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Everything posted by redrum

  1. It's reassuring to know that Bin Laden is now crab shit on the bottom of the ocean.
  2. They should drop it from the Empire State Building.
  3. Bless the Brothers In Arms who did the deed. Now he can enjoy his 72 year old virgins.
  4. We watched John Cassavetes' 'Killing Of A Chinese Bookie' last night. Interesting but probably the best part of the film were the boobs.
  5. Castro and the other diehards cling to it and will most likely never learn. Idiots. I'm curious as to how the new 'Atlas Shrugged' will be. I watched the new version of 'Day The Earth Stood Still'.....Say Whaaaaat?????
  6. We watched 'The Way Back' last night. Don't you just love communism?
  7. Thank you. I do appreciate it. :^)

  8. Thank you. I do appreciate it. :^)

  9. After 6 months of cold, crappy weather I was finally able to ride my bicycle today.
  10. Obviously a porn parody? We watched 'The Purple Rose Of Cairo' last night and it was pretty good. I loved the old town that Mia Farrow was living in.
  11. I found 'Bloody Sam' at Goodwill a while back and now can't put it down. It's the life and times of Sam Peckinpah. He was quite an asshole to work for. Ballad Of Cable Hogue Stella Stevens can give me a bath any day.
  12. Watched 'MONGOL' last night. Meh....Too much computer but the locales (China, Kaza-chaka-khan-stan??) were beautiful.
  13. I'd like to see a game show with Clint Eastwood as MC sitting there with his .44 mag. saying: 'Go ahead, make me laugh!'
  14. I dropped everything to watch Kubrick's 'Killer's Kiss' again. Love them old noir pics.
  15. Last night we watched SNL with Elton John and the funniest part was when they said that Sting had killed a fire breathing dragon by 'jizzing it to death'..... I hadn't laughed that hard in a long time.
  16. We watched 'A Woman Under The Influence' last night with Peter Falk and Gena Rowlands. I think it was an excellent portrayal of what many people go through in real life and how mental illness (and blood ties) affects family and friends. The film was directed by John Cassavetes and I was astonished at the beautiful color since it was made in 1974 way before digital took over and how Hollywood now seems to avoid using true color anymore. Hollywood needs to get over itself and get back to basics. Another great film by Cassavetes is 'Gloria', also with Gena Rowlands in the title role.
  17. Russell Brand........One of the reasons Hollywood sucks these days.
  18. I found a copy in SF back in the 90's and I've read it about 4 times. He also talks about the war with Oakland.
  19. Some of my personal faves of new & recent films: Gran Torino The King's Speech The Apostle Guitarra (History Of The Guitar In Spain w/Julian Bream) Song Of The Guitar (Segovia) John Williams (guitarist) In Spain The Pianist
  20. Another one you can check out you can find on the internet. He was secretary of the SF Angels and he tells it like it was, unlike the phony Hunter Thompson.
  21. Anjin-san just sent me Sonny Barger's 'Hells Angels'
  22. Just watched 'The Social Network'. There's nothing more boring than watching a bunch of backstabbing Harvard dorks become millionaires.
  23. Tried to watch 'SNATCH' the other night. After 15 minutes I snatched it out of the player and almost tossed it into the garbage. We then put in 'Broadway Danny Rose' Much better.
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