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Posts posted by SteveAJones

  1. 14 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

    Another day, another Prime Minister. Welcome Rishi. Happy Diwali, soon to take over Christmas as our religious Holiday(s)

    The UK is circling the drain like I never would have imagined 40 years ago.   

  2. On 10/20/2022 at 7:55 AM, hummingbird69 said:

    I don't know why it stumbled I like Little games and have listened to it many many times including the outtakes. It's eclectic but otherwise it's still interesting. Take a while, Think About It, Take a while Think aboouuuut it!

    Agreed. In my opinion, it's an underrated album that showed The Yardbirds were still capable of writing great material. 

  3. On 10/19/2022 at 6:12 PM, hummingbird69 said:

    He's a "eh hem" comedian on SNL. He's not funny but his new claim to fame is that he was banging kim for a few months while she was mad at kanye.  

    Who hasn't banged her fat ass for a few months? I have always found her to be completely unattractive in every way.


  4. On 10/6/2020 at 11:54 PM, LurksReturnington said:

    Good news! I've discovered (on youtube, already) the (a) Mexican version of Over under sideways down. Avoisive of prepositions, this track entitled 'Tarzan is the man'.

    Wow! This would sound right at home in the middle of a Tarantino film.

  5. 16 hours ago, Steve Brosemer said:

    I was there in Wichita. I had also seen them the year before with Beck lead and Page on bass.  The drummer did pass out during the second number.  A local drummer replaced him.  Jimmy stood beside him and pointed with his guitar at what to play on the drums.  I thought the drummer was from the local group, California Connection, but that's only a vague memory now. This show was seminal moment for me, meaning that I was musically never the same.

    California Connection? Interesting. I shall have to look into this further.

  6. 41 minutes ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    Absolute shit series.  Ill pick San Diego right now. The AL winner should be happy. They have dodged the best two teams in baseball.  This 3 out of 5 is horse shit when you play 162 games to play what, to win 3 to eliminate a team as good as Atlanta or Dodgers?  Had these been best of 7 they may have been a different outcome.  Time for them to wake up.  Change it to best of 7 or shorten the season by 20 games or so.

    I find modern day MLB unwatchable. With all of the on-field jewelry, strutting and bat flipping it looks more like a South American softball league with each passing season. The playoff format is complete horseshit, and has led once again to mediocre teams advancing. Unwatchable.  

  7. On 10/11/2022 at 3:38 PM, Plant77 said:

    Just a question, why did over 60 court cases, the Supreme Court which is heavily conservative, the AG who was hand picked, all of the heads of all of the conservative security apparatus in our country say that it was the safest election we had ever had in our history. I’m not asking this to be a Jack ass or to insist on an argument. But if the Conservative administration, with all of his hand picked judges, all of his court appointments, and beyond that, the actual Supreme Court of the United States said that it was absolutely safe and that every bullshit case brought before them never once was proven to be unsecured. The other question I have, is in every case that was brought before any court, they never once said that there was fraud. So meaning that TFG and his lawyers never at anytime in any case said that there was fraud of any sort. I understand the article put forth I’m not so sure about the actual validity of it. I guess I would ask, has this been verified by a non partisan group. If it hasn’t, and it isn’t part of anything other than a blog or something off of Breitbart/Brightshit or something else I have a hard time with it.

    I am truly not trying to be argumentative, I just would like an honest answer from someone that may know more that myself, and may know more than any lawyer has ever admitted to in court on behalf of TFPOS! 

    SCOTUS Justices Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett folded like cheap tents. Perhaps they were threatened? 


    1. The 2020 presidential election was stolen.
    2. It was stolen in broad daylight in the sense that the theft was obvious to everyone seeing the evidence, paying close attention, and willing to reach reasonable conclusions despite the prevailing and pervasive leftist narrative.
    3. The thieves have bragged about their heist openly.
    4. The unwillingness of the supposed victor and of those who believe Biden was the victor to investigate claims of fraud with audits and hand recounts is telling. If Joe Biden won legitimately, wouldn’t he and his advocates want to resolve lingering doubts?
    5. The mainstream media have denied that evidence for the theft exists and have ridiculed those who have sought to point it out.
    6. The courts and the judges that preside over them (remember, these judges and justices have a professional and constitutional duty to uphold the rule of law) have, generally speaking, turned blind eyes to the evidence, refusing to even consider it. They have dismissed case after case on procedural grounds.
    7. State legislators in swing states also ignored the evidence.
    8. Congress ignored it as well. Representatives and Senators moved with abandon to certify an election that at least should have been thoroughly investigated. Doesn’t accuracy and truth matter anymore?
    9. Thus, the media, the courts, state legislators, and Congress are complicit in the fraud.

    The following are some of the tactics that were used to steal the election:

    • “secret consent decrees” in Georgia,
    • the abuse associated with mail-in ballots,
    • Dominion voting machine software with the ability to flip votes between candidates,
    • manufactured fake ballots numbering in the tens of thousands,
    • voting by illegal aliens,
    • drop boxes that were set up and operated illegally,
    • the rejection of Republican observers during vote counting procedures, and
    • transportation of ballots across state lines, obviously to achieve Democrat victories in key states.
  8. 3 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    That's right.  But there's more too than that:

    Perfect. I'm not concerned about the outcome though. Some Affirmative Action hire with NYC Emergency Management told me with a smile exactly what to do and then assured me, "You've got this!" It seems almost rude to ask how in the hell do people follow media updates when there is no power grid and no cell towers remaining in the area and which officials? Would that be the non-binary community organizer with a degree in micro-aggressions?  


  9. 36 minutes ago, JohnOsbourne said:


    Ever notice how any expression whatsoever of nationalism for the United States is essentially labeled as a hate crime by the Left, but Ukrainian nationalism is their new religion?

  10. Project Baltimore has found hundreds of students are failing. It’s a school where a student who passed three classes in four years, ranks near the top half of his class with a 0.13 grade point average.

    In his four years at Augusta Fells, France’s son earned a GPA of 0.13. He only passed three classes, but his transcripts show his class rank is 62 out of 120. This means, nearly half his classmates, 58 of them, have a 0.13 grade point average or lower.

    ...these are the students who will graduate and expect equity...

  11. 21 hours ago, redrum said:

    Righteous because it will be because Joe & Friends will instigate it. 

    Oh, I see. It's interesting that they aren't being called out for prolonging the war by aiding and abetting the Ukrainians with weapons.

    Frankly, I'm surprised Vlad hasn't already said, "Enough!" and turned the Ukraine into a patch of scorched Earth.

  12. Start spreading the news

    I'm leaving today

    Don't want to be a part of it

    New Yuck, New Yuck 

    I don't want to wake up

    In the city that gives you creeps

    To find crime scenes out my 'sill,

    Shots while I sleep

    These bothersome dues

    I can no longer pay

    It takes four grand to rent

    In this New Yuck

    I just can't take it here

    So I'll take it anywhere

    I'm through with this zoo

    Newwwww Yuckkkkkk!

  13. On 10/7/2022 at 2:18 AM, hummingbird69 said:

    All those links lead to stories about trump starting WWIII and those were just the first few results. They spent months talking about how trump was gonna do this and that and this and that and what's happened ????? 

    Trump -- the only US President NOT to initiate large scale overseas contingency operations since who, Carter?

    On 10/7/2022 at 8:03 AM, redrum said:


    Because it will be a righteous nucular war. 

    Righteous is not how I would describe a nuclear exchange over Ukraine, which is not so much a country as it is a globalist slush fund. Ridicululous would be my description.

    8 hours ago, Strider said:

    I always thought NFT stood for 'nice fucking tits' but what do I know. Just more proof that, like The Beach Boys song goes, I just wasn't made for these times.

    Oh, I got this. Let me bring up to date on contemporary American pop culture.


  14. 6 hours ago, Xolo1974 said:

    Good day to you all. 

    There is a show from 1988 that was an FM recording - can't remember where from - but if anyone has the boot, would sure appreciate a link. Also, if anyone has the Millard recording from that tour, again I would love to hear it. 



    The Millard Record was released as a vinyl bootleg titled The Return of the Led Gremlin. I'm sure there have been several bootleg cd releases since then.

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