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Posts posted by SteveAJones

  1. 1 hour ago, Plant77 said:

    I am absolutely envious, and amazed at the story above. Well the story above what I am quoting. That’s seriously amazing Steve. Good for you that you had such close contact and to have been involved on any level with the greatest band ever. This may not be the place for this question Steve. But how did you get so deeply immersed into Led Zeppelin, and to have had the experiences you have had over the years. I’ve followed this website and Forum for many years, and I can’t say that I’ve ever read your story on how that began. If that is for another thread I apologize, I’m just really interested in your specific story with the band and how you became as knowledgeable, and how you became as dedicated as you are obviously are.


    Thanks Steve. 

    I'm an intensely private person so I seldom discuss myself unless it relates in some way. People draw their own conclusions anyway regardless of what I share. Really I just want to say hats off to David for all that he has done and continues to do at Hammerwood. He's a remarkable person.


  2. 4 hours ago, Hammerwood Park said:


    I think there was even a Bombay version of Stairway. Doing a bit of homework the Coda issue was only of two tracks 😞

    If anyone has the complete recording the versions were particularly refreshing and I'd love a copy

    Best wishes

    David P

    EMI Studios  Pherozeshah Mehta Road

  3. 8 hours ago, Hammerwood Park said:

    Greetings from Hammerwood. The house was one of those owned by the band in the 1970s through their companies Superhype Tapes and Woodhammer Nominees.

    Recently I've been archiving reel to reel tapes and have been doing the reverse, buying tape on which to archive digital material.

    Last week I bought two R2R tapes, one of which has a concert recorded in 1973 and rebroadcast in 1980, and another, better quality recorded at 7 1/2 ips, of the 1980 broadcast mentioning a 1971 recording date. I will be transcribing both and putting on YouTube.

    Whilst writing, around 20 - 25 years ago I went to a car-boot sale at Lingfield where someone was selling CDs. I bought two - one of a New York Times Square concert and the other, fascinating, a bootleg of a session in India, probably Bombay, and possibly with Ravi Shankar. Sadly my irresponsible son . . . lost both. Are these recordings known and might I be able to buy a copy? Both were rather golden.

    By nature I'm a classical musician and piano tuner - for the past dozen and more years tuning pianos to a different scale than usual - and have found the commercial disks unattractive. But live in concert recordings are musical and magical.

    Edit - the CD I had and is lost had the track which introduces:

    So the CD would not have been unique and the source tape must still be somewhere . . . It's glorious if anyone can find it!

    Best wishes

    David Pinnegar

    David, how wonderful it is to see that you have visited the forum. I doubt you will recall I visited with you at Hammerwood on Saturday, July 25, 1998.  I brought along some of the director's outtake photos from The Song Remains The Same. This lead to a detailed discussion with you of Peter Grant & Jimmy Page's purchase and original intentions for Hammerwood, as well as the scenes in the film that were done there. My visit concluded with a personal, guided tour of the home by yourself, for which I am forever grateful. The next evening I shared with Jimmy at his home some of what you had told me and explained that remarkable progress had been made with regard to the extensive renovations of Hammerwood. Jimmy was impressed that I had taken it upon myself to visit Hammerwood and that so much progress had been made by yourself on it's restoration.


  4. 2 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    The US has never been energy independent because we do not have nationalized energy. Since around 2001 the US has produced enough energy domestically to be technically energy independent, however, since we live in something called a free-market, capitalist economy, all of the oil & gas MUST be sold on the world market and then purchased back at an inflated rate because, capitalism. Only nations which nationalize their energy are energy independent. A nationalized energy system is when all domestically produced oil & gas must be used domestically and only the surplus is allowed to be sold on the world market. Iran did this in 1953 and the US immediately responded by staging a coup.

    Keystone pipeline has nothing to do with energy independence and everything to do with increasing the profits for the oil producers and refineries. All the pipeline did was cut transportation costs by 90% to increase profit. Every single drop of that oil was destined for, you guessed it, the world market. Also, the US is the largest producer of crude oil in the world, producing and selling more than either Russia or Saudi Arabia.

    How about you do some basic research regarding oil & energy production within a capitalist, free-market system before you post.

    Where our oil comes from - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

    "Nationalized energy"..."all the pipeline did"... good grief.

  5. 5 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    Look who's talking about ad hominem attacks, the guy who does so consistently!

    Oh and your precious Russians have been at it a week and have captured one city off the Black Sea and their 40 mile convoy is stalled due to lack of supplies. Meanwhile, Russian soldiers are defecting, leaving their vehicles while their families are back in Russia protesting the war in the streets. On the world stage Russia's economy is on the brink of collapse and even Switzerland has seized all that sweet oligarch loot. They have become an isolated country despised by all. As far as I'm concerned gas can go to $10 a gallon if it means Russia's defeat in Ukraine and Putin being sent to gulag.

    Old Vlad better think of something fast otherwise he will be erased by those oligarchs ala a Stalin photo op.

    If you say so. I've heard most of this for 20 years.

  6. 5 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    Meh, don't mind Steve-O / Mr. 8-Track. He is so entrenched in the Nazi / Neo-Con playbook approach to debate he simply can no longer identify the truth even after it bites him in the backside. He makes a complete fool out of himself regarding the Russian - Ukraine conflict and then acts like "what, hum...who me?" The guy is full of poo his eyes are brown. Now he randomly attacks another poster simply for trying to lighten the mood. 

    What a guy

    Ad hominem much? Anyway, no need for you to read today's news. The situation is as I said it would be last week.

  7. 4 hours ago, 1975NQ said:

    This is actually a great quote, considering the rabid/dogmatic posts we're seeing regarding a very serious situation.

    It's just more secular humanist moral relativism bullshit. There are a lot of things I'm certain about and it's because I do know the answer. By Strider's logic, 2 + 2 = possibly anything. 

  8. 11 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    Give me a break! Which is it, a few posts up you did indeed praise Putin and his actions but now you agree he is idiotic? Please.

    Problem here Steve is you love to post with a small, kernel of truth wrapped in a giant turd of nonsense. Case in point, the Coup in Ukraine in 2014. You blame it all on Obama but the architects of the coup were a holdover from the Bush years who was the architect for the Iraq War and of course that cackling hawk, Hillary Clinton. Yes, the buck always stops with the President and he should have made a better decision, this was his Jack Kennedy, Bay of PIgs moment IMO. Unlike you I try and stay consistent with my positions unless new information shows I was wrong, such as the overthrow of democratically elected governments. I don't believe in coups no matter who does them if the process to elect was fair and uncorrupted, regardless of who takes power. All those coups the US did were wrong, plain and simple, from Iran to South America and all points in-between. The Contras were the bad guys, the Sandinistas were the democratically elected govt.

    Also, the coup which was led by a contingent of neo-Nazi's was later expunged from the government for what it's worth. Zalenskyy is a practicing Jew who had family murdered in the death camps during WWII so he is in no way a Nazi or would allow Nazi's around him.

    The underlying fact is the US screwed this up with bad foreign policy toward Russia since 91'. However, the action and results are100% Valamir Putin's fault, not the US, not the West but Putin. It was his choice to invade a foreign country which posed no threat. It was his decision to murder innocent civilians. And now it is his decision to start with the nuclear forces nonsense which the rest of the world though concerned, is essentially laughing at. The fact is, both the US & Soviet Union / Russia have had at least 20 separate incidents independently where the use and release of nuclear weapons was ordered due to mistakes and in every single incident either the commanders of those missiles / assets outright refused the order, or, the missiles somehow did not work. With the massive public uprising in Russia against the Ukraine invasion I seriously doubt if the order was given it would be carried out however it is possible. Putin has painted himself into a corner which will be extremely difficult to get out of. As mentioned before, Putin is only the figurehead and mouthpiece of the oligarchs. If they begin to feel the squeeze Putin will be "replaced" just like the loon Andropov was "replaced" after the debacle of Able Archer in late 83'. Fun fact, just like Andropov, Putin is also a former KGB official. Let's see if they share the same fate, hopefully, yes.

    Neocons and the Ukraine Coup – Consortium News

    You consistently see only what you want to see. When and where in the hell did I praise Putin? 

    The 2014 coup -- I said it occurred while the Obama administration was in power and after the Obama administration had enticed Ukraine to denuclearize. All else is your inference.

    Zalensky isn't being overthrown because he's a Jew, he's being overthrown because Putin's demand that Ukraine not become a member of NATO has not been met.

  9. 1 hour ago, Plant77 said:

    Well, I don’t know that I can argue with that. I also know that praising this invasion of the Ukraine as genius, and calling that little maniac savvy is perhaps beyond redemption. Not understanding or being capable of understanding what those people are going through emotionally, and physiologically during a war/conflict that is going to leave thousand of mothers and fathers without their sons, and the innocent people, women and children that are being killed needlessly is just beyond comprehension. 

    On this we agree. His commentary is idiotic and a painful reminder he has a compulsion to say outlandish, ignorant things.

  10. 56 minutes ago, BobDobbs said:

    Said like a true POS. You complain about others when in truth you are just as bad if not worse.


    Ad hominem much? It's either my way or your way, My problem with your virtue signaling is it always leads to someone else's American son or daughter dying needlessly on foreign soil. Essentially you want Americans to die for the sake of NATO, We've paid the bill for Europe long enough.

  11. 2 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    Patton may have been generalizing, but by the actions of the Russian troops he was spot-on. The Russian soldiers raped around 100,000 women and killed at least 10,000 of them afterward during the Fall of Berlin alone. When the term "women" is used it means females as several thousand of those "women" were children or even babies.

    Then there is the glaring truth that very few seem to acknowledge: Germany did not start WWII in Europe unilaterally, it was Germany AND Russia who JOINTLY started WWII by invading Poland in concert. The Russian's actually killed more Poles than the Germans (not counting the Polish Jews). 

    Of course the Russian lovers on here seem to forget Ukraine was an independent country for most of its existence. Seem to forget the Cossacks and purges against the Ukrainians during the late 18th and throughout the 19th centuries. Or of course forget about the 4 million Ukrainians Stalin starved to death during 33'-35' and his "agricultural programs." Gee, I wonder why Ukraine does not want to be part of Russia? Seems like such a "mutually beneficial" relationship.


    It's not that we've forgotten, we don't care. This invasion was inevitable so get it over with so my stock portfolio can bounce back quickly.

  12. 3 hours ago, Plant77 said:

    Well please tell me who you feel is a trusted news source? Just one. Over the last year I’ve listed several that I feel are not biased and try and get it right. From the right, and I’m not saying you, all I hear is lame stream, and not to be trusted. I would love to have one source so I could check it out for myself. I mean damn, we can’t even trust fact check websites according to some. And to my knowledge we do not receive 230 million barrels of oil from Russia per year. I could be wrong about that? 

    We have to stop blaming shit on Obama, I’m in the energy industry, it’s almost crazy to continue to blame that administration for problems that we are now dealing with. Did he do everything right? No, was he handed a bag of shit? Yes. It’s funny how everyone forgets where we were at when he took office. And I didn’t vote for him on his first term. I certainly did on his second, and truthfully I would have been cool with Mitt as well. They are both Men of substance, and educated, and generally wanted good for the American people. For those who keep saying the election was stolen, it’s an absolute outright, outrageous lie. The crazy thing about it is, no one including his DOJ, the Supreme Court, or anyone that matters agrees. You have a my pillow, and some other crazy as cat shit people saying that. Offer any proof, and this may not be the site and or forum for it. But I’m glad to have the conversation at anytime. There has not been one agency, one reputable person that has dared gone down that dumb as fu&k rabbit hole. If that’s what you or anyone believes then I actually feel for you. 

    And I would be the first to say that not everything that dump did was bad, of course not, but he is roundly and solidly the worst commander in chief that the United States has ever had. Or at least in any of our life times. Goddamn, this wish to go back to the 1950’s or to some time and era that never was good for all Americans, and to think we were the country of “bring me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses”.

    For those on this site that think it was cool to see the proud boys marching down the street, or to see some Fat, orange, want to be bad ass talking shit about everyone as some sort of savior I actually feel bad. Again, let’s go through who has been better for the economy, who has actually increased the size of the government. It’s not going to be who people would like to think it would be. These are easy stats to look up. There is one side that is great at turning their failures into and onto another party, there is a side that is great at reworking the system to their advantage, and acting as if the other side has done so. 

    I am beyond tired of the right’s tired, old, worn out topics, and scare tactics. I’m also tired of the left, and their woke cancel culture better than thou attitude. We really need to start seeing each other as we would want to be seen. Meaning individually and collectively. This left and right crap is destroying our country, the republic, and we are destined for failure. 

    That was definitely rambling, and I’m good with it. Either way, stop the stolen election bullshit. It’s laughable. Whoever mentions crowd sizes again is just not smart enough to understand that unlike 10-15 thousand jackasses, a majority of the country, yes a resounding majority voted to do away with the laughingstock we had in office for the 4 years we all had to deal with him and it. Rudy Gulliani in front of the Dildo factory leaking hair dye didn’t convince anyone that anything was stolen. 

    To everyone else, sorry for the topic highjack that I have been a part of. I will make sure to not be a part of it as I understand that it is not what the site is about. 


    The Obama administration denuclearized Ukraine and orchestrated a coup. That's not placing blame, it's a historical fact. 


  13. 2 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    Really? For a guy who has no problem with sanctions why is he threatening nuclear war? He expected Ukraine to cave, instead they are kicking his ass. He expected Europe to cave, instead they have seized his assets and are seizing Russian shipping vessels, he expected the "weak" Biden & US to cave and instead we are supporting Ukraine & Europe. His people are protesting en masse while the entire world is stopping all trade and banking, completely isolating Russia in the process. Even Vlad's good buddy Xi is completely silent since Vlad decided to shoot Xi in the dick with the invasion.

    You have no clue what you are talking about which is obvious with the "230 MILLION barrels of Russian oil every year" nonsense. First, if we socialized our energy we would be 100% energy independent as we produce a surplus of oil & gas which we sell on the world market and then buy back. The US has had the potential for energy independence since the early 2000's but we legally cannot do that as it would be socialism which is bad.

    Fact is, you are full of shit. Post after post of yours show your love of Putin and dictators in general. You're a garbage human being and that's a fact.

    If you say so. Ukraine will fall and the US and Europe will remain dependent upon Russian energy supply for years to come.


  14. 8 hours ago, Plant77 said:

    That is not accurate Steve. 

    "Whenever an MLB barn storming team had at least 7 MLB players in the lineup the Negro League teams have a below .500 winning percentage" is accurate.

  15. 8 hours ago, custard pie man said:

    anyone seen Faucci? since truckers got together I haven't seen or heard from him, must be in hiding? anyways so nice not  to see or hear

    You can bet he received a phone call recently that went something like this: "Tony, we may lose the House and Senate in the mid-terms. Need you to fade away now as we move forward like COVID-19 never happened".

  16. 8 hours ago, Plant77 said:

    When did any American start trusting, or looking upon Putin favorably. He is insanely dangerous, and not very complicated. His revisionist history on Ukrainian Russian history is also laughable. Except it isn’t a laughing matter because he is in a sovereign country killing innocent people under a completely false narrative. 

    For myself, again, my views have nothing to do with trust or favor towards Putin. It's simply an understanding and acceptance that this invasion is the direct consequence of the Obama administration enticing Ukraine to give up their nuclear arsenal and then orchestrating a coup eight years ago. Putin knows the "Obiden" administration is weak on every level and is now taking advantage of it geopolitically to meet Russia's national security objectives. He also knows the "Obiden" administration is so beholden to climate radicals that the United States will continue to import more than 230 MILLION barrels of Russian oil every year. This is precisely why Putin's government said it "doesn't give a shit" about US sanctions.    

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