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Posts posted by SteveAJones

  1. 15 hours ago, ScarletMacaw said:

    Apparently SteveAJones likes Putin because Putin has fashioned himself as a gangsta in a music video. This is an example of the decline of western cultural standards. There is exactly one thing that Putin is right about, and that is that the West has been experiencing a cultural decline. Our pop culture for the last 30 years has been worshipping criminals and whores. But that doesn't mean our military still isn't the best in the world, nor does it mean our democracy is failing even though it has deep flaws. In fact this war in Ukraine has reminded me of the ways in which I'm still proud to be an American. Congress and the President have pulled themselves together and at least temporarily pushed aside their partisan bickering in order to help defend our allies, Europe in general and democracy. So many people I know are devoting their time to helping the Ukrainians. It goes to show that most Americans share the same values, and the two political parties have to manufacture bogus issues to drive us apart.

    We're coming out of the pandemic in much better shape than China, despite all the temper tantrums about mask-wearing. We're much more energy-independent than Europe. We are a net exporter of food. Our political system has stood for over 200 years. Despite a Hollywood culture that exalts materialism, conspicuous consumption, misogyny and the lowest elements of our culture, we're going to be around long after Russia and China collapse. 

    It's not that I like Putin, it's that I like him so much more than bloated EU bureaucrats who are accountable to no one. Putin never insists I must give up my air conditioning, my cars and my way of life. As for the music video, it's simply entertaining. It reminds me of some of the limo scenes in Pink Floyd's The Wall.

  2. 4 hours ago, ScarletMacaw said:

    So many things to respond to...

    1. Of course Russia wanted to take Kyiv; that was their first target. They RETREATED from Kyiv to fight a more limited war in the east and south. Why didn't they carpet the bomb the place or send more troops? Well, if they carpet-bombed the place, that would go against their propaganda that they were liberating Ukraine and would be welcomed with flowers. 

    They will take Kyiv, it's just taking longer than anticipated. They haven't gone scorched earth with their bombing because Russia will need the infrastructure that exists to exert it's control over Ukraine once it annexes it. The only question that remains is how much of Ukraine is Putin willing to settle for.  

  3. On 4/26/2022 at 4:22 PM, ScarletMacaw said:

    It must be very difficult for you to understand how people can value democracy more than air conditioning. 

    It's difficult for me to understand how ANYONE can be so naive as to think this restriction has ANYTHING to do with valuing democracy. 

  4. On 4/25/2022 at 11:09 AM, Walter said:

    Absolutely smell it. It disgusts me and has for years on this board and in this country. 
    Ukraine will win. At what cost, I have no idea.

    Ukraine will win?! I'm laughing so hard Zelensky's sides hurt.

  5. 4 hours ago, Strider said:

    Reading a story about Elon Musk trying to buy Twitter, there were these two graphics that illustrate the problem pretty clearly. We're now in a second "Gilded Age", with billionaires running amok with no accountability.




    10% to the Big Guy.

  6. 4 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    First of all, I'm an American.  You seem very confused about that, but add it to the list, I suppose.  You really think I'm a Russian, because I disagree with you on this?  Jesus, you can't possibly be that closed-minded and impervious to rational thought.

    You have yet to provide a single coherent reason for why America or Europe needs a military alliance with the Ukraine.  You are simply engaged in fantasy that there was no background or context to any of this.  Russia understandably views expansion of NATO up to their borders as a security threat, exactly as the US would view a Mexican-Chinese alliance as a threat.  It is not a question of whether Russia "has" to this or that, it's a question that American agitation for an alliance with Ukraine was a very bad idea that served no valid purpose and should not have been pursued.  Until you give a good reason (or any reason at all) for why NATO should have been expanding all these years (when the original reason for its existence is long gone), I can only conclude that you're in "Support the Current Thing" mode and not really thinking.

    Yes, what about diplomacy?  France and Germany have an obvious interest in it and have made (tentative) motions towards it, but it's clear the US/UK (the US is by far the larger arms provider to Ukraine) want the war to drag out to the last Ukrainian:

    Turkey Says Some NATO Members Want Longer Ukraine War to Hurt Russia - News From Antiwar.com

    You made a vague statement about "some people" (not you) having "concerns" about our relationship with Saudi Arabia.  What you did not do is initiate an overwrought, emotional, blog post about their terrible war against civilians in Yemen (not to mention their well-known appalling human rights record), in cartoonish/faux-moralistic terms ("good vs. evil").  You've also never said anything about Kiev's shelling of civilians in the Donbas for 8 years, in violation of agreements they signed.  So, I can only conclude that you're just Supporting the Current Thing and not really serious about your principles. 

    And BTW, the corruption and authoritarianism of Zelensky's government is a well-established fact, I'm not going to do your homework for you here, you should try to educate yourself.  This idea that he's some kind of "good guy" vs "Putin as Hitler" is laughable.  

    You advocate crushing their military?  Always funny to see how "peaceniks" become war-mongers on the drop of a dime.  But never mind that.  Tell us, how will this be done?  The US government has already admitted they can't keep track of their weapons shipments to Ukraine, indicating that the Ukraine is still simply a slush fund/money-laundering black op for the US oligarchy.  If you seriously advocate direct US military involvement here, then you are insane, because it is dangerously crazy to push for a war that serves no valid national interest.

    You clearly have no idea what it will take to reorganize the Western economies away from inter-dependence with Russia and China (to say nothing of India and Brazil).  Suffice to say that, long before this kind of painful retrenchment goes full bore, the resulting social and political instability will force Western governments to drop their support for Ukraine.  Then, it will be on to the next Current Thing.


  7. 5 hours ago, ScarletMacaw said:

    Oh wait... it's difficult to negotiate with an actor that is also trying to undermine your country by planting disinformation and meddling in our elections.

    Let's leave Obama out of this.

  8. 7 hours ago, Bong-Man said:

    LOL, how convenient!  In other words, if we eliminate a 1/6 of the U.S. population and the two States responsible for almost a 1/4 of the U.S.s' economic activity, my candidate would have won!  That's some conservative clarity right there.  Maybe Mark Meadows registering to vote in a few more States could help your cause.  

    The point is the US is a democratic republic, not a democracy.

  9. 20 hours ago, rm2551 said:

    I swear Steve, I'd love to know your take on who the best interview would be. Interviewer and interviewee and why.

    Joe Rogan & Vladimir Putin. Rogan is a superb interviewer who does not accept his guest's answers at face value, he deep dives into them instead. Watching Putin respond to Rogan's questioning would be like matching two masters at chess playing chess.

  10. 13 hours ago, Walter said:

    Remember this lot represents a group that has lost the last two popular vote national elections, by millions. So to say they represent the nation is a pipe dream for them. At their best, they represent a quarter of the population. 

    Remember if you remove CA & NY from the popular vote Trump easily wins both elections by a landslide margin. Fortunately, CA & NY do not represent the nation though efforts to abolish the electoral college are a direct attempt to ensure that they do.

  11. 20 hours ago, rm2551 said:


    Far out, Steve, how?

    Russia taking full control of the Donbas region will give Putin a territorial and ideological accomplishment so significant he could declare victory and halt the war. Inevitably, Russia would annex it just as they annexed Crimea. On the other hand, if Putin decides to continue the war, Ukraine will be waging it without what is its industrial heartland.

  12. On 4/21/2022 at 3:28 PM, JohnOsbourne said:

    I hate to break it to you, but when the Donbas cauldron is destroyed in a few weeks, the war will be over and Russia will achieve pretty much all of it's objectives.  The only interesting thing will be seeing what the American media does, since it's been laughably claiming from the start that Ukraine is winning (despite the fact that from day 1 they've told civilians to go on suicide missions against tanks, sounds like a great strategy).  


  13. On 4/18/2022 at 4:29 PM, Plant77 said:

    I don’t disagree with this. The lockdowns should have been total or not at all. Having protected the people that needed it, and allowed the people who could continue as before to continue their lives. Or it should have been across the board back in Feb/April of 2020. Shut it all down for 3-4 weeks. We didn’t do that, therefore shutting down partially, or in creating areas was just ridiculous. And I don’t think we can ever even come close to that again. Gavin is an asshat. As are a lot of people in control of this state, and several other states. 

    Promoting the sequestering of the most vulnerable is prudent public health policy. Locking down everyone is tyranny. In the end, it didn't make a damn bit of difference.

  14. On 4/17/2022 at 8:31 PM, redrum said:

    Got a friend in Seattle who called me today. He is selling his property here in town. He just wants me to keep the grass mowed and trimmed. He then told me that a neighbor across the street has 2 pit bulls. The other day they were loose and attacked his young beagle. His son tried to break it up and they also bit him. 3 other neighbors heard the yelling and screaming and tried to help. They too were also attacked and viciously bitten. He sent me pics and they are hard to look at. The real kicker is that the owner never even tried to apologize. What a straight up asshole. I am sure he will get his ass sued off for his negligence. I hope they nail his ass to the wall. The dogs need to be destroyed along with the owner in my opinion. My friend wasn't there at the time of the attack. If I was there I would have killed both the dogs with my shotgun. The beagle will survive, but has many stitches and staples. Remorseless bastards like the owner are as bad as an SS nazi. 

    Someone needs to leave those dogs some poisoned hamburger meat to feast on.

  15. On 3/31/2022 at 8:30 AM, paul carruthers said:

    This might be my last post in this thread, but adding the DH to the National League just pisses me off to no end. Maybe the numbnuts in charge of baseball today don't care about the nuances of the game anymore, but I always preferred the NL style of play and the strategy managers would have to use within the game when the pitcher had to go to the plate, things like when to put a bunt on, when to pull your pitcher, double switches, and various other little things that may not mean much to whatever target audience MLB is shooting for these days, but the quality of play has been deteriorating for quite some time & this latest maneuver is just one more reason not to watch baseball...

    MLB lost me when the remainder of the 1994 season was cancelled and I've never come back. I haven't missed much...a bunch of PED abusers hitting an unprecedented number of home runs, an Astros team that cheated it's way to a Championship and a Dodgers team that won it all at the end of a fake season. There was a time I could tell you the starting lineup for every team in the league. Now, I don't even know how many teams there. I'd be hard pressed to name three players...Max Scherzer and...um...nope.

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