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Everything posted by 1975NQ

  1. The word "iconic" is overused and has been for 10 years now. The "writers" don't even know what the word means, and neither do the readers. The mission to continually dumb down the country continues to be a success. Webster's Dictionary defines iconic: 1. Relating to, resembling, or having the character of an icon or (Fine Arts & Visual Arts / Art Terms) (of memorial sculptures, esp those depicting athletes of ancient Greece) having a fixed conventional style 2. A conventional religious image typically painted on a small wooden panel and used in the devotions of Eastern Christians I think the above definition leaves out an important piece which is that said icon should carry some level of fame/resonance in popular culture and society and not just be any old image. Example: Clint Eastwood as The Man With No Name with his poncho and hat on - at this point, fair to call that image iconic. Vin Diesel in .. anything. Not so much.
  2. They synced it perfectly on the opening verses! After "did the stroll", with the leg and arm moves lol.
  3. Spot on, this is why I love this song. Like yourself, I never gave much thought to the lyrics. Mysteries abound, indeed!! I think Plant probably just thumbed through one of Jimmy's occult books and some of that imagery stuck. It sounds to me like he's singing about a woman so it could just be a layered thing - infidelity, bad karma, vibes whatever - with the imagery of owls and rainbows ending and rivers running dry giving a timeless feel to it. Spiritual depletion (sometimes for her, sometimes for Plant tho brave he endures, sometimes for people who lived long ago) ... with redemption right around the corner, of course. An age-old story. Or like you say maybe it's just about crying owls, who knows?
  4. My life now feels complete. How have I not seen this before. I was kinda hoping for more at the "Hermit" reveal, they missed a payoff moment there ... like time going back even farther once we saw Andy's current face to him as boy .. then have it be Charlie Brown or something like that lol. Still - love this! Great find!
  5. Was a fan in my late teens, early 20s then lost interest. However - there are 2 moments I keep going back to with these guys - specifically with John Frusciante. One is the clip of him and Flea attempting "Peon" on stage. The other is John covering "How Deep is Your Love". Both up on YT.
  6. Any Elvis Costello fans out there? He made an album in 2018 called Look Now, and I'm obsessed with it atm. When I first heard it, I wasn't that into it. But recently it clicked for me .. now I can't get the songs out of my head.
  7. Uh - huhuhHUHhuh ... huuuhHUHhuhhuh .. "Old Sac" ... huh huh HUH
  8. Very nice!! Love the classic look of those bikes.
  9. Haha, yeah their coffee is no joke. That Winter Bliss blend they had recently was fantastic. And they actually have great iced tea, too.
  10. Old Sac has changed a bit since 2020, but such is life I suppose. Unfortunately ... ALL Californians know about Sacramento now 😂 😂 It was nice while it lasted. On a positive note, we now have Philz Coffee all over the place (salty sarcasm) 😛
  11. That view is sick. One of my high school friends' dad who lived in the Los Gatos mountains had a Harley shop, too. They love their motorcycles out there. No helmets, ever. "Let those who RIDE, decide!!" (back then anyway)
  12. Nah, you didn't derail anything. Here: Random Thought - parts of Cali are now unlivable while other parts are still amazing. Fixed it. 👍 And yeah, I like the Sac area much more than Bay Area - been here many years now. Used to love it here til all the tech fucks inundated the place starting in 2020 (it was slowly happening already but Covid accelerated it in a huge way). The area you're describing off 50 is nice, but I miss the peaceful, simple life that drew me here in the first place. It's essentially now a subsidized living area for Bay Area tech workers. Until they're all forced to go back into the office for real. My guess is this will happen in 2024. Next stop .... who knows lol. Chico is starting to look good. And it's good to hear the locals are still keepin it weird out there!
  13. Dude, that's so dope. Felton is beautiful. When I was in high school, l and had several friends who lived way far up in the mountains off 17 - similar landscape and lifestyle to where you live. It was like a 1 hour commute for them each way to get to school. 😂 But I always envied the lifestyle they had - identical to what you're describing. Most people either built their own homes or they're parents before them did. Neighbors super far away ... people just living life on their own terms in a peaceful area.
  14. Very cool!! Sounds like something from a movie soundtrack.
  15. You're the OG cord-cutter. I cut the cable cord years ago, haven't missed it once. You forgot about music chords tho! As in, "gosh, does this Yes song need so many chords?"
  16. The weather in Santa Cruz is the best. I lived there for a while, myself. And your neck of the woods is even better! My mom's in Covington. Talk about having a beautiful back yard. Summers in that area of Washington are about as good as it gets. Until recent years, anyway. It's warmed up some, to put it mildly.
  17. Do it, Plant! The pit bull pic, I mean. You could just post it here, unless there's a "here's my pet" thread on the forum somewhere
  18. +1 This is my fav of the Japan 71 shows. I actually think it's a superior performance over 9-29.
  19. I think among hardcore fans, this is one of the most beloved shows out there so not sure it's underrated? But I'm with you - this and Blueberry Hill are my go-to's for 1970.
  20. Uncanny resemblance there 🤣. And yes indeed, wise words.
  21. Yes, it's me, it's ME, BOB!!! I don't who Shecky is lol But I'll bet he's a swell guy.
  22. Well .. that's certainly one way of looking at it. I think he may have been putting up the post to steer the thread back towards random silly stuff and put a capper on the politics talk. I don't know. I'm guilty too - I put up my own post on all this not long ago. If you mean he's using circular gobbledygook logic to avoid taking a position in all this, I can't speak to that. I personally have very definite opinions about things but keep it to myself. Why get all worked up on some random forum with people who are more interested in "winning" then discussing something ? You want a real challenge? Go to reddit lol. Those people will give you hours and hours of fun. My take on his post is that no matter how certain we may think we are about fill-in-the-blank, there are always things beyond our peripheral knowledge. Keeping an open mind and not getting too dogmatic about one point of view is a great tool in all kinds of areas including business, politics (believe it or not), relationships and war. Unless, of course, we're talking about tipping. (Kidding Stryder, kidding).
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