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custard pie man

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Everything posted by custard pie man

  1. refuse to watch but agree with the hollywood idiots and most of country feels same that's why ratings are at all time lows for award shows, nobody gives a shit about what you think
  2. GenZ "only to put them in my mouth"
  3. clinking 3 beer bottles "warriors come out and play"
  4. yesterday my wife( who is recovering from kidney cancer, kidney and tumor removed march 14) and I got to go to a wedding tasting filling in for my daughter and future son in law who were traveling to texas for business, anyways suffice to say we tried everything from appetizers to some of the main dishes of beef, chicken fish and pasta not to mention an assortment of shot sized drinks! My wife would take small bite and drank a sip and I would gladly drink the rest, fantastic time, she wrote down all her notes with ratings to give to the kids, decisions decisions decisions 😄
  5. Bidens Iron Clad support of Israel lasted as long as the Eclipse last week, after knocking the drones out of the sky he said "call it a win, don't retaliate, we won't support you"
  6. fuck sakes, losing my virginity all those years ago lasted longer than this 😂
  7. as someone once used to sing "and it makes me wonder"
  8. the media fails to acknowledge the hostages and 3 americans, the left in the usa have gotten their hands around the Biden / Obama administration necks and they are choosing to throw Israel under the bus believing they at the election box will get more votes is the way I see this, they are forgetting and turning their back on the millions of jews who live in this country and where more than 65% vote democratic, its a shame politics dictate foreign policy but then again it was politics that made Biden/Obama take away the sanctions that Trump had in place, the oil export crippling Iran which led to peace in the region and the Abraham accord, previous administration took it good to Iran who is the sponsor of terror but once Biden/Obama got back in power and un did everything the previous administration had well we have a disaster on our hands, they and their policy enriched Iran and well what happens with a lack defense and foreign policy? utter chaos!
  9. Ted Lasso on apple tv is funny stuff and last night season 3 episode 9 when reporters were talking to assistant coach in briefing room after soccer match there was a vocal argument about who was best guitarist ever, coach screamed it was Joe Walsh and reporters yelled out Jimmy Page, coach went nuts and yelled Page is the most over rated guitarist ever then reporters shot back Page can do more on 1 string than Walsh could do with 6, funny show
  10. mets blow, living in ct. at least we have Uconn men and girls to look forward to, so far as mets go rely heavily on youtube and the great days of Seaver and company
  11. likw women, someone has to love the ugly ones
  12. my wonderful and beautiful wife of 37 years is now home after major surgery!❤️, two days after losing my youngest brother on january 27 we spent 6 hours at emergency room and after blood work, ct scans and MRI we found out on presidents day she had kidney cancer and would need to remove both kidney and tumor which we did last friday, she's very sore but doing remarkably well, results showed no spread of cancer in other organs and lymph nodes, big tumor but stage 1 and grade 2 for how fast it spread, this , like my brothers passing came out of no where, a real kick in the nuts, our 3rd child got engaged as we went into MRI and we have a christmas wedding planned for december 28 at a beautiful banquet, when told by urologist of the cancer and our only option rather than crying or feeling sorry, my wife simply told the doctor to remove asap because we have a wedding to plan, sometimes its easy to point fingers but were feeling very blessed
  13. and close the border, deport the illegals, be energy independent, get us out of and stop supporting wars that Biden has gotten us into, hopefully restore faith and support our police, give school choice to all americans and offer the hope of prosperity to all, arrest and prosecute criminals not victims, stop wasting taxpayers money so yes this scares the shit out of the lunatic left
  14. is there any red blooded american men out there that didn't want this beautiful woman?
  15. please californians rid your state of Adam Schiff and give Steve Garvey a chance to represent all people of this once great state, what do you have to lose?
  16. this is why I was surprised Peyton took this job, huge cap hits and traded away so many picks, but he does know how to turn a franchise around, only if another Drew Brees was around lurking somewhere 😃
  17. had a 98 lo rider for 20 years and would take my wife or one of my kids to ride back roads, get some ice cream etc... 3 hours tops then my ass would start hurting lol, Redrum is truly a monster of the 2 wheels 👍
  18. so this explains why there was a 30 car pile up 50 feet from this photo
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