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Posts posted by SteveAJones

  1. On 11/30/2021 at 2:17 AM, Bong-Man said:

    Before this Covid mess started, the U.S. had a 12year run of lowering unemployment that crossed Republican and Democratic eras of control.  That bottomed out at 2.5 - 3% before the pandemic, and after the Great Recession.  Filling jobs and having enough people to work has been recognized as a long-term strategic demographic problem for our country for years.  The biggest source of long-term inflation is a lack of essential workers.  Four years ago people were up in arms because workers in Seattle & Portland were demanding $15 dollars an hour as a living wage. A mere four years and a pandemic later, and it's tough to find anyone to work for that wage.  Now we had 3 million people retire unexpectedly, and we've got a plummeting birth rate to go along with an aging population.  We had families with double incomes who because of the pandemic either can't, or are no longer willing to accept that grind because of quality of life issues.  That includes people who can't find anyone to watch, drive, or teach their kids.  This problem is not going away, it just arrived early because of a pandemic.

    Forget what all the talking heads are telling you on this side or that.  This is not the time to stop immigration.  If you're properly screened, properly vaccinated, properly sponsored, and willing to work, OPEN THE DOOR AND LET THEM IN!  The Hmong didn't hurt you or ruin the U.S.  The Chaldeans, the Cubans, and Somalians didn't either.  They work, they earn, and they sponsor their own, just like the Irish Catholics, Italians, and Slavs who were shit on more than a century ago.  Most left home and took a nasty two- week steerage boat ride like cattle to get here.  These people are leaving home and walking 1,500 miles for the possibility of a better life.  Nothing has changed.  They need us, and I hate to break it to you, but we need them. I expect my government no matter who is in charge to do their jobs, screen these people, let them in if they meet the requirements, and put them to work! 

    **The opinions expressed above are of a personal nature.  They do not necessarily reflect those of Ledzeppelin.com, The Bong-Man News Network, or any of their owners, management team, or sponsors that may be affiliated with those entities**         


    Rebuttal (and also just an opinion):  Generally speaking a steady decline in unemployment is a positive outcome, but the real unresolved challenge is we've had at least 30 years of wage stagnation in the US. People won't work for $15.00 an hour when Big Government is paying a household of four $60K+ a year if they just sit on their ass at home and contribute nothing. I've said for at least five years and will repeat today the US needs to impose a blanket policy of NO IMMIGRATION for at least five years while the nation comes up with a sensible immigration policy that will be strictly enforced. These ILLEGAL foreign invaders most definitely ARE hurting society at large -- a Somali member of Congress from Minnesota definitely comes to mind. This country does NOT need the horde of semi-literate male laborers with no skills that continues to pour through the border every day in historic numbers. Their sole purpose is to serve as "replacement voters" that flip red states blue and help to steal more elections.  

  2. On 11/29/2021 at 2:18 AM, Danny Kav said:

    I live in New York. When and where can I see 

    * Becoming Led Zeppelin 

    * Mr. Jimmy 

    I can never figure out why this stuff is only limited release, and not on the big screen or available to rent at home. There is always some press, but it’s months and months before anything else is heard, no information about how to see it. 
    **** Anyone know how I can see these two documentaries? 
    Thanks Danny / dkavan4710@aol.com 


    I believe one of the purposes of the screenings is to secure the most lucrative distribution deals. That takes time to coordinate.

  3. 9 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    This source is fine, but the article is misdirected.  No one's more anti-Red than I am, but Western countries can't blame this mess on the Chinese, it's entirely self-inflicted.  (At any rate, modern China is the creation of Western financial elites, if the Frankenstein monster is starting to freelance, you need to blame the doctor who started the problem.) 

    The purpose of the article is not to absolve Western nations for their tyrannical response, rather to illuminate one factor that explains it: Communist Chinese influence.

  4. 13 hours ago, rm2551 said:

    I believe you live in Japan? I'd be interested on your perspective of how that country is handling Covid as I have not looked into it. AFAIK The Japanese culture is significantly more empathetic and respectful of the elderly than the west generally is (some exceptions). I imagine that would be a focus of the Government there.

    Yes, I do and overall I rate Japan's response favorably. All along the Government of Japan (or central government) remained extremely reluctant to impose public health mandates and restrictions, issuing instead recommendations and guidance for the prefectural governments to consider. The central government did take the lead of course in shutting down international travel and tracking statistics. An apolitical response to COVID-19 is so much easier to achieve in a homogenous society. The citizens aren't wasting a lot of time and energy politicizing and tearing apart their society for the sake of establishing some hierarchy of victimhood.  

  5. 5 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    Actions speak louder than words and a 97 year old man and his wife building houses for the poor with their own hands speaks volumes. Unlike all the other past Presidents who are doing exactly nothing to help the poor and / or disenfranchised.

    Insufferable virtue signaling. Who are you to decide what any 97 year old should do with their time, and how do you know? You don't.

  6. 5 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    Exactly. Carter was the only President not to engage in a war or military action against another nation while in office (the Iran Hostage botched rescue not included). Think on that for a minute.

    Ok, I've thought about it. Firstly, you're saying the one thing he did attempt he failed at doing.

    Secondly, unless like most Leftist pillow-biters you have deep and abiding sympathy for Iranian Generals that kill American soldiers, President Donald J. Trump did not engage in a war or unjust military action against another nation while in office either.  

  7. On 11/20/2021 at 4:01 AM, BobDobbs said:

    You know Ike would immediately purge the republican party of all the crazies, then tell everyone to grow the hell up and stop acting like children from Lord of the Flies.

    As if the other side is even remotely sane.

    On 11/20/2021 at 5:00 AM, Electrophile said:

    Am I annoyed at having to still wear a mask in public, over a year and a half later? Sure, but it is what it is. If a surgeon can wear one for a 10-hour procedure and not pass out, I think I can wear one to walk around the grocery store.

    OMG look what the cat dragged in. Liz, I know you must have missed me here so much. The thing about the surgeon's mask is it actually makes a difference.

  8. 30 minutes ago, BobDobbs said:

    Of course we also have the typical, "never let a tragedy go unexploited" corporate mentality so everyone is raising prices because, well, because they can and its that simple.

    Of course it's never because we have a nation full of morbidly obese, generally unhealthy and irresponsible people. Of course the only solution is more Big Government.

  9. 24 minutes ago, BobDobbs said:

    College educations used to be affordable, then the states started contributing less & less to the universities so now tuition is outrageous.

    Why didn't you mention it's also because the federal government gives every applicant with a pulse a student loan? 

  10. 4 hours ago, Stryder1978 said:
    Wait a minute.....I thought this whole Covid virus thingee was caused BY THE TRANSFER OF THE VIRUS IN A WET MARKET IN WUHAN TO HUMANS!!! 

    Nope. As I stated very early on (and was branded as a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist for doing so) the origin of this virus is an inadvertent leak that occurred during gain of function research inside a Wuhan lab funded in part by that son of a bitch Dr. Anthony Fauci.

    2021 09 02.jpg

  11. 5 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    There's nothing sanctified about democracy, it's a form of government, and can be as bad as any other form if the rulers themselves are rotten or if the society over which it presides is corrupted.  Prime examples being the US and Western Europe.  The destructive lock-downs, vaccine mandates, and mass surveillance are all products of democratic governments.  As bad as the CCP unquestionably is, I'm pretty sure they don't hate their own people, like the Western governments do.  

    Yeah, were definitely done here.

  12. 42 minutes ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    The issue isn't whether Chinese or any other ethnic/national group can achieve stable democracy.  The issue is, how does it concern the US if they do or not?  It's a good thing the US doesn't have a mutual defense pact with Taiwan.

    And if I recall, don't Taiwan (where the Nationalist government evacuated to after the civil war) and the CCP both claim to be the rightful rulers of China?  How is this any business of the US?  It sounds like an internal Chinese matter, we have enough of our own problems to solve.  Ironically, the US wouldn't have to worry about any of this if they hadn't betrayed the Nationalists during WW2.  Another triumph of the "good war".

    Unsure if I have the time and inclination to explain the history of the world to you. Suffice to say a world without stable democratic nations is not the world I want.

  13. 7 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    So, you're proud of supporting the various stupid, pointless wars that the Americans have waged?  Interesting.  What Australian national interest has been served by any of these?  What Australian (or American, for that matter) national interest depends on who controls Taiwan?

    Taiwan is a free society of 24 million people that puts the lie to the Chinese Communist Party’s ultimate claim of legitimacy. Throughout its seventy years of rule, the Party has justified its totalitarianism on the basis that any other form of government would lead to chaos and corruption—features that marked much of China’s history and which some historians blame for why greatness and global power have eluded the world’s most populous nation.

    Taiwan is a living rebuke of this fiction. It shows that an ethnically Chinese-majority country can achieve stability and prosperity through democracy and the rule of law. Since Taiwan evolved into a full democracy in 1996, it has had three peaceful changes of power between political parties and its per capita income has grown to more than $50,000—now ranked twenty-eighth in the world. Furthermore, Taipei has achieved this despite persistent threats and intimidation from Beijing.

    Unfortunately, the US does not have a mutual defense treaty with Taiwan and the Communist Chinese own President Biden so if and when the Communist Chinese decide to take Taiwan I seriously doubt the US will do a damn thing about it.

  14. 10 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    Just as it is my right to question why the average American pays considerably more in taxes (all taxes, not just income) than those Scandinavian countries yet get almost nothing for it (again, talking about your average, working class American) in return. 

    Hmmm, I wonder why that is???

    For the most part it's because people like you insist the solution to every problem is more Big Government.

  15. 3 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    Just wait a few hours and someone on this board will come along and tell you how wrong you are, that your life is actually a dystopian nightmare of which you contributed, and that you are in fact a commie-pinko. Of course this will be coming from someone who lives in the US and has never stepped foot in QLD much less Australia. 

    This from someone who never misses an opportunity to tell us the US should imitate Scandanavia, perhaps not realizing the entire population of Scandanavia is equivalent to one large American city.

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