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Posts posted by SteveAJones

  1. 1 minute ago, paul carruthers said:

    If I actually cared anymore, I would start a pool on how many of these charges Trump will skate on? I would say all of them, but maybe one good thing will come from this fiasco--the Orange Terror won't be able to pull a Grover Cleveland...  :rolleyes:

    When do hearings start on where the $130 BILLION sent to Ukraine went? Or that Mayorkas refuses to say there is a crisis at the border but cannot provide a single fact or figure one way or the other? Trump is little more than bread and circuses for the masses as the lazy tyrants in our feral government run this country into the ground.

  2. 11 hours ago, custard pie man said:

    Shelia reminds me of that girl who after going down on the 80 year old man on the tour bus realized to late that it wasn't Willie Nelson but rather the bus driver🤣

    The way I tell it is, "What's worse for a woman than blowing Willie Nelson on a tour bus"? Being informed, "Honey, he ain't Willie Nelson".  

    6 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

    So they indicted trump today. I can't wait for the plethora of lefties to start screaming "they've got him now" to begin.

    ...and just like that two things America is not going to discuss is the concerted effort by rainbow degenerates to target children and Congress voting against a bill that would have established Inspector General oversight of the $130 BILLION being sent to Ukraine. Nope. It's gonna be all Trump, all the time. People are so easily manipulated.

  3. 14 hours ago, custard pie man said:

    something not adding up here, you claim to have tapes or reels yet no one has looked at them and  band has been working on  Becoming Led Zeppelin and Page has mentioned with the director that they unearthed some rare audio/video of a very early interview Bonzo gave yet  Jason doesn't mention  these findings  to Page? Bizarre, makes me think there is nothing

    There's quite a bit of hand-held "home movie" footage recorded by Bonzo during early '70s Led Zeppelin tours which has never been released publicly. Personally, I'm hoping they have found something like that or informal jamming at Old Hyde Farm as opposed to just more variations of album mixes.

  4. 16 hours ago, Bong-Man said:

    Gosh it must be tough for you to negotiate the subtleties of the modern world using your 1958 black & white invisible man tool box, 'so allow me to educate you'.

    How common is intersex? | Intersex Society of North America (isna.org)

    Total number of people whose bodies differ from standard male or female one in 100 births
    Total number of people receiving surgery to “normalize” genital appearance one or two in 1,000 births

    Those statistics are only for physical standards.  If someone is born physically abnormal, it's not too far of a genius stretch to suggest someone could be born mentally between the sexes.  The truth is that human sexuality is a wide spectrum. 

    I know two couples who have given birth to children with some type of mixed genitalia.  Decisions were made and surgeries were performed.  One of those was such a coin-flip,  a name wasn't even assigned to the child until a parental decision towards surgery was made. Those decisions were made without any knowledge of how the child mentally identifies it's own sexuality.  Both of those couples kept their decisions quiet except for relatives and close friends.  Why?  Because the stigma attached to such conditions because of simple-minded people like you make it necessary.    

    Let me educate YOU. Biological sex is determined by the sex chromosomes -- the XX combination produces a female and the XY a male -- not genitalia. People likely are born or become mentally between the sexes as you put it. In more honest times, this condition was known as gender dysphoria, a mental illness. More recently, it and other psycho-sexual deviancy is to be celebrated and encouraged. 

  5. 55 minutes ago, slave to zep said:

    SAJ for President 

    Wow! Now that's winning hearts and minds, or at least changing minds.

    Here's a REAL example of "Don't Say Gay".

    Instead, CNN infers the shooter was a religious nut and reporting like this is why CNN is an enemy of the American people.

    It's just astonishing how sexual orientation is championed as THE defining characteristic of a person...until they go on a shooting rampage.


    Dont Say Gay.jpg

  6. There's no such thing as a transgender person  There are biological males who think they are females and vice versa. In more honest times, cognitive dissonance with regard to one's sex was called gender disphoria. The key to resolving the mental illness epidemic in this country is accept what mental illness is.

  7. 6 hours ago, paul carruthers said:


    All Trump aspects of this discussion aside for a moment, I've got to comment on Jon Stewart. What an intellectual lightweight not only as a political commentator but in general. Stewart once said, "My college career was waking up late, memorizing someone else's notes, doing bong hits and going to soccer practice". Now THAT I can believe. Stewart is a partisan hack and he's always been a partisan hack. I'm convinced he and Seth Meyers -- the unfunniest, most uninteresting person in media -- only exist today because of their lifelong party loyalty. 

  8. Spent a portion of the day calling in sick to places where I don't work. To achieve the best results, use a common first or last name (if they even ask for a name), explain you just started within the last few weeks, offer your absurd excuse, then just argue the point after they take their valuable time to explain why it'll be an unexcused absence or whatever. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Plant77 said:

    I’m not embarrassed at all. I know that you are for sure. Spouting your rude stupid thoughts on Covid and or any other topic. Mr. I give everyone Hummers. You are a child, a brainless child. I do know that you wouldn’t ever get tough with anyone, you wouldn’t challenge anyone. It’s easy to talk your stupid thoughts on this Forum and or Thread or other threads. But aside from a  few people, we all know you are just the scumbag who says some provocative stuff. You don’t even know what it means. I’ll gladly pay for your plane ticket to my area, meat you for a beer, and then let you know what an absolute cry 😢 baby you are. Literally, I’ll pay for your plane ticket, come and see me, talk your talk, and see how that ends up. I promise I’ll be really nice to you Sir. Pay for you to fly to the Bay Area, and then fly home. I would love to meet you and see your attitude change. But absolutely I will promise you that I will pay for you to come visit and have a good time with me, and then pay for your ride home. I think we can become friends after this. If you don’t I appreciate that and apologize. But 100% I’ll pay for you to come out to Santa Cruz, and then I’ll pay for you to fly to whatever fly over state you live in. I really mean that in the kindest way possible. After this post, I will forever forward be a nice gentlemen to you. 

    Mr. I have given everyone hummers, please forgive me for my ignorance, actions, and posts. I apologize. But also please reach out to me as I would love to have you as a guest. If not, I’m sorry for embarrassing you and showing you everyone what a simple child you are. Again, I could be wrong? If I am, I’ll be the first to tell you in person that I am sorry Hummer. 

    A male with a ponytail living in the Bay Area is offering to pay the airfare for another gentleman he has never met but affectionately refers to as Hummer. Once he arrives, he will MEAT him for a beer.


  10. 6 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

    one would assume that all his belongings would have been catalogued and/or viewed or listened too? It's taken all this time (and with the decomposing of such rare and interesting material) to find the stuff and do something about it?  

    My initial thought was they could be Deborah Bonham demos or Monty Python episodes for all we know, because by all accounts this material has not been properly catalogued or viewed/played back. I do find it completely plausible it's a new discovery, whatever it is, because Old Hyde Farm is quite a large property and as far as we know a professional archivist has never documented all of the belongings. I find boxes of recordings I had long since forgotten about all the time and many people can relate to having similar experiences.

  11. 1 hour ago, hummingbird69 said:

    These woke dopes should be fired immediately!  Along with milley and austin.  I can hear it now,  "Charge!!"   "oh and make sure you use the correct pronouns before you kill them."

    All are the inevitable byproducts of 50 years of failed progressive policies masquerading as "civil rights", "equal opportunity" and more recently "diversity, equity and inclusion". Never underestimate New America's capacity to allow wholly incompetent people to fail upwards not only in politics but in every sector.

    Seriously, the moon landing mission photos should be prominently displayed in every public space as a tangible reminder of how far we have fallen since then. 50 years ago we could put people on the moon and return them safely to Earth. Nowadays, I can't find someone qualified to repair a pocket door or configure a laptop. These Gen Z college grads can't find their own ass with both hands but are convinced they deserve $15.00 an hour if not a guaranteed universal basic income and reparations. 

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