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Everything posted by 1975NQ

  1. Also - very cool about the podcast! I will def check that one out. 👍
  2. He is def fired up on those nights! 2/3 (carrying the load for the band a bit I think), 3/3 (ferocious!) and those March runs of 3/10 - 3/12 and 3/19 - 3/21 stand out for me. I'm a big fan of 2/8 ... I'll have to pay more attention to Bonzo the next time I fire that one up. With EC, 5/17 has really grown on me even though the sound quality is horrible. 5/18 is hit/miss with some truly amazing playing from Page. My go-to is usually 5/25 up through SRTS than I switch over to 5/24 for the rest of the show.
  3. Sorry, ya'll. Couldn't resist. And now, back to our regularly scheduled program.
  4. Just listened to the bass from SRTS 3/21 .. you weren't joking! That thing is a BEAST. As a drummer, which 75 shows do you think are Bonzo's best? If you already cover that in one of your podcasts, I'll bet a lot of people would tune in, drummers and non-drummers alike. I think a lot of people like 3/27 .. maybe for similar reasons? 5/25/75 used to be my favorite Zep show and the one I listened to the most - until I got back into listening again last year. Partly for the reasons you mention, and partly because I just thought it was the best show I'd heard from them. The NQ from 3/27 has really grown on me in recent months. And this is after years and years of thinking it was the most boring thing I'd ever heard. It's not technically killer as far as Page goes, but you can get a sense of what he's after with that guitar solo. His mind is in a good place creatively, his fingers less so lol. I should give that one another listen soon. Yeah, classical is something I have to be in the right mood for myself, for sure. No right/wrong way to approach it, just jump in! I think using fantastical language to talk about NQ from 75 is pretty appropriate lol. They created a whole new world to jump into (both them and the audience) every night. It was def the high mark of that tour.
  5. Interesting timing that you should post this today. I'm just now getting into KC and just yesterday hunted Amazon for a doc on the band. And today I see your post - thanks for posting btw. I'm def watching this when it comes to streaming. This past week, I've listened to Lizard, Larks, Discipline and the Fripp solo LOG. I like them all (Lizard the most), and I'm sure those 4 will keep me happy for a while to come. I did listen to Red and loved it - clearly an amazing record - but don't think I'll listen to it a lot as it feels really negative to me. I try to avoid spending too much time with negative music as I get older.
  6. Thanks, man! And yeah, I'm an old fart haha. Or getting there, anyway. 😀 I'm just grateful we have that killer recording of Providence!
  7. Yeah, I realize my opinion on that show is unpopular (to put it mildly) in the Zep community 😂. I would never say it's a *bad* show, it just never clicked with me. It's funny you mention the vibes because to me, they sound "off" like they're too coked up or something. But from what I can tell from this forum and other corners of the internet, it's one of the most beloved shows of their career! And that was the case when I first heard it back in 88. It was highly recommended by one of my trader contacts in the bootleg community I tapped into back then. We'd send each other our lists with notes on each show and trade for blank tapes. And this guy was just raving about the show. So, I was super excited to hear it because back then '75 was my fav year for Zep, and I was on a hunt to find that magic show. But after listening to it, I was like " ... is that it?" So, I listened again. And again. And again. It just never clicked with me. (shrugs). Plant sounds great, though. And I like hearing other people's thoughts on shows, whether it's a show I like or not. Especially from musicians - because you guys are hearing things and listening for things that I won't always catch. For instance, I've never listened closely to compare Jones' performance among all the 75 shows - at least as far as bass playing goes. So, it's cool to hear about shows through people who are listening through a different channel, especially regarding Bonzo and Jones. I'll def check out SRTS from that show and listen just for that bass! I do get what you're saying about the epic quality, and I think that influences the opinion of a lot of listeners for 3/21. It's definitely the "biggest" show of the tour (along with 3/27 LA). My fav Jonesy NQ solo is the one from 2/16 - at least the "groove" section. In fact, he and Bonzo sound epic (to my ears) that whole show! My fav solo piano from JPJ is from 3/20 Vancouver. I don't know if you like classical music or not, but his playing reminds me a bit of Debussy on that one. Which perfectly suits the solo, as I feel like when they get into that section of the song (queue dry ice) they're really inviting the audience into an imaginary world. Almost like a cinematic thing going on. A lot of Debussy's music has that same cinematic quality.
  8. Nice! Looks like the kinda place where you can sit and read for hours, and they won't kick you out.
  9. Nice! I know they're a dying breed, but it's nice to know they're still out there. I switched to reading on the kindle app starting about 10 years ago, when I first started to need reading glasses (still don't have any which is why I use kindle). But I still like wandering in there sometimes. Never been to Powell's, but there are a few used bookstore hold-outs fighting the good fight here in Sac, God bless em.
  10. Very cool!! Another random thought - anyone else love the smell of used bookstores? They were my favorite places as a kid, primarily because they usually had a comics section but I was also a voracious reader starting at a very young age. Mostly sci fi and fantasy, then later "real" literature starting around age 14.
  11. Owls are pretty cool. We have had them in my neighborhood for years. I can hear them every day but never see them lol
  12. That's where they kept the naughty stuff, books on the occult, and the very first Jumanji game. 😛
  13. Never been to a drag show, but there is all kinds of truth in the gay club/bar scene being more fun than straight I had a bisexual (i.e. gay lol) buddy in the 90s and he would take me to gay bars in the Castro because there always hot girls there. So, a good time was had by all basically. But the vibe at those places was always legit. I thought I was so smart .. I stumbled into the best kept secret for meeting hot girls (please remember I was in my 20s lol)!!! 😛 Fast forward to the 2000s ... now, most straight dudes in Cali do the same thing 😂 Sacramento has a thriving gay scene, When I first moved out here in 2009, I had a gf who loved going to the gay bars there because she felt safe and didn't have guys constantly trying to grab her ass all night (and me having to play bodyguard or teach anyone manners the hard way). I liked it too - because the bartenders hooked ME up more than her with drinks!! 🤣 It was always fun, and the music was usually good, but I'd say at least 50% of people there were straight, including dudes on the make.
  14. Haha! What's with his underwear? P and M? EDIT: nvm just googled .. Powdered Toast Man! Now I have Cinnamon Toast on the brain ...
  15. Indeed they did! Any show from 1969 - 1971, I know I will enjoy. 😀
  16. I just texted a random thought to someone then realized I needed to share it on this thread. 😂 I love it when toast comes out absolutely perfect. It's the little things.
  17. This has always been my take as well with this type of question .. guess I'm a purist lol. There was a period of time when I used to listen to the Minutemen often - like a good 2 year period where they were in constant rotation in the 'ol ipod shuffle (going back to the 2000s here). I would call Double Nickels the greatest - and best - double lp of any punk/post-punk band, ever. I've always felt Zen Arcade was good but hugely overrated. I'm more of a New Day Rising kinda guy.
  18. Haha, same here. I was done with movies way before covid (like lots of people) unless it was a blockbuster type thing I wanted to see on the big screen. Or some art house type place was playing an old favorite (The Shining, some old Bogie classic, etc).
  19. Adding, to this - if someone makes noise when they eat or God help me I can see what they're eating .... I have a hard time with that. This also includes people smacking popcorn in the movies and sucking the butter off their meaty animal paws. 🤮
  20. I forgot to mention a third one I listen to at least a couple times a year, and that's From a Compound Eye by Robert Pollard. I'm sure this will receive blank stares lol. He's not a mainstream name. His music is all over the place, but this one is my fav of his - a proggy but modern sounding record from 2006 with good dollops of punk, pop and psych in the mix. If you like the Who, King Crimson, or Beatles you might enjoy it.
  21. The only double lps I listen to with any regularity are Electric Ladyland and Trout Mask Replica. And of course PG. I think the White Album is hugely popular because it's just so damn fun (speaking to a lot of filler tracks here). Like putting on an old Little Richard album or something. Bulletproof? Nah. "Half killer, half filler" for sure. I have to be in the right mood for it, myself. But I get why it would be a favorite for a lot of people. I also think the argument could be made that part of its popularity is because of it's "eff it, it's just rock and roll" kitchen sink vibe. Whereas earlier Beatles' records are like well-curated masterpieces where you know they really thought over every little detail this one feels looser and in a sense more relatable. More human. Like - "this is us, warts and all". That's my take, anyway.
  22. After listening to more shows from this tour off/on over the past 4 months, gotta say the Glasgow shows are terrific! I like 1/27/73 Dundee as well - especially towards the end of the show with better sound quality and Plant being in great voice. His voice starts off rough at Dundee, but once he gets warmed up he sounds great! As with most 73/75 shows, I reckon. And agreed - if Manchester 12/7/72 ever surfaces, you just know it's gotta be a hot one. I have Cardiff on the listening list for today.
  23. Yeah, it is lol. They did a great job! Fun way to start the day.
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