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Posts posted by SteveAJones

  1. 15 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

    I find it laughable how this admin is ready to spend 40 billion to secure the border for another country but not a dollar for our border.

    That 40 billion will never be used to secure the Ukraine border. 10% will go to The Big Guy, another 10% to that guy, 5% to... Government sanctioned money laundering.

  2. 17 hours ago, ScarletMacaw said:

    In case anyone is still confused about Russia's aims: 

    “The very concept of Ukraine should not exist in the future, and neither should the concept of a Ukrainian,” Oleg Matveychev, a senior lawmaker from Russia’s ruling party and former Kremlin adviser, said last week."--The Wall Street Journal, May 12. 

    It's an arguable point. Ukraine is not a country so much as it is an international slush fund for globalists. 10% to the Big Guy.

  3. On 5/9/2022 at 1:52 AM, rm2551 said:

    Taiwan definitely needs to go hard on defense spending now.

    Taiwan is a tiny island. The Chinese merely need to encircle it and starve them to the point of surrender.

  4. 8 hours ago, Old Man said:

    I recently saw the 1975 movie The Hindenburg.  The movie, like Led Zeppelin, were both a little before my time.  I was a teen of the '80's, but I was still a huge Zep fan in the 9 80's and beyond.  The Hindenburg was described in the movie as, "The Zep."  I wondered how many high school, and maybe a few college, kids at the time joked they loved "The Zep" but maybe not that Zep.  High school students, by nature, are automatically sarcastic.  I am sure some made the connection and had a wise comment about it. 

    I can honestly say I've never heard anyone refer to The Hindenburg as "The Zep". Most fans I encountered, at least pre-internet, had no awareness the first album cover depicts an actual historical event, let alone that the event is known as "The Hindenburg Disaster". 

  5. 1 hour ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    They definitely want to be the regional superpower in the Pacific, I agree.  But even here, they could now be doing things like regime change or color revolutions in places like Vietnam or the Philippines, but they're not (as far as I can tell).  They bully these countries over various stupid issues, but they don't seem interested in political destabilization as such.  So I am skeptical about how grand their designs are.  Ultimately I think they want to go back to the old, pre-Trump/pre-covid order where Western finance exploited cheap Chinese labor (with the CCP getting a big cut).  But that ship has long since sailed, there is no going back. 

    It's a long, methodical process. The first and most important step is to destabilize and diminish the United States, which has been well under way for several years. They own the current political administration which is why for all the hand-wringing and cauterwauling about Ukraine and Russia Russia Russia we never hear a word in opposition to the Communist Chinese.

  6. 10 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    Yes, but does this mean we should be willing to go to war to defend Taiwan?  Do we still need to pay for the defense of Japan and S Korea (two of the richest countries in the world)?  We have our neck of the woods (e.g. the Monroe Doctrine), they have theirs.  No valid American interest depends on us policing the AIPAC region, esp. given all of the other problems we have at home that should be addressed.  

    Unfortunately, I think within the next five years we're going to find out (Taiwan). If you're unwilling to defend Japan and South Korea they too would be lost to China in time in my opinion. China is positioning itself as THE world's superpower and they'd like nothing more than to place the whole Pacific region under their control.   

  7. 2 hours ago, kipper said:

    I would be very angry to find out that any tip I give to MY waiter is put into a pool and then shared with other staff. The whole idea of a gratuity is to compensate THE PERSON who provided good service. And since not all waiters are as good as the best ones, the ones lacking in merit should get less.

    What you are describing sounds like socialism, which I loathe. I believe in tipping, but if I knew that it was shared with others, then I would just tip a lot less than I do.

    A 20% tip for last night's dinner with three friends was thirty bucks. Tipping is the main reason why I'm going out to eat in restaurants less and less. It's bad enough the cost of everything else has increased, then I'm expected to pay a waiter 20% of my bill just for doing their damn job.

  8. 3 hours ago, Rock Historian said:

    Hey everyone!

    This shirt is a replacement for the original one I got from the concert in 1988. It was lost in Hurricane Katrina 17 years ago. I had searched for the shirt on various sites since then and today was a good day receiving this!


    Have a great weekend


    Wow! Rock Historian is still alive. Yes, those shirts are hard to find nowadays. Most were worn to tatters and thrown away. I never wore mine but all those '80s era shirts seem to shrink even just sitting in a box. It must be the cotton content.

  9. 11 hours ago, kipper said:

    Oh, that "Mr Jimmy".


    Let us know when Steve Z comes in.  Now that guy can actually play like real Mr Wizard of "Z'

    Hold on a second. Are you suggesting that Mr. Jimmy can't play like Jimmy Page? I'm waiting for the punch line. 

    3 minutes ago, Strider said:

    Reading about more venues going "cashless". How many of you carry cash? Or are you strictly credit card/apple pay/virtual currency now?

    It does seem I never have any cash on me nowadays. I've become essentially a credit card/debit card and Paypal guy. I get enraged when I need to find four quarters for a vending machine or anything else.

  10. 7 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    Indeed they are (shit-holes, for the most part).  Does that mean the lives of people who live there mean nothing?  That we have moral panic over a border dispute between two ex-Soviet nations, but show absolutely no concern over far worse human suffering everywhere else?  Really?  That's what we've become?  I fucking hope not.

    All these hand-wringers don't give a shit about Ukraine. Ukraine is just a means to an end, that being regime change in Russia. Orange Man Bad. Putin Bad.

  11. 9 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:


    An instant classic. Someone should come up with a list of all the shit with a higher mortality rate than COVID-19. It would be a very long list.

  12. On 5/4/2022 at 9:09 AM, shnflacwav said:

    Spine issues from patting yourself on the back?


    Well played! Her being a self-aggrandizing virtue signaler aside, she genuinely does seem to care about the war in Ukraine.   

  13. 2 hours ago, Walter said:

    Exactly. It’s all about control. Men who wouldn’t wear a fucking mask in a store say it’s alright for a woman to carry an unwanted fetus inside of them and then raise it for a lifetime. 

    At long last Walter admits wearing a mask was all about control and little else besides. My second point is abortion is not a constitutional right according to a direct reading of the text of the Constitution. Overturning the Roe v. Wade decision is not a federal ban on abortion, rather it merely places the matter squarely in state courts where it belongs.

    Is Abortion a Constitutional Right? The Legal Facts (hli.org)

    2 hours ago, Strider said:

    So Kim Kardashian was allowed to wear the actual Marilyn Monroe "Happy Birthday, Mr. President" dress, however briefly. Which means by proxy that clown Ray Jay's junk has now touched the Marilyn dress. 

    That dress is now worthless.

    In my opinion, Kim Kardashian is not and never has been attractive nor interesting. Having long ago seen the video of Ray Jay plowing her did nothing to change my opinion.

  14. 3 hours ago, cryingbluerain said:

    So now the leftists are back to "my body my choice".  The same people who demanded that we submit to government vaccine mandates a few months ago.  You can't make this crap up but here we are.

    Yes. The same people who insist we "follow the science" can't grasp termination of a pregnancy ALWAYS involves more than "MY body".

  15. 1 hour ago, paul carruthers said:

    Random question, when was the last time Jimmy actually used the Danelectro to play Kashmir? I think I remember a picture from that '85 show of Jimmy with it, but I never watched the actual show....

    And, I'm obviously not counting the guitar lesson he gave Edge and Jack White...  :D

    Off the top of my head, the 1988 Atlantic Records 40th Anniversary concert. 


  16. 5 hours ago, ScarletMacaw said:

    As Russia has now bombed railways as well as hospitals, and has put land mines in farms, it does not look like they are particularly interested in preserving Ukrainian infrastructure. It's interesting because in WWII, many Japanese soldiers died because they had devastated the areas they invaded and there was no food. 

    Seizing the capital first made sense politically and strategically up until the West stuck their nose into this conflict to aid and abet Ukraine. It's clear Russia's strategy then changed from the tried and true "cut the head off the snake" to "divide and conquer". If Russia takes the Donbass this war is all but over.

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