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Posts posted by SteveAJones

  1. On 1/13/2022 at 1:33 AM, bluecongo said:

    I have a question 

    Did any member of Zep visit the USA between 1978-1980 for any reason ?

    Not to my knowledge.


    On 1/13/2022 at 12:38 PM, BobDobbs said:

    Here is what I believe is a good one. Did Jimmy by chance meet Rosaleen Norton during the Feb 72' Australian / NZ gigs? Norton was a major figure in magick, esoterica, and art in the 40's-70's and a follower of Crowley's though not a practitioner of Thelema as she developed her own school of sex magick & workings. I would think Jimmy would be quite interested indeed in meeting Ms. Norton and vice versa as Zep would have been right up her ally. Also, Norton was extremely well known in Australia & the UK due to her bohemian / scandalous lifestyle which she absolutely reveled in.

    Not to my knowledge.


    51 minutes ago, 3hrsoflunacy said:

    Hi Steve,

    I have 1 track labeled Australia Radio 1994 that I am trying to get more information regarding the date of the recording. It is one track of No Quarter, performed only with Jimmy on acoustic guitar and Robert singing (obviously). At the end of the song, Jimmy strums a few bars of Kashmir and the announcer comes on to say, "Nice, yay, the crack goes off behind glass walls, this is a special edition of the fast lane, that was great." And then it fades out. I know the 2 were in Australia in November, 1994. Being the human Jimmy Page GPS machine that you are, can you shed any further light on this recording? Perhaps, someone from Australia might know more about the program?? I would be happy to upload the track to a file sharing host and pm you the link if it would assist in any way. Thanks in advance.

    SYDNEY, Australia (Nov 16, 1994) -- Page & Plant interviewed by Richard Stubbs of MMM FM Radio and they perform acoustic version of 'No Quarter'…aired btw 4-5 pm.

  2. 6 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

    Yeah, great story.  While they do call him by name, they ask neil to remember, That southern Man don't need him around any how. The word him in that line refers to the black man. I.E. hey neil we don't need blacks around anyhow.

    I don't interpret it that way at all. "Him" directly refers to Neil Young as the members of Lynrd Skynrd resented Young's broad suggestion that they, as Southern men, did not know right from wrong.    

  3. 6 hours ago, Plant77 said:

    I guess you could consider this the first time. But he leans in either direction depending on who he has a guest. Just listen to his podcast with Bernie, or Dave Chappell, or Bill Maher.  Then listen to it with Alex Jones, Jordan Peterson, or Ben Shapiro, he is like most people, he wants to be liked. It’s human nature. He would certainly never admit to being right leaning or right wing. He will say he is a libertarian. I’ve listened to a good portion of his podcasts going back to 2010. At first it was him and his comedian buddies, smoking weed, drinking whiskey and talking shit. And he would regularly say that. “ don’t listen to me, I’m a dummy who is talking shit”. Literally almost every show he would say that. it then started to get into some of his personal interests, and certainly the last couple of years have been more politically driven. 

    I don’t even know if I’m disappointed, I think it is what I expected from a guy like him. He wants a paycheck, and wants to leave a legacy. Kind of similar to most of us. He is in a position where he could make and take a stand, but it would absolutely effect his shows, podcasts, as well as comedy tours. He has been touring with Dave Chappell off and on since Covid, and taking that stand would have some pretty serious consequences for himself and his brand. By apologizing, he may lose a handful of listeners. Really at this point I expect all of them to apologize for their thoughts and actions when cancel culture comes to get you. And that is on either side. 

    Cheers Steve. 

    I wanted him to go full Howard Stern and just ride Neil Young like a rented moped for the next two weeks. Say things like, "Most of Neil's fans aren't on Spotify, they're on life support".

  4. 15 hours ago, 1975NQ said:

    "Well, in country fill-in-the-blank they're more grateful and therefore give better service so you don't get a tip today" does not work for me at all. Perhaps the waitress you stiffed at Chilil's has a creepy boss who hits on her and micromanages, and perhaps she has a couple of kids to feed and is a single mom who needs that income. Perhaps the 21 year-old you decide to stiff is on his/her own and paying their way through school. Perhaps $8/hr or whatever minimum wage is is not enough to pay the bills. Try putting yourself in someone else's shoes (this is called compassion, btw). Honestly, your argument sounds more like rationalization (and weak rationalization at that) because you just don't wanna fork over the extra money.

    You've just made my point for me. I file all of that under, "tough shit, not my problem".

  5. 6 hours ago, slave to zep said:

    Haven't fact checked this....


    It's an odd marriage if true. Regardless, the Left has been on a Joe Rogan witch hunt for quite awhile now. I've never used Spotify and definitely won't now that they've caved in the name of corporate wokeness.

  6. 9 hours ago, DavidCooper said:

    Can anyone answer for me who the chap on the bicycle was that delivered the telegram to Robert Plant in the film "The Song Remains the Same". I would greatly appreciate the info. What's this man doing today and how did he get the gig? Was he hired by Peter Clifton or Joe Massot?...Thank you

    David, long time no see.

  7. On 1/29/2022 at 10:49 PM, Electrophile said:

    I think that's simply more evidence of what the pandemic has demonstrated; most people are filthy, unhygienic pigs. I thought it hilarious and tragic that back in 2020, when the Big Nasty was first sweeping through the land, people had to be told to wash their hands, cover their mouths when they cough/sneeze, and don't crowd up on people when in standing in line. 

    I couldn't believe that grown adults had to be told to do those things. 

    I couldn't believe that grown adults thought it made any difference.

  8. 21 hours ago, custard pie man said:

    he's for capitalism and against censorship? lmao , didn't he say its either him or me because I don't like what he's saying, dudes a joke and as far as health care workers well " hope Neil Young will remember" under Trump they were heroes, laying it all on the line, especially during the  early months but now under Biden they either get vaxed or get fired! thanks for everything you did but do this or your gone, Stryder said yesterday he got his booster and he doesn't listen to the noise but rather his doctor which is the way it should be but believe couple weeks back he may have posted he has to get it or he'll be terminated, sorry if I have that wrong but in such a case like that talking to your dr. is great but better get vaxed or you'll get fired, were like a third world country right now with all these useless mandates, hard to believe  how quickly Biden has done such damage to our country

    I've noticed how the pandemic is never so bad that it requires securing the Southern border.  

  9. On 1/29/2022 at 2:26 PM, slave to zep said:

    We don't need no vaccinations 
    We don't need no thought control
    No dark agendas in the classrooms
    Fauci leave our kids alone

    Leave our kids alone

    All in all you are the
    Biggest prick of them all
    All in all you are the biggest prick in the world

    We don't need your fascist program
    We don't need no heavy hand
    No segregation of the people 
    Keep your filthy mits away from me

    HEY! NAZI! 
    Keep away from me
    All in all you're just another brick in the wall
    All in all you're just another
    New world order areshole 

    HEY YOU! 
    YES, YOU!
    You can't have your freedom if you don't take the jab
    How can you have any freedom if you don't take the stab?

    Copyright  Julie Loader, 2021

    With apologies to Pink Floyd

    Bit of fun 🤣


    Take me to bed now or lose me forever. 

  10. 4 hours ago, custard pie man said:

    isn't it something that the  leftist media all took down the death totals as soon as Biden got in

    Biden is NEVER held responsible by them for anything COVID-19 related.

    Note also the positive test parameters were purposefully changed by the CDC ON INAUGERATION DAY to drive down the rate of infections.  

    This planned-demic is the biggest scam in the history of mankind.


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