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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. I've been here a while. I'm going to go.
  2. Do you know of any jobs, that make good money, in the music field?
  3. I don't know either, and I have to know for this paper. GR! Okay, bye!
  4. I'm good. Trying to decide what I want to be, any ideas? How are you?
  5. Every time I read a post I realize I forgot something.
  6. I'm not really an -ette of any. Just some pictures are so cute.
  7. Isn't it adorable? It's one of my favorites.
  8. See he's nothing but a big teddy bear.
  9. I wear some foundation because I don't like my skin right now. I wear mascara too because I have short stubby eyelashes. And lip gloss. I got some at Bath and Body Works that tastes like Cotton Candy!
  10. Thank you for the picture. I'm going to print and frame it. Read a few little things about him today that I thought were really sweet of him. A guy that traveled with him said he liked Bonzo's shirt. Bonzo took it off right there and gave it to him. I also read that he would cry on the road because he missed his family so much. I don't care how many horror stories people tell about him, I think at he had a big heart.
  11. My favorite is from Days Confused March 6, 1975. 26 minutes long, with a nice section of keys by JPJ. The keys are beautiful.
  12. So girls that wear a lot of make up don't cut it, girls that aren't "classicaly beautiful" don't cut it. What about girls who are happy with who they are, have self confidence and are natural? Is that an ugly thing too?
  13. I think she has the talent to be really good. I just don't think she has really focused it in the right way. I hope she can get straightened out and figure things out with her talent.
  14. Unfornuatly I missed any and all of these. That's why I started the thread.
  15. lzfan715


    Hello and welcome! Glad your here.
  16. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    Most people are like that. Except it's a Sav A Lot so I thought they were all about the customer.
  17. I ran a color auto fix. They're still a little radioactive but not as bad.
  18. Any festival counts. Sounds like those count.
  19. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    At a grocery store here the enter door is automatic and the exit is manual. SHould it be the toher way if they aren't going to do both? I mean the little old lady can't just push the cart through the door and use it to open the door all the way.
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