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Posts posted by SteveAJones

  1. 13 hours ago, Walter said:

    It's the same stupid shit from them. Guns don't kill people... yet here we are, the country with the most guns laying around and the country with the most gun violence in the world. If more guns truly made this country a safer place, we would be the safest country in the world. But we're not. 

    Legally armed citizens are quite safe. If however you are a child in a gun free zone and don't have 40 minutes to wait for the government authorities to respond you are at high risk.

  2. Gunman - Salvador Ramos - is 18, dark brown with black hair. Looks like he's from El Salvador but is a US citizen (anchor baby?).

    This is really sаvаge too. Little kids in 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades.

    His picture was available but is difficult to find already. Will be scrubbed in 24 hours and replaced by a stock assault rifle.

    Wisconsin was an SUV, subway shооting never happened, and this Salvador Ramos will be represented by a stock assault rifle.

  3. 9 hours ago, kipper said:

    Gas prices headed for $7 per gallon here in California.  Stock market falling. Homeless camps and open drug scenes in our cities. Cartels in charge of our southern border. But at least we are all agree that banning plastic lids at Starbucks is the top priority.

    It's a historic dumpster fire. The only solution is to take out the trash responsible for it.

  4. 1 hour ago, redrum said:

    Fucking IRS. If you can actually get a human being to talk to, I'll kiss your ass. I'd like to strangle that robot bitch. 

    Best way to get ahold of the IRS is fail to file or fail to pay. If they owe you they'll play every excuse card in the deck.

  5. 2 hours ago, Reggie29 said:

    Joe Rogan is a wanker.

    As if any government would ban growing fruit and vegetables at their own home in an attempt to "smoke out" anti-vaxxers..

    Just goes to show his lack of fact checking and due diligence when it comes to reporting such defamatory and libelous garbage.

    There are already of plenty environmental wacko laws on the books in the US that wouldn't make this far fetched. For example, in some states it is illegal to collect rain water.

  6. 3 hours ago, ScarletMacaw said:

    Putin isn't sustainable, fortunately. But I'm sure "John" can find a new gig.

    And I'm starting to wonder if you might be a Russian troll as well...I had thought you were just a curmudgeon who is seduced by fringe conspiracy theories. 

    Oh, of course. Anyone diametrically opposed to your point of view must be a Russian troll. You can't name one fringe conspiracy theory I support but I'll bet you hyperventilate with the best of them when repeating, "Russia! Russia! Russia!"  

  7. 49 minutes ago, shnflacwav said:

    Kiel Institute Ukraine Support Tracker

    Update May 2, 2022: data since January 24 and through April 23

    United States = 10.3 Billion Euros in Aid

    All EU countries combined, including funds pledged by EU institutions and the European Investment Bank =  12.8 billion euros

    Something is wrong with this picture. Fighting a war with Russia by proxy is not a smart move, imo. I guess the biolabs we have over there are worth an extra $40 billion? 

    I applaud Rand Paul for stalling this effort. With the issues we face here, this is proof JoeBama does not care about America.

    Everything they've done for the last two years is merely a front for looting the treasury. They're doing as much stealing, money laundering and rewarding of friends that they can before the USD is dead. This is not sustainable.

  8. 5 hours ago, ScarletMacaw said:

    The fact is we won. And the lofty British Empire, in case you didn't notice, is no more. 

    That's a rebuttal that fails to rebut. It's also an attempt to deflect from what you posted about that war.

  9. 2 hours ago, cryingbluerain said:

    The MSM:

    Buffalo - Hate crime 
    Waukesha - A car did it.

    THIS. Their narrative already is how this is "another Dylan Roof..."..."...an attack on the black community..." How inconvenient that two white citizens were also murdered.

  10. 15 hours ago, ScarletMacaw said:

    Ukraine has been fighting wars for its independence for many decades. We only had to rebel against a small country separated from us by an ocean. It was a lot easier. 

    Holy shit! Just wow. I suggest enrolling in a course on the history of the British Empire. 

  11. Oh no, another white loser went on a mass shooting, this time in Buffalo. Cue up the lamestream media to cover nothing but this story day in and day, emphasizing how racist the country is and how the only solution is to ban firearms. Never mind that more blacks kill more blacks in Chicago every weekend -- it's pedal to the metal on another identity politics-based narrative! 

  12. 8 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    First of all, the issue has nothing to do with what Ukraine "wants" or even "deserves", it's what the US is obligated to do.  There is no US national interest that depends on who controls Ukraine (I have yet to hear of one, anyway), so the answer to the correctly framed question (should the US do anything here) is a firm NO.

    Second of all, there will be no self-determination for Ukraine, any more than there is for Germany or Japan or Poland or any other US satellite.  Ukraine will either be a US satellite, or Russian satellite.  It has no other options.  Being a US satellite means toeing the US line on all the things the US cares about, which means enforcing political correctness and liberal dictates domestically (like the western European countries have to, and like the eastern European countries are being increasingly pressured to).  It also means being cannon fodder for US-sanctioned military adventures, as well as continuing to be giant black hole for "foreign aid" (aka money laundering).  As far as I can tell, being a Russian satellite means no more than not hosting NATO troops or pursuing an anti-Russian foreign policy.  (And acknowledging the separation of ethnically Russian regions who don't want to be ruled by Kiev anyway.  What about what these people "want", eh?)  There is no reason to think the Russians would interfere in Ukrainian domestic politics like the US interferes in the affairs of its "allies".

    Well put, more or less.

    Ukraine and the Zombiefication of America, by Boyd D. Cathey - The Unz Review

  13. 6 hours ago, ScarletMacaw said:

    "Historically" the US is a colony of Great Britain. LOL! We even speak the same language. 

    The big difference is there was a war for independence that was won.

  14. 36 minutes ago, rm2551 said:

    But Ukraine wishes to be - or become something. Russia wants to stop that.

    Should they be allowed?

    That something is a member of NATO...so no.

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