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Posts posted by SteveAJones

  1. 27 minutes ago, custard pie man said:

    president Biden when pressed to comment said "money has nothing to do with it" it looked to this reporter there was 6 pairs of hands in Bidens pockets as he was  reading from a teleprompter

    He also recently said this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. How that is not a lie worthy of impeachment is beyond me.

  2. 2 hours ago, custard pie man said:

    I was not aware Faucci admitted to that but rather thought he denied then changed the definition of gain of function? Just found out my future son in law who is an officer in the army, (national guard) and has been stationed in providence was called in this past weekend,  many were sick and tested positive, they just moved into a new place during fridays snow storm, wife went sunday to help move them in and son in law  tested positive this morning, my wife was with them all day yesterday so we'll see what happens! interesting Steve how these viruses all seem to be man made, i'm sure a plane full of illegals will be landing at midnight in a city near you and  loaded with untested positive future little democrats

    It is fully substantiated, in documents and testimony, that Dr. Fauci did fund experiments at the lab in Wuhan. As with "fully vaccinated", they have attempted to change the definition of "gain of function" to obfuscate the truth.

    A plane of illegals will not be landing at a city near me. I saw the writing on the wall when Obama was elected and got the hell out of there, hopefully forever.


  3. 26 minutes ago, custard pie man said:

    can you imagine giving DC  2 more senators or letting Biden expand the courts so we have 9 more Sotomayors running around, god help us all, and like clock work now we have the flu rona coming to a city near you, as for vaccines well I had 2 pfizer shots because my doctor and hematologist strongly encouraged me after having blood clots, I will not get a booster  and wish I didn't vaccinate, nothing seems to make sense and I and probably most of you are tired of the bull shit

    I'm beyond tired of the bullshit and now evidence is mounting that Omicron is NOT a COVID-19 variant, rather it is another inadvertent lab leak during gain of function experiments (in South Africa). This is what happens when, upon his admission that he funded gain of function research at the lab in Wuhan, Dr. Fraud-ci and all of his collaborators were not put on trial, and if found guilty, frogged marched to the nearest tree line and hung. 

  4. 9 hours ago, Plant77 said:

    I also think that DC should become a state. That way they can also have two senators, and equal representation.

    The Founding Father's did not. DC is a federal city, not a state. If a citizen wants to have a senator don't live in DC. Puerto Rico? Don't get me started. 

    The cost of beef in the US is up 20% -- better keep the masses focused on the COVID boogeyman. 

  5. 20 minutes ago, Plant77 said:

    Seems like a very loving Christian thing to say. Just accuse people of being pedophiles, and satanists and kill them. What is scary is that usually those are the very people who are usually the most evil. Also, people should be careful of accusing others of such acts and beliefs. 

    I hope to god you haven’t gone down that rabbit hole of far right wing propaganda Steve. I want to believe that this is you being sarcastic. Not actually believing in some crazy right wing bat shit crazy theories of pedophile baby eating pizza parlors. Come on man. I’ve read almost every post you have written on this site. Say it ain’t so Steve! 

    Ok, you got me. I was just doing my show. 


  6. 16 minutes ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    Djokovic and Aaron Rodgers are becoming two of my favorite athletes:

    ‘Novak’s Real Crime Was to Have Stood Up for Himself and, in So Doing, Exposed Our Cowardice’ – Anti-Empire

    Hell, I'll even support psychopaths like Antonio Brown for the fake vaccination card thing.  Remember:  black markets are how the Soviet Union functioned on a daily basis, the same thing will happen in the new Soviet America.

    This is the best reader's comment on that article:

    Ultrafart the Brave
     6 hours ago
    “The whole country is hating on Novak Djokovic right now because he had the courage to do what most of us did not – stand up for himself.”

    No, it’s not, it’s really not.

    It’s the Satanic political class, their beauracratic stooges and the entirety of the bought-and-paid-for Australian mainstream media that is “hating on Novak Djokovic”.

    The common folk in Australia could care less. A great many of them already ignore the mainstream media, because they know what’s going on.

    This is a controlled narrative which is subordinate to the Satanists’ Corona Chan “pandemic” narrative, a key part of their depopulation plan.

    “When news broke earlier this week that Novak was going to be allowed to play in Australia, a Victorian journalist tweeted: ‘If we still have crowds at the Australian Open by the time it starts, it’s the duty of every Australian to boo Novak relentlessly between sets. Shit is absolutely f***ed.’”

    A Victorian “journalist”? Really? How about we just call a spade a spade – a Victorian presstitute paid by his Globalist masters to spew lies to support the official position of the Satanists entrenched throughout the Australian governments.

    Why would anyone be concerned about a brainless lying presstitute’s paid anouncement on a Globalist media platform like Twitter?

    For that matter, why breathe life into that venemous tirade by repeating it?

    “‘Rules are rules,’ Prime Minister Scott Morrison insisted, when announcing to the baying Twitter mob that Novak’s visa had been cancelled.”

    There’s that Globalist-controlled propaganda machine again – Twitter.

    Sure, it matters to the Satanists’ controlled narrative – but only for that diminishing proportion of the population that still give it any credence.

    Here’s a small measure that might help to restore public confidence in the official narrative – drag Hill Song pedophile and closet Satanist Morrison and all his ilk out into the street and string every last one of them up on a lamp post.

  7. 1 hour ago, Bong-Man said:

    ^   ^

    don't forget President Obama.  He was after your guns and imposing Sharia Law.  How'd that one work out?

    I would point out that it's kind of tough to claim that a pandemic is intended to bring about a new world order, when at the same time you're telling us to pay no heed to the pandemic when it only affects 2% of the population and is no more of a concern than the flu or a common cold. I guess you see it both ways?  How convenient. 

    You've also shared with us how the election was stolen, yet every court and recount initiated by your own side has come up with zero, zilch, nada.  Not a shoot of bamboo to be found. I suggest you listen to the current senile President's speech he made yesterday.  I might also suggest you listen to the interview with Peter Navarro.  In his own words, you'll learn about something called an "orchestrated peaceful coup".  Reality and truth can be a tough pill to swallow, especially when you're on the wrong side of history.  Again, see you in less than 3 years.  Don't worry about the mid-terms.  Biden will lose Congress in some form just like the last 4 Presidents.     

    Obama absolutely has a hand in Biden's illegitimate Presidency. How's it working out? Well, we just imported more than 100,000 unvetted Afghan's that are now being dispersed by design under the cover of darkness from coast to coast. Look what the Taliban got -- about $2 BILLION in weapons and equipment.

    What I've been saying is the pandemic is not a public health emergency, BUT it is being spun as such for the purpose of extending and expanding Big Government control.

    The election was stolen in plain sight. How? Suppression of the news, ballot harvesting and absentee voting, predominantly, which was NOT approved by state legislatures. Regardless, political elections don't mean shit and haven't for years. Outcomes may be cheered or booed by the masses, but those of us who know what's really going on see political elections for the bread and circuses they are.    

  8. 1 hour ago, chillumpuffer said:

    You're flogging a dead horse Rod with the Professor of Epidemiology.

    Wait for the other Professor of "link" to chip in. He is a real free thinker. A master of the link. He appears a few posts up with his usual link to some sort of rubbish he has read. But notice he doesn't actually say much at all. You see how @Reggie29 and yourself eloquently put your points across without having to plagiarise other peoples views? Not something we see from the man from Mordor

    :hysterical: :popcorn2:

    In times like these I really miss George Carlin. All this Branch Covidian bullshit from the last two years would have been comedy gold for him. Grown men using their knuckles to summon elevators, and using their feet to flush and turn on/off everything in public restrooms. It's like the 1980s all over again, when we were told the AIDS virus was lurking on every toilet seat. Fauci was behind the government's response to that one too.

  9. 2 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    Does anyone think I could have gotten it and never known? 

    YES. Absolutely. It is common for a fully vaccinated person to be completely asymptomatic.

    35 minutes ago, rm2551 said:

    Hi Steve,

    There was never a pandemic to begin with. - So what are the agreed parameters of what officially constitutes a pandemic? I find it means the world wide spread of a new disease. I'm struggling to understand what you mean here other than by actual definition this does not qualify - which I think it does. As far as I know, this event is being labelled by the scientific/medical community specifically to what the accepted meaning is: "pandemic". While grotesque flaws and corruptions exist in areas that run into scientific/medical areas such as how "big pharma" operates (which is beyond belief, but not if you look at the rotten structure) - I cannot see how that view holds but hey, I might be well missing a specific point you were making. You do immediately clarify the parameters for that - which I still have issue with. 98% survival rate is great, no question it NEGATES a lot of the unnecessary fear/reaction - but that is nowhere near the point.

    There is a virus that, if nothing is done, modelling shows - there will be deaths that otherwise are preventable due to collapse of hospital/health systems. That is what Governments were faced with - or at least - that is what they are (world wide) being presented with by their trusted scientific advisers - coupled with the reality of how media will roll this information out. I don't think you need a broader conspiracy than that scenario, and how Governments dealt with that reality - but of course it could be something else.

    I still am not sure what any "plan" could possibly be. I can think of great scenarios - but I can't see anything other than a virus just fucked us hard - was probably due - and corrupt/lazy/popular/shit/populist/imposed governments just had to deal with it. It could very well be escaped/released from a lab like you have suggested, no question.

    Whatever you think the "goal" is if this is a "plan" - I would offer: the goal (some kind of more authoritarian control?) already exists - and the pandemic just plays into this existing "plan". This is AT BEST - and one possibility of many scenarios that are reasonable. But your recurring theme of more authoritarian control in the west I certainly see as real and a huge issue, I just don't think this Virus has anything to do with that already established direction.

    I would respectfully say....

    To avoid a semantic argument perhaps I should have said "there was never a public health emergency to begin with". 

    Regardless, to sequester/vaccinate the most vulnerable is reasonable public health policy. To lock down everyone and mandate vaccination for everyone is tyranny. The so-called "scientific/medical community" is completely corrupt, bought and paid for by Big Pharma and proof of this is that achieving herd immunity is NEVER permitted in the discussion. I feel that all rational people should be able to agree that once they begin changing the definition of "fully vaccinated", as they have, we have well and truly jumped the shark on the so-called pandemic. This is no longer a public health emergency, if it ever was, it is merely an excuse to unnecessarily extend and expand Big Government control of every facet of modern life.      

  10. 4 hours ago, Reggie29 said:

    Based on common knowledge and data it is plausible that the current pandemic could be over sometime in 2023.

    There was never a pandemic to begin with, unless one wants to accept at face value that a virus with an above 98% survival rate constitutes a public health emergency. Point being the planned-demic was never about a virus or public health.

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