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Posts posted by SteveAJones

  1. On 1/5/2022 at 11:45 AM, z1inspector said:

    Well.... Correct me if I’m wrong :

    wasn’t his brother on a Zep album?

    In through the outdoor!?

     He played an instrument or a couple of notes anyway (lol) During “fool in the rain” !!!  I got to  admit he did a  perfect job too!  One of my favorite parts of the song .

     Lucky guy !!!!

     Talk about bragging rights !!!Wonder if he even got paid for that? 

    Mick Bonham was invited on-stage and played congas during 'Whole Lotta Love', when Led Zeppelin performed at the Preston Public Hall on 23 November 1971. As I recall it is Mick Bonham who blew the whistle during 'Fool On The Rain' on the Led Zeppelin album 'In Through The Out Door'. I probably replied to king zoso's original post six years ago but if not I'll offer my opinion that John needed Mick, someone he could trust completely, to look after his home and family while away on tour a lot more than he needed another member of the entourage.

  2. 5 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    Ha.  Ok.  Its nice to know I created  a popular thread that I wish did not exist.  Covid sucks. So Mr Jones, why are you in Tokyo? Is it a bit crazy for a person from the west with European ancestry and such to live there?  You must have the women in line?  

    Anyway, thanks for the stats Steve.  Are you ever leaving Japan?

    I'm in Tokyo to spend as much time as possible with Chisato Moritaka, the most beautiful woman who has ever lived. Recently completed 25 shows in 7 months and I had the time of my life! Japan is 98%+ Japanese and through the years I've really come to appreciate the many advantages that a homogenous society offers. Even if I were ever to leave Japan for some reason I can't imagine not returning often. 



  3. 8 minutes ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    So are most in England vaccinated or no?  

    1st Dose: 90.1%

    2nd Dose: 82.6%

    Booster or 3rd Dose: 59.8%

    Booster or 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th or 10th Dose: to be determined.



    Covid-19: Fact check—how many patients in hospital are unvaccinated?

    BMJ 2022; 376 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.o5 (Published 04 January 2022)Cite this as: BMJ 2022;376:o5
    By Bryan Christie

    Intensive care units in the UK are filling up with patients with covid-19 who have not been fully vaccinated, a number of media reports have claimed over the past week.

    It led to the prime minister, Boris Johnson, urging people to get vaccinated to reduce the pressure on hospitals. He said that he had been told by doctors that as many as 90% of patients with covid-19 in intensive care had not received a booster vaccination.1 Other media reports have suggested that 80-90% of patients in intensive care are unvaccinated.2

    Are these reports accurate?

    The Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre (ICNARC), which has been monitoring activity throughout the pandemic, provides information on admissions to intensive care.3 Its latest report, published on 31 December, showed that the proportion of patients admitted to critical care in December 2021 with confirmed covid-19 who were unvaccinated was 61%. This proportion had previously fallen from 75% in May 2021 to 47% in October 2021—consistent with the decreasing proportion of the general population who were unvaccinated—before rising again in December 2021.

    The proportion of unvaccinated patients in intensive care varied by English region, with the highest rates recorded in London (66%), the south west, and the north west. Being unvaccinated was classed as a person having no record of receiving any vaccination or having had a first dose administered within 14 days of receiving a positive covid test, and only 1.9% of the “unvaccinated” group had received a first dose within that period.

    The 61% figure is lower than the 80-90% reported at some hospitals. But the latest ICNARC data span only to 15 December, and the proportion of patients in intensive care who are unvaccinated may have increased as the omicron variant spread in December. Some hospitals will also have been more badly affected than others.

    What about admissions outside intensive care?

    The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has recently started to report hospital admissions—not just those to intensive care—alongside vaccination status. The latest figures show that in the week to 29 December 2021 a total of 815 people with confirmed omicron infection were admitted from an emergency department to hospitals in England. Of these, 74% had not had three doses of vaccine—including 25% (206) who were unvaccinated, 6% (49) who had received one dose, and 43% (352) who had received two doses. Twenty three percent (189) had received a booster dose, and the remainder were unknown or had had their first dose less than three weeks ago.4

    Further analysis by the agency has concluded that unvaccinated adults are as much as eight times more likely to be admitted to hospital than those who have been vaccinated and that booster doses are 88% effective at preventing hospital admission.4

    A separate report published by the UKHSA showed that, although unvaccinated individuals made up only a small proportion of the overall population, they accounted for 27% of those with a confirmed case of omicron admitted to hospital in England and for 39% in London.5

    The Office for National Statistics’ latest report on deaths from covid-19 covering the period from January to October last year in England found that the age adjusted rate of death was 96% lower in people who had received a second dose of vaccine than in those who were unvaccinated.6

    Do we need better data in the UK?

    The UK has a wealth of data on the positive impact of vaccination, but the figures are held in different places and piecing them together is not simple. This has led to calls for the UK to follow the lead of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which publishes daily information on the progress of the pandemic, including infection rates by vaccination status.7


  4. 20 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    This is absolutely disgusting.  It is sickening that anyone can support the policies that have led to this.  Any "liberal" who wonders how the Nazis could have come to power needs to be publicly shamed and shunned. 

    I don't doubt for a moment all of those plain clothes law enforcement agents that piled out of that tactical vehicle spent that morning stirring things up by masquerading as violent protestors.

  5. 6 hours ago, Giveroffire said:

    I'm currently looking for a complete version of the MSG performance from 10-27-95....I previously owned this on VHS and it was amazing....even Porl Thompson clapped at the end of Rock and Roll. Also, a great WLL with that epic new riff inserted in the middle and a snippet of Break on Through....I would be glad to pay for any format as I only see bits and pieces on Youtube.

    Thanks so much!!

    It's the last night of the 2nd leg of the North American tour. Everyone knew Porl was not going to continue on with them to Japan and Australia as he and his wife were expecting the birth of their child. During the show Robert & Jimmy arranged for Porl to be entertained by a belly dancer onstage and he was presented a large assortment of roses. I have the original VHS but it's  inaccessible to me at the moment and will be for quite some time.

  6. Just now, Stryder1978 said:

    I haven't watched an NFL game in over 5 years now - ever since Copperdick and Goodell politicized it, but very sorry to hear of the loss of John Madden yesterday.  Thoughts and prayers to his family and friends.

    John Madden -- great coach and even greater commentator. He really made the game entertaining to watch from home.

    Yes! Screw the woke NFL with their female commentators, WWF-style touchdown celebrations and virtue signaling bullshit.  

  7. 8 hours ago, z1inspector said:

    Not sure if Hammersmith is a county? inside  The city of London?  and Oden & Shepard Bush would be what ?little local smaller towns? 

    Hammersmith and Shepherds Bush are both West London districts within the Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham.  Hammersmith is bordered by Shepherds Bush to the North and both are major urban areas. I've gone to both a few times and my favorite attraction there, other than concerts, is the Hammersmith Bridge.

  8. 1 hour ago, 3hrsoflunacy said:

    Now, take covid and spell it backward and get divoc, derived from the Hebrew word dybbuk meaning an evil spirit capable of possessing other creatures.

    The evil spirit here is the governments of the world, IMO.

    "I am Science" -- Dr. Anthony Fauci

    This man is living proof that what we're facing is not a public health emergency but totalitarianism.


  9. 5 minutes ago, hummingbird69 said:

    this whole thing about scaring people to death is bullshit.

    Amen! It's got a 98% + survival rate and one may need a test to know they even have it. Frankly, I'm embarrassed for our species. If paying $5.00 for bottled water and Starbucks coffee didn't establish how stupid people are then surely wearing masks that don't work for nearly two years takes the cake. So many civil liberties suspended. So many businesses destroyed that will never return. All for the sake of Big Pharma peddling their poisons and the feral politicians peddling their politics. "Two weeks to flatten the curve". "Delta variant! Oh, my!" "Omicron variant! Oh, my!" "The definition of fully vaccinated has changed". Wake up, dummies. 

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