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Posts posted by SteveAJones

  1. 7 hours ago, Strider said:

    Shows you how times change. Imagine if the guys had arranged a John Bonham Tribute Concert back then a la the Taylor Hawkins Tribute Concerts? With a young Jason Bonham doing a turn on the drums for a song or two.

    Might have been a way for the band and fans to get some measure of closure on the loss of John Bonham. 

    Now this is an interesting topic of conversation. Personally, I'm relieved Led Zeppelin never did a "performance" tribute, at least at the time. Cover bands, tribute albums, tribute shows, tribute tours that are announced as a limited series still going strong for longer than Led Zeppelin existed all have their place in the marketplace, at least nowadays, but in 1980 it would have been hokey as hell. "Closure", like tribute concerts, is just more pseudo-psychological nonsense and the byproduct of an increasingly feminized society.    

  2. 9 hours ago, Bozoso73 said:

    Of course I know the dates Strider and no Cozy couldn't fill his tea cup. My point was was this all a rumor or were rehearsals taking place.  No doubt that after 12/4 that that was that.  I just wonder, and look for opinions and reflection, if there were tryouts and if not who would start such rumors. . I think it's a pretty serious thing with this band if they were looking to fill Bonzo's shoes. . 


    Barlow and Powell were both involved with Robert's first solo album, and it seems that has since become conflated with replacing Bonham which is simply absurd. How anyone with knowledge or understanding of the impact of Bonham's passing on his bandmates could ever suggest such nonsense as replacement tryouts in Oct/Nov 1980 is beyond me.     

  3. On 5/10/2022 at 6:18 PM, HollywoodBowl1998 said:

    How much of these two books have been discredited? like some or most of the books?  Any notable things you remember that are straight up wrong?  Overall, that's too bad, they were such good reads.

    Both books are well written but sensationalized accounts. Author Stephen Davis exploited tour manager Richard Cole for the bulk of the meaningful content in Hammer of the Gods, paying him the paltry sum of $1,500 (as I recall) to be interviewed. About seven years late Cole wrote his own book, Stairway to Heaven which is a much more balanced account. Both books contain inaccuracies, but none of great significance come to mind. The same cannot be said for the follow up book Davis wrote just a few years ago. In that book, he claims Led Zeppelin performed in Austin, TX in 1975 without offering any substantiation whatsoever. Led Zeppelin in Austin, TX and (Benton Harbor, TN) 1975 have been rumored for decades, but within the last 15 years or so were both debunked beyond any reasonable doubt.       

  4. 2 hours ago, Plant77 said:

    I’m sorry Steve. I did not read this post upon having posted a few other things. You are correct, this is a well regulated forum. Beyond that, you are absolutely someone that I personally appreciate and have had lots of fun and admiration reading your thoughts and responses on this site. Absolutely I am all for Mr. Steven A Jones. Your knowledge, information, and just your overall insight into this band and others is incredible. I’ve learned a lot from you. Again, I’m all good if you don’t care for me and my contributions. All good. But certainly having read your posts for almost 20 years has made me a more knowledgeable fan. 

    So, to you I will say, I hope you are well. 

    Have a great night/weekend. 

    2 hours ago, Plant77 said:

    Hey man, sorry if I was being a dick. Seriously. We can all get heated, and we all have opinions. As my and your, and many other grandfathers used to say. “opinions are like assholes! Everyone has one, and they all stink”! I am absolutely no different. 

    Well, if you're all in I'll remind you again my name is Steve, not Steven. Anyway, I never said I didn't care for you or your posts. Yes, we can agree to disagree as views may vary and indeed they do. 

  5. On 8/16/2022 at 2:15 PM, Mr. Wiggles said:

    Sucha shame really. Loved her acting and thought she was absolutely stunning. She had some serious mental problems and that is truly unfortunate. 

    I am baffled at what happened as I believe there was an Instagram pic of her at her hair salon taken about 10 minutes prior to the incidents. She looked fine and according to her hairdresser she was acting normal. Not sure coke would hit that hard on its own. Possibly laced with fentanyl? 

    RIP Anne

    For all we know it was vehicular suicide. We'll never know, however, because a California county coroner has ensured a "nothing to see here folks, case closed" outcome to protect the guilty.

    Hollyweird is full of liars and damaged people.

  6. 4 hours ago, Plant77 said:

    Steve, again, I’ve told you that I appreciate your intellect, your knowledge on many subjects, if you want to get disrespectful, or challenge each other I’m also very up for that. It’s okay to have different view points. I’m totally up for that. I’m a registered independent. I’ve voted across party lines for many years. If people like little Jon want to get stupid as he is a young impressionable boy and posts stupid shit then I will absolutely go to that level. We can start spitting facts.

    Let’s look at economies under every President going back a hundred years, let’s see who has added to actually making bigger government, as well as to the reduction of government. We can have a civil discussion. I’m certainly not going to take the word of some little troll like Fake News John Osbourne who doesn’t know shit about music, life, and has no real life experiences try and tell me what is what. And if you don’t want to hear me out, cool. If Hummer doesn’t, or Blue Balls, or whatever his name is, cool. I’ll tell you that I’m not going to be bullied on this forum. If the powers that be want to kick me off, then go ahead. I’m not going to listen to some Cultist bullshit and not respond. If you would like to be able to trade a back and forth dialogue, I am with that. If people only want to look at their side, then I’ll present my side. But I’ll back it up with stats. 

    Having said that, thank you for all of your absolutely amazing contributions to the forum as well. If you want to try and get me banned, or not listen and or have a conversation that’s okay as well. 

    I've never insisted upon anyone being banned. If I encounter grossly egregious content, I report it and the chips will fall where they may. Every forum member retains that right. So, this is arguably among the most well-moderated forums on the internet. I personally welcome opposing points of view as it makes for entertaining if not informative post exchanges.  

  7. 18 hours ago, Ana Pearce said:

    Stevie why are you such a dick? Is it just here or you spread your anger elsewhere? Do you do this in person or just behind the screen. Really it's not healthy. I think you should take a holiday from the keyboard. Or your going to get a visit from Karma and let me tell you she don't play!

    Have a nice day.

    (Sorry for the rest of you guys I could not keep quiet no longer)

    I've held membership in this forum from day one -- more than 15 years. There's a number of banned members who return under new names and avatars to try to stir the pot for no reason other than to attack me. They're easy to spot -- the new members with only a handful of posts who immediately default in any thread on any topic to trying to insult me. Billy is a real piece of work. Many years ago he formed his own anti-SAJ support group, Billy's Zep Phreaks or something. I certainly couldn't care less what anyone may think about me, but I've been nothing but nice towards you.       

  8. On 8/13/2022 at 4:38 PM, the chase said:

    Rest In Peace Anne Heche 53 

    Beautiful, talented and troubled actress.. Watch Donnie Brasco, she was incredible.. 


    This broad hit the wall -- literally and figuratively. I doubt her last snort of cocaine was worth it.

  9. 2 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

    I can't believe that she never watched the movie when it was released. I mean I don't want to piss on anyone's chips, but If I had attended any of those 73 MSG shows, you would think that you would have watched it as you were there? Coupled with the fact that Plant gave you the tambourine, wouldn't intrigue get the better of you and think " I was there when they were filming, I wonder if they captured the moment Plant gave it to me?

    Yes, the whole thing reeks of a hoax...yet if sam_webmaster says she's legit (and he essentially has) that's good enough for me.

  10. 7 hours ago, Plant77 said:

    Oh little Stevie. You and John have never won any rounds. In any combat situation. Your little rolling on the floor gif shows me that. You are a talk loud and say nothing type of guy. We are a loser family? My wife and my first date was a page and plant concert, my daughter is a singer who loves Zeppelin, and we laughed together as a family at some conspiracy theory member who posts crap off of blogs. Okay, John, you won that round. But you couldn’t win any round that had to do with any physical competition, or intellectual competition, nor could you Stephen. I’m tired of you and the people I’ve listed posting your crap and acting like you are cool and all knowing. Your stats, and facts are wrong, and you’re cult members. You won’t think for yourselves, you have to have Steven Crowder, and Alex Jones tell you how you feel. Shucks, I wish I had won that round. 

    Show me on the doll where I hurt you? 

    All kidding aside, I think we can both agree the towering intellect here is mine, or at least not yours. Anyway, tell me again how it came from bats in a wet market because that is laugh out loud funny no matter who is making that claim.

    I have no idea who Steven Crowder is. I've never been an Alex Jones viewer or supporter.   

  11. 19 hours ago, Ana Pearce said:

    Yes it's been overwhelming. For years my son kept telling me to find out if  there was something out there to look at . I kept saying I dont have time. So when I found this forum , I showed him, all I got was from him was "I told you so".. So yes I think I needed this mystery solved for me too.  But still have questions,  why me ? Why RP pointed at me ? The bigger question why he wanted to give me the tambourine ? Did he give out other tambourine to other fans in concerts? So now I'm trying to remember when he gave me the tambourine. I know it was not in SIBLY. So I'm now going over the DVD to see if any cameras caught it.

    The girl in the film bears a striking resemblance to Shirley, the younger sister of Robert's wife at the time, Maureen. According to Led Zeppelin's manager Peter Grant, when he first met with Robert Plant in 1968 Robert confided in him that he was in love with two sisters, but that one of them (Maureen) was pregnant. Peter gently suggested perhaps she was the one Robert should marry, and indeed he did about three months later. 

    I can tell you for certain there is no video footage in circulation of Robert presenting a tambourine to anyone during those New York concerts. If it happened as you claim to recall, it was almost certainly after the conclusion of Stairway to Heaven given that is the song during which he held a tambourine.   

  12. 16 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

    Here's some more common sense from the left.

    Defund the police and stop them from using any level of force while arming IRS agents and allowing them to use deadly force if necessary.



    I knew this was fake the moment I saw it. For one thing, the standard work week for federal employees is 40 hours, not 50.

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