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Posts posted by SteveAJones

  1. 46 minutes ago, Stryder1978 said:

     "Beloved and iconic comedian Gilbert Gottfried passed away at 2:35 p.m. ET on April 12, 2022, from Recurrent Ventricular Tachycardia due to Myotonic Dystrophy type II."

    Love Gilbert. Hands down the funniest comic in my lifetime.  The only person who has made me laugh so hard I cried. I'm going to miss him so much.

  2. 1 hour ago, Stryder1978 said:

    Stayed late at work waiting for an e-mail from American Airlines so I can check-in early.  E-mail arrives, I fill out two more pages of info about my passport, emergency contact and covid info......only to receive a message that I am unable to check-in online and need to see an agent!  😠 

    Online check in, kiosks, all of that bullshit never works correctly. I always arrive two hours prior and make a mammal do their job.

  3. 3 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    Whatever happened to the Eisenhower Republicans? The William F. Buckley's who could debate policy and substantiative issues with the best of them? Those were great men. 

    This country doesn't raise men like that anymore. No, we're raising tens of millions of over-tattooed vegan men who like wearing clothes on weekends that make them feel pretty.

  4. On 4/9/2022 at 7:02 PM, Plant77 said:

    No Steve, not Liberal. Libertarian. The war on drugs has sure saved us. Old Nancy Regans “just say no” worked well. I am saying that maybe we need to go another way with it. The last 50 years have worked wonders on the prison system and families throughout the country. 

    Or let’s just make this country white again. I mean great again. Alright, I’m going to go watch Seinfeld. 

    You have a great day Steve. 

    The war on drugs was not won because we did not execute the dealers and traffickers. Fact: the rate of recidivism for executed criminals is 0%

    14 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    100% truth

    The fact is, a large contingent want's to return to exactly how things were in say, Alabama circa 1950 but they dance around their true thoughts and motives with nonsense. They hate government but the increase government to regulate human behavior while eliminating regulation of corporate behavior. They say they are pro life but abandon that life immediately once born. They claim support of personal freedoms until those freedoms are in conflict with their idea how a person should live their life.

    Paint with a broad brush much? As a by the way, California was more than 70% white in 1960. How's that multi-culturalism working out for ya, California? 

  5. 7 hours ago, Plant77 said:

    Certainly, in the countries that have a open policy and have spaces for people to make that choice they have far less addiction, and far less crime than we have.

    Great, another liberal who draws direct comparisons between a multi-ethnic nation of more than 330 million legal and illegal citizens and Scandanavia, which is more than 90% white and whose entire population is about that of a single large American city.

  6. On 4/6/2022 at 9:09 PM, BobDobbs said:

    The right claims it is against big government and then passes laws to regulate human behavior. If that is not the definition of hypocrisy then there is no such thing. 

    What's the alternative, genius? Anything goes? If you can't tell the difference between passing a law that mandates you must carry health insurance and passing a law that makes it illegal to sell heroin I can't help you.   

  7. 6 hours ago, Stryder1978 said:

    Stop calling it a vaccine...it's more like a Vitamin B shot.....

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tested positive for COVID-19 on Thursday, becoming the latest high-profile Washington official to come down with the virus in recent weeks amid a wave of new infections.

    A spokesperson for the California Democrat confirmed that she tested positive just as she was set to hold her weekly press conference with reporters. She’s the eighth member of Congress to test positive this week.

    “After testing negative this week, Speaker Pelosi received a positive test result for COVID-19 and is currently asymptomatic,” Drew Hammill, Pelosi’s deputy chief of staff, tweeted. “The Speaker is fully vaccinated and boosted, and is thankful for the robust protection the vaccine has provided.”


    There's always alot of false positive testing. I'm not concerned about a virus that would see me asymptomatic and I'd need a test to even know I had it. Pelosi has done more damage to American lives than a virus with an above 98% survival rate.

  8. 3 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    Bottom line is we are fucked by Russia unless the FSB steps in and takes him out. The guy is nuts and is threatening nuclear war if we or NATO gets involved so it places the world in a no-win situation. 

    Oh, please. Are you on MSNBC's payroll? If you're going to parrot lame stream media talking points may as well be paid for it. Don't forget 10% goes to the Big Guy.


  9. 5 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    Possibly racial bias plays a role in some instances, however I believe the problems are several: poorly trained cops, cops who likely cannot pass a psych test but are cops anyway, cops on  power trips, and the thin blue line in general. Many of these cops will beat or shoot anyone who dares question them about anything, that's the problem.

    Cops need to stop the us vs. them mentality, stop resorting to the use of a gun for the slightest provocation or danger, and stop acting as if they were the lord of the realm.

    Communities get the policing they deserve. I have always encouraged policemen to do whatever is necessary to ensure they are alive at the end of a shift. That thin blue line and the Second Amendment are all that stand between us and those who would do us harm.

  10. 11 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    No argument from me King was a POS, however, even a POS deserves due process under the law. King was beaten excessively and was not a threat once he was on the ground.

    You see Steve, the law must apply to both the civilized and un-civilized in our society otherwise it really is not law at all. Just like better for 100 guilty men to go free than an innocent man be convicted.

    It was the out of control cops which divided the nation, not some idiot criminal who decided to run from the cops.

    Oh sure, he was just driving while black. A motorist beaten in the street. I know we both know better but that's how it's spun now. These things are always spun by race hustlers. I'm still waiting for any evidence George Floyd's death was the result of racism. Due process, right?

  11. Reminiscing tonight about the turd that was Rodney King and how his beating was purposefully used to further divide the nation.

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  12. 6 hours ago, redrum said:

    Remember Kobe, Japan. 1995.


    I definitely do. At least 60 percent of all bridge structures in the Kobe area were damaged. These bridges were designed and constructed in the 1960s before the introduction of modern seismic codes.

    2 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    Looks like Mother Nature does not care about code. Whoops.

    The elevated Route No. 3 of Hanshin Expressway was built BEFORE the introduction of modern seismic codes. 

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