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Posts posted by SteveAJones

  1. 11 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    It appears most if not all of these former groupies are the same, cannot get past their "glory days" and make up all sorts of stories.

    One after another these groupies stories are turning out to be lies and nonsense. Lori Maddox timeline of events and interactions not just with Page but also with Bowie & Jagger simply do not line up, it's likely all or at least 90% BS.

    These old hens are the worse as they have never grown up. Just looking at Pamela Des Barres is enough to illicit a gag reflex from me. All the lies that woman has told. At this point who knows what really happened and, 54-42 years after the fact, who really cares?

    The essential truth remains and that is they all had their moments during Led Zeppelin's Golden Era. Take it or leave it but I see nothing to be gained by making unkind posts about any of them now. 

  2. 7 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    I guess that's one way to try and dance your way out of your nasty comment, but no bueno senior. However I do find it interesting you are advocating for the execution of several past and present heads of state. As everyone with a brain knows, drug trafficking cannot happen without the governments looking the other way and getting their cut.

    So go ahead and call the addicts weak while ignoring the foundation of the problem. Money, and its unending flow into the pockets of elected officials.

    If you say so? Present the evidence in the appropriate thread, or better yet in court.

  3. 18 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    Further, it was Steve who disrespected the dead, not us you dope.

    How do you figure? I have called for the execution of all drug traffickers in his honor. To me that is a powerful affirmation of the value of his life and all lives.

  4. 9 hours ago, redrum said:

    SF-----My city was gone. Chrissy had it right.

    San Fran could and should be the most beautiful city in the world...but much of it IS a shit hole. I've resigned myself to the fact it won't get better in my lifetime, if ever. 

  5. 1 hour ago, redrum said:

    Were there any white people there? 😄

    Not enough. The Academy did find three unattractive non-white, anti-white women to virtue signal. You gotta love the debate on if Smith should be punished. Many of the attendees say no. Black privilege. 

  6. 24 minutes ago, Bong-Man said:

    Not Exactly.  In fact, not even close.  Steve started this thread in order to condense the many individual threads that people were starting when public figures passed.  In other words, 'put them in one place'.  Since the toxicology report was public news and widely reported, Steve had every right to mention it, and also to add his personal feelings which basically amounted to, "drugs are bad".  Others offered follow-up comments to his thoughts, and it is their right to do so.  If the moderator(s) of this forum felt that any comments were unacceptable, it would be their right to delete them as they see fit.  

    Someone seeing themselves as the "Internet Harbinger of Death" on a rock forum might be a worthy discussion at this point, but I'm not going there.  I've certainly seen and experienced weirder shit on the Internet.  I think?  :Thinking:  

    Your recollection is spot on. I do recall saying at the time that the forum was beginning to look like obituary.com. So I did create this thread to consolidate all of it. Truth be told I've never heard of half the people mentioned here, but that doesn't mean their lives are not meaningful and worthy of tribute. Taylor Hawkins death just makes me angry and disappointed.

  7. Just now, Stryder1978 said:

    "The Academy does not condone violence of any form," the organization tweeted. "Tonight we are delighted to celebrate our 94th Academy Awards winners, who deserve this moment of recognition from their peers and movie lovers around the world,"

    Uhhhh....yes, you do!  Not only did you allow Smith to return to his seat and stay rather than have security escort him out of the venue, you later GAVE HIM A FREAKIN" AWARD!


    Just more self righteous B.S. from the Hollywierd hypocrites!

    It was obviously staged to create a buzz about a show no one watches anymore.

  8. 54 minutes ago, BobDobbs said:

    These are not stupid, selfish drug addicts who simply pushed their luck, these are broken and F-ed up people who for whatever reason never got the help they needed.

    Your post is certainly a fair one, but in my opinion, he did push his luck and it cost him his life. I say we start executing drug traffickers in his memory.

  9. 2 hours ago, Plant77 said:

    Come on Steve. People have struggles. As a man who lost his older brother to a drug overdose when he was 38 and I was 34 it sucks no matter how the person goes. Certainly I went through periods of anger. But I’m sure all of us who have lost people to addiction have dealt with that part of it. And I doubt you felt that way when Mr. Bonham passed. Doesn’t matter if it was drugs or alcohol. It’s all the same.


    Rest In Peace Taylor. I am honestly sorry to call you out on this. Just seems a little incentive. 

    I'm not saying it isn't sad, it is, but it's also important to keep things in perspective. I also make a distinction between alcohol and hard, illegal drugs like heroin. Anyone who traffics in them should be executed. Anyone using them gets less empathy from me. This guy had it all and threw it all away in pursuit of getting high. Hope it was worth it. Yes, it angers me.

  10. On 3/23/2022 at 5:26 AM, custard pie man said:

    are you saying there was no auditions at the time? thought couple years back Jones said something to the effect " it was to be a page solo project" and Page wasn't ready for singers and dropped the whole deal?

    Various singers were brought in and did "audition". It wasn't a Page solo project it was Jimmy, Jonesy & Jason attempting to put something convincing together without Robert Plant. 

    On 3/24/2022 at 5:14 AM, BobDobbs said:

    No, you misunderstand Mr. Jones intent. He was simply being his misogynistic, get off my lawn self. You know, kinda like a really old and decrepit Tucker Carlson. 

    No, you misunderstand me. My exasperation with Ann Wilson isn't so much that she plays the gender card, it's that it doesn't dawn on her they sought more than an accomplished singer. They were seeking someone that would be a good fit musically and AESTHETICALLY. How does Ann Wilson fronting Led Zeppelin not become anything but Ann Wilson's Led Zeppelin Experience? That said, it could be possible to have a female vocalist, in my opinion, but I would suggest one much more attractive (for starters) and virtually unknown.     

  11. 13 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    C'mon Steve, you know that's nonsense. If you ever want to get at the heart of the matter just follow the money, its generally all about the money. The Great Reset, there simply is no money in it. Look at the state of things, the corporations are milking us dry, squeezing until thee is nothing left. People buying 60k vehicles and 800k houses on credit, thinking they have the world on a string and not understanding they are little more than wage slaves. That is how the powers that be like it. We have built our own cages and fashioned our own golden chains and people actually think they are free. 

    Just because the cage & chains are gold does not make them any less a prison. The corporations run things for the most part. On occasion you get a nutter like Putin who has amassed so much money that he only cares about his legacy, to be remembered as the second Ivan the Terrible. That is the one factor the corporate leaders never take into account. The leader of a nuclear state who decides to go rogue, off script. 

    The Great Reset promotes even greater corporate control.

    In June 2020, at its 50th annual meeting, the WEF announced the Great Reset’s official launch, and a month later Schwab and Malleret published their book on COVID and the Great Reset. The book declared that COVID represents an “opportunity [that] can be seized”; that “we should take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity to reimagine our world”; that “the moment must be seized to take advantage of this unique window of opportunity”; and that “[f]or those fortunate enough to find themselves in industries ‘naturally’ resilient to the pandemic”—think here of Big Tech companies like Apple, Google, Facebook, and Amazon—“the crisis was not only more bearable, but even a source of profitable opportunities at a time of distress for the majority.” 

    The Great Reset aims to usher in a bewildering economic amalgam—Schwab’s stakeholder capitalism—which I have called “corporate socialism” and Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben has called “communist capitalism.” 

    In brief, stakeholder capitalism involves the behavioral modification of corporations to benefit not shareholders, but stakeholders—individuals and groups that stand to benefit or lose from corporate behavior. Stakeholder capitalism requires not only corporate responses to pandemics and ecological issues such as climate change, “but also rethinking  [corporations’] commitments to already-vulnerable communities within their ecosystems.” This is the “social justice” aspect of the Great Reset. To comply with that, governments, banks, and asset managers use the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) index to squeeze non-woke corporations and businesses out of the market. The ESG index is essentially a social credit score that is used to drive ownership and control of production away from the non-woke or non-compliant. 

    What Is the Great Reset? - Imprimis (hillsdale.edu)

  12. 7 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    It is obvious Russia should have been treated the same as both Germany & Japan post-WWII but since they were not, this is what we get today.

    General George Patton and General Douglas MacArthur wanted to do so. President Harry Truman, a DEMOCRAT, refused to do so.  

  13. 18 hours ago, rm2551 said:

    The biggest takeaway for me from this event is NATO and even the domestic US political sphere really was far more united, and very quickly.

    That's because taking down Putin is absolutely essential to The Great Reset.

  14. 8 minutes ago, BobDobbs said:

    Your floundering Steve and oh so wrong. One of two things will happen here and one is not Russia taking and holding Ukraine. 

    Either his intelligence service takes him out (Putin is already starting purges, they may have nothing to lose); or, he crosses the line and either uses chemical weapons or accidentally gets too close to Poland and NATO gets involved to the point of very possible nuclear war.

    You could not have been more wrong on this if you tried. Old Vlad wrote a check he simply cannot cash, the only question now is how much the bounced check fee will be.

    NO ONE is going to get into a nuclear war over Ukraine. No one is going to go to war with Russia if the action gets too close to the border with Poland. Russia takes a little more of Ukraine with each passing day, and they offensive has been relatively light compared to what they are capable of. It's clear Putin's first plan was not to go scorched earth, but the longer this drags on the greater the likelihood that he opts to bomb it back to the Stone Age.

  15. 11 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    But, but, but...Steve said Russia would easily take Ukraine in two weeks???

    I guess Ukraine never got Steve's message :hysterical:

    BTW, Mr. Putin. Tick, tick, tick. That is the noise of the clock marking off the moments before your intelligence service decides it's time for a new boss. 

    I said anywhere from a couple to a few weeks. Bear in mind he went easy on them the first two weeks. There is no doubt Russia will take Ukraine.

  16. 14 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    Hey now, thems fightin words buddy 😉 

    IMO their first album, Ten, was pure genius and far more grunge than Nirvana ever was. Nirvana seems to get the title as the band who started Grunge and its nonsense. Nirvana was Punk with shades of Rock but mostly more Punk. Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Alice, Mudhoney, Screaming Trees...they were Grunge.

    Ten was released three months before Nevermind and Ten was just as popular as Nevermind. Though I do agree Pearl Jam never came close, not even a little, to matching the brilliance of Ten. BTW, I love STP as well, great group.

    Peace Yo!

    All of those groups were the bane of my existence. It was music to kill yourself by and it's no surprise that some of the biggest grunge stars did just that.

  17. 52 minutes ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    This dumb ass die hard Trumper that I know says "Covid is over".  Oh really?  Why?  Because the masks are off?  And now there is very strong evidence that Andy Cuomo is innocent.  Which I believed all along. Lying women out for a buck.  AND SOME  no doubt greased by the right. Covid is not over as long as its still out there.  What kind of stupid bullshit thinking is that anyway?  Where are you Fauci?  What say ye?  LOL

    If you're under the age of 50, vaccinated or not, COVID is over. The odds of dying from it were always remote, now they are virtually nil.

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