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Posts posted by SteveAJones

  1. On 1/3/2023 at 3:40 AM, custard pie man said:

    forgot who the guy was a manager who actually said the worst guy to watch over was Paul Rodgers, believe he mentioned for a smaller man he  got into a lot of scrapes at bars constantly mouthing off, wish I could find that video

    Perhaps in his younger days? While in The Firm, generally speaking, he was early to bed and early to rise.

  2. On 1/4/2023 at 10:33 AM, Bong-Man said:

    My gosh the whole Trump era made me forget how entertaining 'the republican clown car' could be.  This is precious to watch.   Maybe Marjorie and Loren can throw it down right in the aisle.  Hide the ashtrays and whiskey bottles, because it's a matter of time until somebody throws something.  Round 6 coming up!     

    It has shown us there are only 20 Republicans in Congress who aren't RINOs and Establishment shills. Frankly, that's 20 more than I had thought after the mid-terms. 

  3. 21 hours ago, slave to zep said:

    I have a confession. 

    I had no idea what Plant was singing in that middle part of Black Dog,  so I googled. 

    This was the most common.

    Hey baby, oh, baby, pretty baby
    Tell me would you do me now
    Hey baby, oh, baby, pretty baby
    Move me while you do me now

    Do you agree?

    I'm not so sure....

    Those lyrics seem far too beta male. No alpha ever asks a woman if she'll do him.

  4. 13 hours ago, Bong-Man said:

    I remember him, but the game was blacked out locally.  I believe the blackouts used to be 90 miles.  At that time, it didn't matter if the game was sold out or not.  You were blacked out from home games.  I was only 11 at the time, but I do remember people driving to Ohio just to watch the games when they were offered.  I agree with his wife.  The Lions should have retired his number.     

    Did she really suggest that? I can't agree with it, but I've always found retiring numbers for anyone in a team sport to be a bit silly anyway. An empty locker for the remainder of the season and an on field memorial service no problem. 

  5. On 12/7/2022 at 4:59 PM, luvlz2 said:

    Can you recognize which two Firm songs Tony Franklin plays in this video? I got one out of two.

    0:00-0:03 Closer (The Firm)

    0:04-0:10 Radioactive (The Firm)

    0:13-0:21 ? (not The Firm)

    0:23-0:27 ? (not The Firm)

    0:31-0:37 Hey Baby (Ted Nugent)

    0:38-0:52 Elizabeth (Harper/Page)

    0:57-1:03 Still of the Night (Whitesnake)


  6. 4 hours ago, z1inspector said:

    Well Steve .... one sad day a long time  from now hopefully , his posthumous wishes will be released .

    We shall resume this conversation at that  time.


    i read whats “said” about its origins & im  👉🏼thinking when👈🏼

    (stay with me Steve , im aware this is a dead issue with you)

    Pagey FIRST heard claptons Layla

    👉🏼 is erics real name Deric ?  If no then why not use his own name(this is just trivial as wouldnt  be long who derric really was.

    👉🏼HOWEVER  any less of a hit song  &  many people would have been put off the trail with just that different name & never questioned further.

    He  LIKELY  recognized  his own signature style in it   Or even  its HIS RIFF! realizing he had been had &

    👉🏼let it go for now. As Zep was on Top of the world at the time

    👉🏼, who knows how much later he first heard it , why make a fuss sO late!

    if someone was to take a pole NOW putting all known facts aside due to their being a controversy and were asked to NAME who could be a candidate for the true composer of the riff ?

    i know even if “everyones” first pick were  👉🏼 Jimmy Page  👈🏼

    doent mean its true,!


    Perhaps  im just  trying like hell to defend my immediate  feelings  as when  i was just in highschool learning of hard Rock & gutiar players & power riffs  &  i think most all of us may have noticed

    👉🏼(perhaps you may have as well Steve)

    👉🏼that mainly  one Man was firing  off sO many  different  FIRE ONE  BLASTS  mostly   was Jimmy with his band (even JPJ created some of Zeps most amazing riffs  but u could still tell wich ones were generated by who) 

    👉🏼 Laylas riff  just sounds like its  comming  from where Jimmy shoots from!  do u agree somwhat at least?


    then when u learn

    👉🏼clapton was around  Pagey prior to layla

    👉🏼& eventually  pops up as far away as possible puts out an album with a different Name

    refering to him  & the dominos 

    👉🏼they make a point of its not even erics creation  its the another amazing  guitar player they must have thought they needed as if  ERIC CLAPTON wouldnt be  enuf for any band

    (possibly guilt or saving face later)

    👉🏼since Jimmy spoke of a controversial issue of substantial  weight !

    that he WILL only state

    👉🏼 posthumously 👈🏼.😳!

    👉🏼(Which would surly scare the HELL out of eric if he did lift the riff wouldnt you say?)

    So as time went on i read 

    👉🏼“more than one time” clapton saying   Very odd  things  about layla like

    👉🏼“it doesnt feel like its his music”  when he hears it “ or something to that  effect !

    As eric gets older he even

     👉🏼almost   appoligeticly says he realizes now  that he wrote some song  on Oceans that has the same notes or ?  Song structure ? or ?

    as Stairway !

    so its not so  outrageous! 

    Music has been inspired , stolen ,lifted 

    more Xs than ...what was it for awhile 🤔

    “Than a toyota corolla”!  

    We resume  this convo one day  many many moons from now

    👉🏼 if u rather👈🏼 as disscussed earlier in the mesg.

    There's a lot to unpack here. Suffice to say I wouldn't really be interested in a poll that sets aside all known facts, because the outcome would be entirely subjective as opposed to objective.

    Clapton chose "Derek and the Dominos: because he did not want his name and fame to get in the way of maintaining a "band" image. It's as simple as that.

  7. On 12/27/2022 at 6:35 AM, z1inspector said:

    Forgot to say ,

    It DOES NOT SOUND like the ALBERT KING song sped up , i dont think they got the riff from that!!

    OF COURSE RIFFS can be derived out of other songs  that sound nothing alike  i suppose or anything really

    I believe Berry Gib once said they came up with Bee Gees song “tragedy” (? ) from the way the street or bridge sounded under their car wheels !

    Gene Simmons one said “I love it loud” was derived from i forgot which “WHO” song , but i couldnt see how,

    so anythings possible!

    HEY its just SOMETHING i alway felt everytime i heard Layla !

    i was like THAT SOUNDS LIKE SOMETHING JIMMY PAGE would come up with....

    he was the only one playing

    FIRE ONE BLAST OFF RIFFS like that!!

    tell me it doesn't sound like a jimmy riff & id have to wonder about you !  

    The origin, writing and recording of Layla is well established and doesn't involve Jimmy Page.

    Layla - Wikipedia

  8. 20 hours ago, z1inspector said:

    Not sayin their wasnt a difference in his playing , but was he sucha MESS in that solo that the other 2 thought


    “We must GET OUT THERE & SAVE him !!!”

    “WE must do SOMTHING”

    it wasnt the FIRST arms STH i dont believe was it? I mean he wasnt MILES away from the ones he played on the other ARMS showes that

    THEY felt they had to interfere ? 

    I AM  HONISTLY asking did at that particular date 

    DID Jimmy Page need to be SAVED? as sO many ive heard say over & over?

    i  humbly thank you in advance for your insight &/or view !


    To my ears, none of the Stairway to Heaven solos from the UK & US ARMS tours sound as if Page needed to be rescued onstage. If I recall correctly, he was particularly nervous about the first show in NYC and the others made sure to support him onstage. 

  9. 21 hours ago, z1inspector said:

    Steve could u explain what this Trinfold deal means &/or  why Planty should embrace  Zep fast?

    these are why Plant started playing Zep samples or whatever again?

    i really need to understand, PLEASE

    When Robert signed that management deal with Trinifold, Bill Curbishley became his manager. It was Curbishley who convinced Robert that if he wanted to maintain a viable solo career, Robert must begin to perform Led Zeppelin material on tour. Some Led Zeppelin samples were also included on the next album. Robert's previous album, Shaken 'n' Stirred, had been a commercial failure that ultimately led to the dismissal of all of his bandmates in October 1986.

  10. On 12/26/2022 at 5:03 AM, Zep Hed said:

    Is this photo from MSG? The mystery for me is the mustachioed guy on the right. Isn't that the guy from TSRTS film where Peter rants about pirate posters? The guy says "that makes me responsible for anyone who jumps on stage." But that scene was in Baltimore. And Peter's wearing a different shirt here than in Baltimore. So if this guy was in both places, who is he? I thought the Baltimore guys were associated with that show only.


    According to Eddie Kramer, this photo was taken at Madison Square Garden. I believe the gentleman wearing the headband could be John "Magnet" Ward, a longtime member of the Led Zeppelin entourage. On tour he would be called upon to do things like drive one of the vehicles. The person with the satchel is possibly the same person wearing the stylized Coca Cola (Cocaine) logo shirt in the Baltimore footage. Finally, the man in question, perhaps still unidentified as far as I know, also seems to have been a member of the touring staff -- possibly employed by the promoter. 

    Eddie Kramer.png

    Pirated Photos.jpg

    Dennis Ferguson.jpg

  11. On 12/21/2022 at 1:41 PM, gibsonfan159 said:

    Here's a question; What happened to all the props used in the film? Did any of them turn up at auctions or in personal collections? I'd like to get my hands on the gameboard the villains were using.

    I know for certain Jimmy still has the mold for the life mask used in his fantasy sequence, and if I recall correctly didn't Robert wield his sword once again when he met with AC/DC's Brian Johnson in recent years? Beyond that I can't recall anything else having been kept by anyone all these years.

  12. On 12/16/2022 at 6:35 PM, Strider said:

    Just spent my lunch hour having to listen to some guy play the Billy Idol Christmas album. It is awful dreck.

    It made me thankful that Led Zeppelin never bothered to do a Christmas album. Although one is curious as to what that would have sounded like? It would have given John Paul Jones a chance to break out the church organ and be a choirmaster like he wanted to after the 1973 tour.

    Billy Idol anything -- no, thanks. 

    I loathe Christmas songs, regardless of performer. "Have a holly, jolly Christmas..." Oh, get bent. 

  13. 8 hours ago, Bong-Man said:

    Ah dealing with my long-time married friends during the Holidays is always a trip.  I even came up with an expression for them...."My time, my place, my toys, and I'll invite you and dismiss you according to my wife's schedule."  Nice try.  Playing 'show & tell' with you in my 60's is no longer an option.  

    It is something how life long friends, once they marry, become peopke you just want to avoid the rest of your life. Perhaps if their wives weren't such insufferable energy vampires it wouldn't be so bad but they are so it is. 

  14. 21 hours ago, rm2551 said:

    Land rights for gay whales!

    It perfectly points out the absurd by being absurd. As a bonus, we can imagine the guy whales activists clashing with the Indians (there are no such thing as Native Americans or indigenous people in the United States). All while the Chinese buy up American homes and businesses for pennies on the dollar.

  15. 1 hour ago, Strider said:

    Big white guy walks into my work today wearing a grey sweatshirt that says "Black Trans Lives Matter". C'mon, dude...give me a break. You're neither black nor a trans, so who are you posing for? Besides, if black lives matter, wouldn't black trans lives fall under the same category? Or are you trying to say that black trans lives matter more than black heterosexual lives? I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at him and say "Who the fuck cares?"

    For him it's self-rightious virtue signalling. For blacks and black trans it's about who claims higher status in the Hierarchy of Victimhood. 

  16. 25 minutes ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    It is surprising how willing ordinary Ukrainians are to be cannon fodder for a US proxy war.  I get being anti-Russian but how can they possibly want to sacrifice for US geopolitical interests?  But then again Zelensky is essentially a dictator at this stage so it's not like there's any feasible means of opposition in the Ukraine.  Of course it's also surprising how eager Poles and the Baltics are for this war go global (they'll be destroyed just like in WW2, Poland in particular should understand the worthlessness of Anglo-American security guarantees), it's a good indication of how effective propaganda can be.  

    Yep, Poland is counting upon Article 5 as a NATO member nation to save them if it ever becomes necessary. Good luck with that!     

  17. 1 hour ago, rm2551 said:

    I'll disagree with you there. I reckon it's a good example. In that I'd like to think we would be able to produce something of a fighting force if we were invaded. It is highly unlikely now, but it is a fucked up world and who knows down the road. Resource wars, mass population displacements that are coming...

    Of course, I'd like to think... is laughably optimistic. We'd almost certainly be fucked at least for a good while. But it's good to see Ukraine do it. Good on them.

    Like Japan, Australia's citizens are surrounded by water and completely disarmed. Most of the terrain is uninhabitable. Frankly, for the Chinese an invasion would be like shooting fish in a barrel. Some say the ANZUS treaty, signed in the 1940s between Australia, New Zealand and the US, would save the day. I say that treaty was written long before China became a nuclear power and, as a by the way, Biden among many other American politicians is already bought off, paid for and owned by the Chinese.

  18. 19 hours ago, rm2551 said:

    I am hopeful Ukraine will become an independent democracy that lives up to it's status as a BOSS for how it stood up when invaded. 

    Ukraine's resistance is over-blown in my opinion. This war would be over were it not for the US fighting a proxy-war against Russia in that region, to the tune of what is it now...$50 BILLION? I'm not rooting for Russia but I'm not rooting for the globalist slush fund that is known as Ukraine either.

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