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Posts posted by SteveAJones

  1. 5 hours ago, custard pie man said:

    point being if vaccine doesn't stop you from getting covid or doesn't stop the spread of covid then your not  anti anything for using plain common sense and saying I won't put something in my body that science has proven  doesn't work, also remember how the goal post constantly keep moving from what  we were told initially to what were being told today, having said that people in all countries shouldn't be forced  or mandated, that is pure bullshit, if you want to then be my guest. anyone remember the cold and or the flu?  seems like 2 years since we've heard from them lol

    This ended for me when the definition of "fully vaccinated" was changed. Not one more drop. Additionally, as long as we're talking about boosters it's not much of a confidence booster to see measures were passed to ensure all those involved in the development of the vaccines are granted immunity from legal prosecution for life. Come to think of it, the only immunity we've attained is to protect people from any consequences for the outcome. Typical! 

    There are no US influenza figures since 2020 because...wait for it...the CDC purposefully halted collecting that and other infectious disease data "on account of the COVID-19 pandemic". You can't make this stuff up. 

  2. On 1/17/2022 at 9:34 AM, 1975NQ said:

    C'mon man, you like to rile him up. You get a kick out of it. It's pretty obvious, Just own it. 

    I've noticed this forum is not always the warmest, most welcoming place with some of the "regulars". Which is fine. If someone is ignoring me, I just ignore them back - literally. Add em to my ignore list. Or if they say some stupid shit - they go on the list. It's an easy fix. 

    Of course I do, but it's just part of the show and he knows that. I'm sure in real life I'd dislike him even more strongly than I do here.

    On 1/17/2022 at 9:54 AM, BobDobbs said:

    I would appreciate it if you no longer reply to any of my posts if you cannot engage in civil, adult conversation.

    Goodbye Steve

    Goodbye?! Come on, get over it. How would I ever find you again when your username inevitably changes?

    Wait, I know. Look for familiar posting patterns...The Bolsheviks, Teddy Roosevelt, the Vietnam War, the CIA, a Citizen of the World viewpoint.



  3. 44 minutes ago, custard pie man said:

    the only way that freedoms can be restored anywhere and everywhere is to hit them where they hate it, their wallet, if tennis fans simply refused to go to the open, let  the cameras scan all the empty seats and after a couple days of that the whole vaccine and mask mandate would crumble, jmo its all about the money and power

    Ordinarily I would completely agree but in this case Australia has a feral government -- it's only the politicians pushing this outcome as far as I can tell.

  4. 3 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    Howdy Steve. How about you try for once to be civil and not insulting. This discussion was going very well until you showed up with again, nothing to positively contribute but instead offer only sophomoric insults and nonsense. 

     Or is civil discourse simply beyond your ability should the subject at hand be something which you do not agree with? I guess if you have nothing to offer, no facts or historical context just toss some insults and pat yourself on the back for being "so witty."


    All I said was you need some new material. You're tried and true summer stock -- the Bolsheviks, Teddy Roosevelt, the Vietnam War, the CIA, a citizen of the world viewpoint -- has worn thin.  


  5. 1 hour ago, custard pie man said:

    mid summer is when I first heard of  " THE NEW WORLD ORDER"

    The phrase is often traced back to Virgil, whose fourth eclogue included the phrase "novus ordo seclorum", accurately translated "new order of the ages" but often mistranslated "new world order". During the 20th century many politicians, such as Woodrow Wilson and Winston Churchill, used the term "new world order" to refer to a new period of history characterized by a dramatic change in world political thought and in the balance of power after World War I and World War II.

  6. 7 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    If we as humans were more enlightened in general I would say yes, but the fact is the current system though corrupt and malignant, is still better than chaos which would be the likely result of chucking the system. Our system as it currently is proves perfect for our current stage of mental evolution. If it were to fail or be brought down, as history of the past 100 years proves, the outcome would be either a fascist state (Nazi Germany, Mussolini Italy, Hungry, etc.) or a dictatorial socialist state (Soviet Union, China, Cuba, etc.).

     A really good example of this is the Russian Revolution of 1918. Most think it was Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky and the Bolsheviks who took over immediately and then bam, Soviet Union but that is not what happened. A provisional democratic government was established by the moderates who were in charge until 1919 but they were trying to be too many things to too many factions which resulted in a power vacuum. That's when the Bolsheviks led by Lenin seized power and the Soviet state established in the early 20's. Revolutions and change start with good intentions but it is always the assholes who take over because they are willing to do anything to gain power whereas the good folk simply do not have the balls or the single-mindedness which is why they are the good folk.

    You keep citing the same half-dozen historical events to explain everything. I realize you are proud of your summer stock but time to come up with new material.


  7. 13 hours ago, woz70 said:

    To be honest, I've not really listened hard to anything beyond George Marino's remasters of the 90's. The end of that version is 'Stairway' has a fairly brutal fade at the end, to the point that the 'ven' of 'heaven' is barely audible

    It probably made George Marino cringe as well, but as I recall they also had to work within the confines of the cd format at the time -- 70 minutes per disc, or thereabouts. 

  8. 58 minutes ago, blackorwhite said:

    Wow, thanks for the info. I had no idea about that.

    But this cannot be corrected during the remaster process?

    woz70 is very knowledgeable about this topic so await his answer. I will say it's usually not a question of if something can be corrected, it's a question of how much effort and attention the label wants to put into it. Led Zeppelin: The Definitive Collection (1990), also known as The Boxed Set, is a great example. There are many of these sort of outro variations on it. Songs that are cut two or three seconds short, etc. I'm not saying it's a garbage, rather astute listeners such as yourself have identified anomalies in comparison to the original releases. The analog to digital format also lends itself to this sort of thing.


  9. On 1/13/2022 at 10:30 PM, custard pie man said:

    the new world order, scary shit and quite sobering, how long before Faucci and pals what with the new white house domestic terrorist task force make the same move on our guns, our right to bear arms? not the usual the left tries but waiting for the ultimate mandate as media will use the same talking points daily" domestic terrorist are the biggest threat facing this nation", seems like Hitler 2 is coming to a theater near you

    Precisely. The domestic terror threat has already been played up for more than a year. Remember when militia groups were "on the march" last January and there would be attacks on government facilities "from coast to coast"? That was their justification for National Guard units deployed indefinitely to the US Capital. Text book social conditioning operation. At the same time we have learned words have no fixed definition -- if "infrastructure" can mean anything so can "the right to bear arms" and anything deemed a "public health threat" can have  a federal mandate enforced against it (they tried that one, SCOTUS ruled against it). 




  10. 7 hours ago, custard pie man said:

     I wonder if this is why Cavanaugh went with the 4 liberals on the health care mandate, sort of throwing  a carrot to Biden on a much lesser mandate than the  private employer one (80m people vs about 8m) ? just a thought

    It's plausible. I'd be very interested to hear his rationale now that you mention it. 

  11. 3 hours ago, 1975NQ said:

    Yeah, I think this is the right place. My all-time fav conspiracy theory - the gov hired Stanley Kubrick to film a fake moon landing.

    As a conspiracy theory it's entertaining but also so disrespectful to all the people who made the moon landings happen.

  12. 10 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

    We all know the mandates are unconstitutional too bad joe had to have the supreme court tell him so.  6 to 3???  the decision should have been unanimous.

    The SCOTUS justice who smells like spray paint and cheap perfume isn't there to the rule on the side of constitutionality, rather the opposite.  

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