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Posts posted by SteveAJones

  1. 8 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    Gee, this sounds eerily familiar. Reminds me of the exact same rederick from around, oh 1980, from the same Russian apologists and look how that turned out. Not saying Russia will not take over Ukraine, however if they do, they will be fighting a non-stop insurgency until they finally leave due to attrition. The Ukrainians are not folding, they are fighting back. You think that will stop once Russia seizes power? 

    I truly find it unfortunate that you for some reason seem to embrace dictatorial strongmen. My experience shows me that people such as yourself who do are compensating for a lack of power within their own lives, or rather perceived power. On the one hand you claim mask mandates are fascist and in violation of freedom, yet on the other hand you have absolutely no problem with a dictator like Putin murdering thousands of innocent civilians. What about their freedom? What about their freedom to live? Who exactly made you arbiter of who is entitled to freedom and who is not.

    Comparing Russian military operations in Afghanistan in the 1970s to those underway in Ukraine now is an apples to oranges comparison. Please spare me the community college level psychoanalysis of my character which reads a lot like projection. My views on the invasion of Ukraine are not influenced by any personal affinity for Putin, rather an understanding that for all of his faults he's arguably the last remaining obstacle to the globalist's Great Reset.

    It was the Obama administration that persuaded Ukraine to give up their nuclear arsenal and orchestrated a coup eight years ago to install a puppet government. Then the Biden's exploited Ukraine for their own personal gain. The chickens have simply come home to roost, just as they did in the Arab World following their failed Arab Spring. War is hell and fortunately this one will be wrapped up in a matter of weeks. 

  2. 4 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    The Ukrainian's are standing strong and kicking Russian ass. Several Russian tank columns destroyed. Thier planes being shot out of Ukrainian skies. Mass protests against the war in Russia. Russian shipping vessels being seized on the high seas. The Ukraine President did not flee, he is actually fighting. The Mayor of Kyiv is currently killing Russian soldiers, not running away. And on and on. Putin thought this would be easy, he was wrong, and I guarantee he is feeling the heat.

    My worry is what happens if Ukraine turns into Russia's Vietnam #2? The Afghans kicked their ass which contributed to the fall of the Soviet Union. If old Vlad is put in that situation, I have no doubt he would start firing nukes, no doubt at all as he has said as much. That is the real worry.

    BobDobbs parroting the Ukrainian narrative being peddled by the lamestream media. The reality is Ukraine WILL fall to Russia. Russian soldiers are already in the capital conducting operations to soften it for the main invasion force. Russian soldiers also occupy other principle cities across Ukraine. There is purposefully no shock and awe Russian destruction of Ukraine because Putin will need the infrastructure to remain in place to exert control over it. The military offensive will end in a matter of weeks and it will be completely successful.

  3. On 2/24/2022 at 10:33 AM, paul carruthers said:

    Millionaires fighting with billionaires & in the end, it's the fans who will probably lose the most...  :thumbdown:

    Modern day MLB is a horseshit product. For me the game has become unwatchable.

  4. On 1/31/2022 at 6:01 PM, Plant77 said:

    So I can argue that Babe, Joe D, and Stan Musial we’re not facing the best talent available so their stats are in need of an asterisk. As a matter of fact, when those players would barn storm against players of color, they got their asses handed to to them. Routinely. 

    Competing Major League teams rarely had all their players from big league clubs—many of the players that played in these exhibitions were minor league players. At least one study has shown that whenever an MLB barn storming team had at least 7 MLB players in the lineup the Negro League teams have a below .500 winning percentage. I would argue that most of the Negro League stars would have been MLB stars but for anyone to infer the quality of players at the MLB level was inferior to that of the Negro Leagues is simply absurd.

  5. 1 hour ago, cryingbluerain said:

    Yep, if they are successful Poland or the Baltics could be next, not to mention Taiwan.  This is what happens when you have weak leadership and appeasement abroad. History tends to repeat, scary times indeed.

    Come on, man. Poland and the Baltic states are protected under Article V of the NATO treaty. Granted, NATO generally speaking isn't worth a squirt a piss but they do have nuclear weapons. Taiwan however may fall to the Chinese sooner rather than later on account of the shockingly inept Biden Administration (not that the previous administrations had much foreign policy success of their own to speak of).

  6. 13 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

    Just goes to show how Joe Q Public in the US gives a shit what is happening in Ukraine. The Covid Tennis doubles have not turned this into a "quoting" fest. Yet.

    They don't give a shit, nor should they. Hell, most couldn't find Ukraine on a map. 

  7. 13 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    Economically this could potentially crush Russia, especially as Vlad's narcissism just wrote a big check he simply cannot cash. When he directly and obviously insulted President Xi and China by first making a deal, and then reneging on it, he lost his only somewhat ally in the process. So now Russia has both the West & China quite upset. If Russia is locked out of the two largest markets in the world, plus the third (most of Europe), how he is going to keep Russia afloat? Sure Russia has the gas but that gas was more a convenience to Europe, not a necessity. Europe can and is just buying their fuel from the World Market, just like us. 

    Who knows, you may be right and Sleepy Joe and Xi will give in and be cool with the invasion after a few weeks, anything is possible. However, if I were Sleepy Joe I would be on the phone with China making trade deals to ensure Russia is economically strangled. After a few months of that the oligarchs will have Putin sent to gulag. But, with the current level of incompetence which started Jan 20th 2017 and still continues to this day, anything is possible. Sure, Sleepy Joe may not be as bad as Trump, but he is still absolutely abysmal IMO. Either Joe or Donald, both could not handle what is going on today. We need an FDR or Eisenhower at the helm right now, instead we got the guy from the old folks home who thinks someone stole his slippers while they are on his damn feet.

    China arguably needs Russia even more than Europe does to meet energy demands. Russia just signed a deal to supply China with 100 million tons of coal over the coming years and that deal alone will minimize Chinese criticism of the invasion. US criticism of the invasion is rank hypocrisy given Biden's direct connections to corruption there. Sleepy Joe and his impotent administration will wag their fingers and virtue signal but what's done is done -- Putin's taking it and he will take all of it. 

  8. If you're a lonely fat girl on a Saturday night just call an Uber. It seems the odds are in your favor that you'll wake up in your sister's driveway with your skirt over your head. Who's vetting all these criminal Uber drivers anyway, Biden's immigration officials? 

  9. 7 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    Yep, Russia is already feeling the impact of Putin's stupidity. Their stock market has lost over 20% today, the ruble has plummeted, and Russian citizens are starting to speak out against Putin & the war due to both the economic impact and the fear of Russian boys coming back in boxes. 

    Best case scenario for Russia is they take all of Ukraine, and then wind up bankrupt and isolated as a result. This is one gambit Putin will fail, one way or the other. I suspect if the economic conditions continue to worsen, Putin will not have to worry about Ukraine or the West as those who keep him in power (the oligarchs) will deal with him in their own way.

    Putin's power is not absolute, no one's power is, even Ghingis Khan had to keep his warlords happy to prevent his own demise. Putin's power is in the support he gets from the oligarchs. If the oligarchs start to feel the squeeze, Putin will have some splanin' to do.

    I really don't understand his play here as what he has to gain under the best case scenario is pretty much very little compared to what he has to lose. We live in a globalist economy and Putin is gonna learn that lesson the hard way. On top of that, he completely threw the Chinese under the bus as he just reneged on their agreed upon deal. Not that a war between Russia and China would likely happen, but if it did, China would annihilate Russia in a conventional war.

    Markets always react negatively to uncertainty. However, this will be wrapped up in a matter of weeks at which time it will be business as usual. He's doing this to prevent Ukraine from becoming a member of NATO as Russia needs Ukraine to continue to serve as geographical buffer zone to the South. He's taking it and there ain't a damn thing Sleepy Joe and his crime family can do about it. 

  10. The lie is that Putin invaded 8 years ago. We backed a coup and a pre-emptive civil war against the half of Ukraine that voted for Yanukovych 8 years ago, and Putin did very little other than covertly support the half of the country that was pro-Russian and under attack by Yatsenyuk and the other un-elected coup leaders.

    What you are about to see now is the Russian reaction to that coup and civil war, and Ukraine will fall within days. Only 14% of Russians blame Russia for the conflict in Ukraine. You can bet it is even less of the Russian military. The Crimeans did overwhelmingly vote to join Russia, to escape the invading army of the coup leaders, which otherwise would have done to them what it did to the Donbas. Russia never used a single cruise missile, they never fired from a single Russian naval vessel, no Russian aircraft were used, the S-400 was not deployed against Ukrainian aircraft, not even while they were dropping aircraft bombs on their own people in eastern Ukraine, for the supposed crime of rejecting the coup against the leader they elected. This time, every bit of that will be used, along with far more and better tanks than the Ukrainian military has, much longer range, faster firing and more precise artillery, and an enormous volume of that, hypersonic air-launch precision guided missile that can hit Kiev from Belarusian aircraft within 30 seconds, etc., etc. It will be a crushing defeat for Ukraine, which will come in days.

    All Zelensky had to do was grant autonomy to eastern Ukraine, stop the 8-year-old, unjustified civil war, and abide by the other terms which he agreed to, and this war could easily have been avoided. He did the opposite, largely because the Biden Administration and NATO gave Zelensky the impression that they had their backs, when in reality, that was never going to happen, and they do not have a chance, and it is their own fault. Nor should a single American fight or die to help western Ukraine prop up its coup and civil war. US should have told him to accept autonomy, make peace with his fellow countrymen, and stop antagonizing Russia. The failure to do that is the primary reason why this war is now virtually inevitable.

  11. 15 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    Makes sense to me, however what I was on about is how exactly does a country such as China, with human rights abuses out the wazoo, given the right to host the games? If ok for China, why not Saudi Arabia? 

    Arab nations can't make a competitive bid. They have neither the infrastructure nor the political will to do so.

  12. 16 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    Plus, China having the Olympics AGAIN after only 14 years since the last Olympics in Beijing. Gee, I wonder if the Olympic committee is corrupt???

    There are fewer and fewer nations willing to pony up the funds to host an Olympics. Most that do regret it (Japan lost its ass on the Tokyo Games and would have done so even without a pandemic).

  13. 7 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    Here is my random thought:

    If Putin invades Ukraine and his forces are beaten back to the Russian border, do you think he will use tactical nukes? I for one believe if Putin invades Ukraine, there is a 90% chance this is game over baby. Time to get out the iodine tablets and leave the big cities / areas around military instillations. 

    If Putin wants to take Ukraine, which is NOT a democracy, he'll take it and keep it unopposed on the field of battle by any third party.

    Time for the Biden crime family to find another nation to exploit for their own personal gain. 

  14. On 2/12/2022 at 6:22 PM, Mike Ciresi said:

    "Does anyone have any ideas as to how to curb the degeneration of the boxes"? Mine are doing so without moving or touching them; they are just sitting on a shelf.

    If so there could be a humidity issue where they are stored. Try to get the humidity under control and consider placing them in air tight containers. 

  15. 7 hours ago, custard pie man said:

    so our  resident dip shit govenor in CT. just announced that mask mandates will end in two weeks although the school union teachers are firing back, wonder if gov. Lemont been watching whats happening in canada and knows a storm is coming, New Jersey also is following, but while this is going on  Newsmax last night reported  Angry Grandpa Biden will now drop $30M of crack and crack pipes to the blacks in the inner cities , calling it "equitable distribution", you can't make this shit up

    It's time (past time) for citizens themselves to end all mask mandates, and it's finally happening.

  16. 5 minutes ago, John76 said:

    OK thankyou, signatures do look real cause there names are missing off the sleeve. As for the drawing it may or may not be the same blue pen. Would like to know a little more why Robert Plant and John were not printed.

    Because they were neither the Producer (Page) nor the Executive Producer (Grant) of the album.

  17. 9 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

    Amazing rhetoric coming from the canadian gov, Strikingly similar to what the dems are saying about jan 6th.  The truckers protest is now an insurrection just like the protest on the 6th. They're trying to destroy our democracy and take over the country!!! But, There are no guns, no military forces being coopted for the takeover, no ad hock group screaming for revolution. Nope, just everyday working people who have had enough of the tyranny being foisted on them by the likes of trudeau and the left. I guess only the government ok'ed protests and views are acceptable.


    Get your popcorn because this is the beginning of the end of the global COVID-19 scam. The so called public health emergency, if there ever was one, ended several months ago.

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