just depends on my mood. For instance, the D+C from 3/20 is something else ... all the D+C from EC sound tame in comparison. But my fav part of that song is the Woodstock section, and I'm just mesmerized by 5/24 with that part. It just sounds kinda perfect and magic to me. Staying with 3/20, that show also has a CRAZY WLL .. in a good way lol, Usually, my eyes glaze over with encores from 75, but that one is just wild. It's too bad they didn't give it that extra something more often in 75. I also think Robert sounds much better 5/24 (last 2/3 of show) than he did all year so that influences my listening as well. Granted, RP sounds killer on 3/21 but for some reason that show has always left me cold. My fav 75 versions of SRTS, RS, Kashmir, NQ, DC and STH are all from EC. So yeah, overall I look at it as apples and oranges vs one run being empirically "better" than the other. 75 is really the only Led Zep year where I'm not 100% gung ho on a whole show, like I am with previous tours/shows. It was a weird year for them. It forces me to view shows song by song which is actually kind of fun (until I hit burnout stage which I'm sure will happen soon). I had a great time doing the NQ rankings but wouldn't want to do that for any other song from this year, that's for sure.
  5. I was reading about this last night - Yahoo had an article about it on the home page (yes, I get "infotainment" from Yahoo lol). I immediately thought, "Strider's gonna be all over this" 😛 Great that you got to see it on the big screen!
  6. ^x2, listening to this show right now, forgot how fun this one is
  7. One of my all-time favs, a top 5 for me. This movie is an underrated masterpiece that gets better with repeat viewings. If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend it:
  8. I like the EC shows quite a bit as well. They're my go-to if I want to hear a show in its entirety (i like to put on 5/25 then switch to 5/24 at RS). I think the Zep community prefers the US shows due to the higher energy and raucous nature of the shows overall, as well as the risk-taking and lengthier songs. As astutely pointed out by Bonzo_fan, the improvisation was dialed back a bit at EC, probably due to the addition of the acoustic set (this makes sense to me as well). So, one could say the EC shows are Zep at their refined best (tasteful, even), which is not a bad thing at all. I think it's apples and oranges. Sometimes you wanna hear a D+C like you get with 2/7 or 3/20 (the 2 best from the tour imho) and other times you wanna hear the classic perfection of 5/24 (my fav of the year).
  9. Yeah it mystified me too when they picked Tua. And yeah of course Tannehill blossoms when he leaves (actually, he was just given a more effective OL and enjoys playing football again lol). I think typical Dolphins fate will go like this - they'll dump Tua after a horrible season, he'll go to Washington or somewhere and will magically become a top tier QB and we will continue with our 8-8 (make that 8-9) aspirations. Oi vey is right.
  10. I've been on an early Feb kick lately after being wowed by the 2/4 show (instrumentally, all the early Feb shows have pretty bad vocals) and thought I'd give a little love to 2 shows that don't get much love round these parts, 2/3 MSG and 2/7 MSG. As per usual, there's a little inconsistency but there are some gold nuggets to be found here. 2/3 is a firecracker of a show. Wooooweeee, are they fired up! Maybe Bonzo and Jimmy felt the need to compensate for Robert? Who knows. Bonzo is just going .. well, bonzo on "Sick Again" and OTHAFA. Jimmy's solo on OTH is really great too. So for anyone who hasn't checked out this show, I'd point them to those 2 songs and No Quarter, which is a nice one. 2/7 has a killer OTHAFA solo as well, one of the best (imo) No Quarters of the year and a fantastic Dazed and Confused (Robert sounding good on both NQ and D+C). I'd recommend those 3 songs for this show. Definitely worth checking out.
  11. Where's Fitzmagic when you need him? 😛 All kidding aside, nice to see a fellow Fins fan on here. I've been a lifelong fan, and it's been a character-building experience even in their GOOD years. My original thought with Tua was "trust Flores' instincts, he knows what he's doing." (I no longer hold this opinion lol). But at some point, Tua really has to show up. Granted, he was injured some of last season and this season as well. And his showing last Sunday wasn't half bad, *mind-numbing interception aside*. Anyway, I'm now of the opinion that if he doesn't really step up for the remainder of this season they should just cut their losses. He may very well be a "slow grow" QB, I could actually see that with him. But how long should a team reasonably wait for that to materialize? I also read a rumor that Flores didn't even want Tua, but Grier pushed the call. QB issues aside, we have our never-ending OL problems, among other issues. Last year was the first time in a long time I was optimistic about this team. Oh well. Just ranting - if you've been a Fins fan for awhile, I'm sure you feel my pain lol.
  12. Yeah, totally agree. I read somewhere once (can't remember where) that Robert Plant supposedly said if he could sing like anyone else, it would be Burton.
  13. Oh man, I didn't know any of that stuff. That's really sad. And yeah, she does have a great voice.
  14. I love that there was a tv show actually called "BJ and the Bear" 😂😂 I did check out those ladies and see what you mean! Wow. I had a poster of Heather Thomas in my room in 1984 haha Celine Dion ...?!! Dang Bob .. I dunno man lol. Bringing it back to Canadian music (sorry for that detour, female readers lol), here comes the mic drop (and an appropriate song considering what we were talking about):
  15. 🤣 I love that the song is "peaceful easy feeling" and the cab driver violently throws him out
  16. Btw now that I'm not in "ranking NQ" mode and just enjoying the shows, Artie and his buddy have grown on me lol. They def make the shows fun and thankfully stay quiet (mostly) during Page solos. Listened to 2/7 a lot last month and listening to 2/3 tonight while getting work done. Using my imagination, it feels a bit like going to the shows with "The Dude" (Lebowski) when he was a rowdy teenager.
  17. It's hard for me to rank shows because they were so wildly inconsistent, even within shows lol. Even at Earl's Court. But I like 5/18 an awful lot. 5/23 has never clicked for me the way it has for so many others. Maybe I need to give it another listen.
  18. Maybe that guy who keeps releasing a soundboard a year has it in his back pocket ... saving one of the best for last?
  19. Thanks man! Always happy to share good stuff with fellow Zep fans. Both those bands are from the 2005-2010 period in music where there was a TON of horrible music out there but also some good stuff kinda flying under the radar. F-ed Up was perfect workout music lol. Hearing that Anne Murray song made me seek out "You Needed Me" on YouTube just now 😂. Instant childhood flashback. Like, craving the sketchy ass Pepperidge Farm brownie cake my mom would always bring home from the store. I think they still sell those, actually ... I've heard of all those ladies you mention and love all their music but I didn't get hubba hubba with girls til a few years later in the 70s lol. Catherine Bach aka Daisy Duke was the one who made me suddenly realize just what all those songs I kept hearing were really about.
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