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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. The scene in Spinal Tap where they are having the interview and Nigel sticks his gum on his finger. That makes me laugh just thinking about it.
  2. I liked When The Levee Breaks, I want to see Robert sing it but she did a great job. ^Yes I did see that, it was a touching way of putting it,
  3. I'm here to deliver a camp site. Seeing as a tent isn't good enough for Richard, and I don't like them because the bugs get inside. I picked this out. This is in the fireplace: And everyone can have some of these:
  4. I think I got this here. Who'd I get it from? And thanks for the picture, I haven seen it before.
  5. That's a great story. I wouldn't have been able to speak. Robert sounds so sweet, I want to meet him. :'( Thanks for sharing.
  6. I wish I could. I really wouldn't mind moving from the little hicktown that I live in. I don't know where exactly to though. Places I've thought about are NYC or the Haight. Possibly Wales if I could ever afford it.
  7. I hate skipping school because then you all that makeup work. Then again I hate going to school because of the people.
  8. Thank you. I don't usually complain about not feeling well, but I feel like crap so I've been complaing. We used to have a smilie that had an ice bag and a thermometer but he's gone.
  9. I will. I doubt I'm going to school tomorrow, so I will.
  10. Maybe we can have a little camp site set up for his return. A little fire with a tent.
  11. He's still there? Sounds fun, but I like s'mores more than I do just marshmallows.
  12. I hate school. It is murder having to go. Where is Rich?
  13. If you need someone to talk to just send me a pm or something and I will listen to you. Anyway, how is everything else?
  14. In Alice's Restaurant when Arlo gets arrested for littering.
  15. Are you okay? Is the stuff that may happen really bad? I listen to Raising sand before I go to sleep. It's very soothing.
  16. Ok- I must not have caught it all. My dad is watching it in the background and I got just those two things.
  17. This is hard. Robert put out a lot of good stuff. Mighty Rearranger, The Principle of Moments, Now and Zen are probably my favorites. Unless we're counting Raising Sand too then that ties with any of them.
  18. Did you just hear him call Led Zeppelin morons? Or Jonesy a young upstart?
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