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Everything posted by redrum

  1. redrum

    Found Money

    And don't forget all the money thrown into fountains.
  2. redrum

    Found Money

    One time I was at a motorcycle swap meet and I looked down and saw a 20 dollar bill all folded up. I reached down and picked it up and when I'd walked a ways I unfolded it and it was one of those 'Have You Found Jesus?' messages. They were probably watching me too.
  3. redrum

    Found Money

    I'm figuring most of us have found some money at one time or another. I'll tell some of my finds. When I was a little kid (about 6 or 7) I was outside our house one day and I found a 20 dollar bill. I was so excited that I started yelling: I FOUND TWENTY DOLLARS!! I FOUND TWENTY DOLLARS!! I ran upstairs and showed my Mother and she was already thinking of keeping most of it but I remember she took me downtown to buy me a huge metal bomber airplane at Penneys. Another time I was about 10 and i found 10 bucks on the corner of 18th and Castro Sts. in San Francisco. I couldn't believe it and ran to the five and dime to get myself a Duncan Superem yo-yo and then across the stree to get an extra large softy cone at the ice cream shop. Just up the street from there they used to have the old paper racks with metal tubes that you'd drop coins in for the newspaper. well, one of them was abandoned and the lock had been removed. I walked by it one day and stuck my finger up the tube and lo and behold about $1.50 came sliding out right into my hand. I immmediately ran to the five and dime again and got another yo-yo. Over the years I've found a bity of money here and there but the strangest one was i had to take a bus to a medical clinic and there was no one on it but me. Bored I leaned forward to rest my arms on the back of the seat in front of me and when I looked down there were 2 one dollar bills laying on the seat. Got myself some coffee with that one. Found any money?
  4. Usually around this time (noon on the west coast) I'm watching COPS! On Sunday nights at 1 AM they show 'The Shield'.
  5. Reading 3 books: On Whale Island The Last 7 Months Of Anne Frank Walking The Gobi About to start 'JARHEAD'
  6. Coming to the Redrum Classic Film Theater: The Picture Of Dorian Gray (1945) Sahara (1943) Pride Of The Marines (1945) Films start at 7 PM Admission $5 Cheap Popcorn
  7. I hear you man. Most of the Hollywood crap is just that. If I was rich I'd open my own theater and show nothing but classics. 'Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up now!'
  8. They may still live there.
  9. I used to think Godzilla was real.
  10. I used to have a neighbor with screaming orgasms. Love thy neighbor!
  11. I want to make some pork or chicken adobo. Champagne Dessert 6 bananas lb frozen strawberries (thaw 'em out) 8 oz. canned pineapple (drained) 8 oz. Philly cream cheese (I use low fat) 1 tub cool whip (low fat) Dice up all the fruit and mix all ingredients in a bowl. Pour into 9x12 pan and freeze. Thaw serving for 30 minutes before eating. Yummy!
  12. Right now I'm watching 'Sink The Bismarck' (well, it's on pause)
  13. My sneaky cats had gotten a roll of toilet paper down and totally shredded it UNDER MY BED!!!
  14. That's why Stewie flew to Hollywood to punch him out.
  15. Recently saw the old classic 'DEAD END' with Bogart & The East Side Kids. The scene with Bogey's Mother was great as she told him: 'Get outta here, before I crack your face again' Towards the end the cops pumped 15 rounds into Bogey (Baby Face Martin).
  16. Actually, a couple things the past few days. I was watching Family Guy when Peter decided to make the 'NAAFP' (National Association For The Advancement Of Fat People) and he had all the fat guys in one room. Then they were all trying to open the plastic snack bags (the noise, the horror) and Peter tells them to save it for later and then they all began to fart and moan and groan. I was laughing my ass off. Then my one cat was sleeping on a chair next to me and she must have had a nightmare as she jumped about 2 feet in the air, ricocheted off my arm and shot into the kitchen. It all happened in a split second and just cracked me up. It took me 5 minutes to get her to come out of the kitchen.
  17. Most people think mine is from 'The Shining'. But I also used to play drums and have red hair. I sold the drums a few years back and am now trying to learn classical guitar.
  18. I tried to watch an English film called 'Charlie' that's about a Brit gangster, but I just couldn't take them seriously as thugs because of the accents. I guess I always look at the English as gentlemen.
  19. I saw one by my old place that said 'House/Condo For Rent' and someone changed it to: MOUSE/CONDOM FOR RENT
  20. 'Chennault And The Flying Tigers' He's a distant cousin of mine.
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