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Posts posted by SteveAJones

  1. 17 minutes ago, hummingbird69 said:


    It was a rhetorical question but thanks anyway guys.  Now, how did that room work out for the two of you??

    It went a lot like that scene in Boogie Nights. Bob Dobbs, high as a kite in a bathrobe, ranting about capitalism while his Chinese friend Ting Ting set off firecrackers.

  2. 17 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:


    BRADY HAS DECIDED TO RETURN.   And to Tampa.  I thought it was SF or nobody?  SF was his childhood team.  Now take this to the bank:  HE WILL NEVER SEE ANOTHER SUPER BOWL.  The Rams or Green Bay are two teams he will not beat.  

    Yes, the GOAT has decided to stay far too long. He should have gone out on top as a SB Champ. Instead, he'll go out with a SB loss and a Conference Championship loss. Brady's a 7 time SB Champ -- it seems he just wants to play for the sake of playing now.

  3. 13 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

    So many why's

    Why would anyone call her nonsense artistic?

    Why would John indulge her nonsense?

    Why did John choose her over the band?

    Why couldn't John see what was obvious to everyone else?




    Yoko came along at the right time for John. He didn't really want to be a Beatle anymore and she offered a new and different direction. She took so much criticism that he took relatively little, which appealed to his ego as he spent the 1970s going further and further up his own ass. On a subconscious level, she became a Mother figure to him, such that in the end he was completely dependent upon her -- complete emasculation. Some claim the Steely Dan song Only a Fool Would Say That is directed at John. The lyrics do seem to fit the situation.

  4. 3 hours ago, redrum said:

    My fave book store back in the 70's in the funky/nasty Tenderloin district. McDonald's Books. Greatest book store I've ever been in. 


    Independently owned and operated bookstore were great. The chains, Amazon and social acceptance of stupid people have wiped most of them out.


  5. 3 minutes ago, Walter said:

    Agreed. Never have had a bad time at one of those shows. The first one I attended was better than the Elton John I had been to earlier that evening. 

    Because after blowing Elton John he was told, "Hey man, that's not Elton John".

  6. 7 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    Nothing to misconstrue as that pretty much is racism right there. You claim diversity excludes or is at the expense of "the host" which I believe is a euphuism for "straight white guys." What you fail to recognize is it was those very same straight white guys who through actual law and policy, made non-whites, non-straight, and even non-males either second class citizens, or outright stripped them of all rights altogether simply based on not being straight white males.

    Sorry to be the barer of the obvious, but human nature tends to work in extremes. The straight white guys put the screws to every other group in this country since day 1 and now those groups want some payback. You sowed the wind, time to reap the whirlwind. Nobody's fault but ours...get over it.

    Also, regarding that non-discriminatory homogenous Japan, tell that to the Japanese born Koreans, I am sure they might have issue with your rather rose-colored views of Japanese society.

    You know what assimilation means but  choose to frame this within the context of identity politics. So as a by the way, enslavement is arguably the greatest thing that ever happened to the Africans. A free cruise to food, shelter, and clothing eventually followed by emancipation and civil rights. No country on the face of the planet has done more to advance all the so called minorities than predominantly white America. Anyway, you're running late for a Black Lies Matter riot.

  7. 19 hours ago, MistyT68 said:

    Thanks for response however I have had an update.. Following my post a family friend over there contacted me and it turned out that many years after I had visited as a teenager the original 77 Signed Tee sadly had been stolen from my Uncy’s garage in Akron along with other collectors bits and memorabilia.
    Therefore the shirt I was bequeathed was actually a replacement his wife purchased him in 97 as a gift 20 years later.  I guess as he loved the original so much .. however another twist I was told that his wife had the replacement tee (my tee)signed at a music convention by someone connected with the night in 77 but… but neither he or she can recall by who!!  Aghhhhh… So here I go again!                                              This at least makes sense with the Fruit of loom label which I had previous concerns had looked like a newer design.

    Oh well I was excited for a time and Whilst I wish someone had responded to me before I posted on here! I am also very happy my post connected me with an old friend who I had lost touch with so all’s well that ends well ..and now I can wear it myself.




    Tall Tales.jpg

  8. 6 hours ago, redrum said:

    It's only temporary hate. 😄

    Facebook and Instagram users in some countries will be allowed to call for violence against Russians and Russian soldiers in the context of the Ukraine invasion, after parent company Meta made a temporary change to its hate speech policy.

    This has to be a joke. Then again, the hypocrisy of the Left knows no bounds. The Left's been poking the bear for years -- I'm rooting for Russia.

    5 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    Going full Doocy I see. Both of the men involved were white guys. The only diversity was one was old and thought a popcorn cup was a deadly weapon while the other was middle-aged, stupid, and rude. You know, your kind of people 🙂 

    We didn't have these problems in the good old days.


    1 hour ago, Plant77 said:

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but are you not an American living in Japan? Certainly not crazy amounts of diversity. But I’m fine with the diversity in our country. I have a Hispanic little brother and sister that also have Filipino ancestry, and English, and Welsh. Are Americans not a soup kitchen of all kinds of races? And maybe I’m off base and not understanding your sarcasm? But I myself am very Caucasian and I’m okay with everyone melting together. I don’t look at race, color, religion, or anything. I would hope you are as well. 

    Also, I recently got a signed Harmon Guitar that I want to send you pics of, as well as Led Zeppelin III Album signed by all members, I would like to send you the pictures of it and even though I have letters of authenticity, I would appreciate your knowledge on the subject. What is the proper place on the forum to present these pics. 

    Cheers Steve. 

    People often misconstrue my criticism of diversity and inclusion as racist. However, what I'm suggesting is society functioned far better when the expectation was to assimilate as opposed to becoming militant, hyphenated Americans asserting one's place in the hierarchy of victimhood. In other words, diversity and inclusion means there is a place at the table for everyone except the host (yes, I need to trademark that line).

    Japan is a homogenous society -- over 98% Japanese. Having lived for several years in both homogenous and non-homogenous societies, my preference now, as I age, is a homogenous society. The Japanese, for example, aren't spending lots of time, money and energy instituting race-based public health and employment policies, tearing down statues, and smashing store front windows over some perceived social injustice. I can agree to live and let live, and don't object to love all, serve all and so on but the fact is there are specific groups of people I do flat out avoid whenever possible and that is my right.

    As for the Harmon guitar, a new thread in either Led Zeppelin Master Forum or trivia seems appropriate. There are already a number of existing autograph analysis threads if you'd just like to add them to one of those. If it's meant only for me I believe they can be sent via private message.

  9. 8 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    Shit, that was the last time I went to the movies as well. Great movie BTW.

    I agree pretty much with everyone regarding the movie going experience these days. I used to love going to the movies up until smartphones came out, after that, fugetaboutit!!! If I drop $30 for two tickets I expect an usher to be present in the theatre at all times, removing the ingrates who are on their phones, talking, acting like jackasses, etc. But no, ushers nowhere to be found and if you go to the manager to complain they say, "um, I can refund your money if you like." WTF??? How about do your job and kick these troglodytes out. Of course some genius decided to start selling booze at movie theatres now as if things were not bad enough already. This is not Europe. People in the US are mostly entitled idiots who can barely move from point a to b without making a scene, the majority simply cannot handle the responsibility of alcohol in a confined space of which quiet and attention are required. Plus, for the added bonus, due to virtually non-existent gun laws in most of this great nation, the dope playing on their phone might be strapped so asking them to please stop using the phone, throwing popcorn, talking, is taking your life into your own hands. Some old-ass ex-cop just recently shot and killed a moviegoer for the crime of throwing popcorn. The ex-cop was (rightfully so) upset the guy was on his cell phone (the guy was checking on his kid and should have left the theatre to do so), so he told the guy to get off his phone. The guy told him to mind his own business, tossed a popcorn cup at him and the guy shot him and killed him. The ex-cop was in the right up until he murdered the guy for assault via popcorn. Oh, and the ex-cop got off scott-free so if you should feel intimidated by some fellow with popcorn, sour patch kids, gummy bears etc. go ahead and blaze away chappie, LEO's & the justice system got yer back. And of course...it happened in FLORIDA!

    Now sit back, unwind, and enjoy your movie going experience 


    How's that diversity and inclusion working out for ya?

  10. 10 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    The response of the MSM to the invasion has been shocking, I've never seen anything like this, it's orders of magnitudes worse than the cheerleading they usually do, e.g. with the Iraq war.  But the cartoon story cannot be supported anymore.

    The MSM and Zelensky should get a room. They report everything he says as if it's gospel though he routinely lies about everything. 


    9 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    First, I never said we should get directly involved militarily, I believe we should utterly destroy their economy with the rest of the worlds support. If were not for their nukes Finland could probably beat them in a war. Their equip. sucks, their soldiers are lied to and demoralized, they have zero coordination between units and logistics failures across the board. Plus, with the almost complete lack of air power after the first few days, it appears certain military commanders are simply telling Mr. Putin to piss off. This is about what is right vs. what is wrong. 

    It's not about fighting Ukraine's war, it's about supporting a sovereign nation in it's hour of need. We are capitalist after all, sell them a shit-ton of weapons to fight with, sell them satellite intel regarding Russian troop deployments (we did it for Israel during the 1973 Yom Kippur War), and strangle Russia's economy. Once those oligarchs start feeling the pain where it counts for them, this shit will end. That's the great thing about oligarchs, they are very predictable...they like lots of money and insanely lavish lifestyles. You can't have either when our assets are seized, and your economy is in ruins. Nor can you have either in a nuclear wasteland, no party baby, just a bunker and shitting in a bucket if your lucky.

    If this were the old Stalinist days I would worry, but Putin is no Stalin and the oligarchs are no Politburo circa 1935. Putin was put there by those oligarchs and they will remove him if necessary and by the looks of the current situation inside Russia, it's starting to look very necessary.

    Seriously -- you should be doing stand up comedy, but you really need some new material.

  11. 1 hour ago, BobDobbs said:

    Damn straight! F those silly Ukrainians! Who told them to live there anyway!!! So what if their children are being murdered, their women raped, their whole country getting blown to shit. Not our problem, right chief?  

    When the people YOU voted for stop importing 232 MILLION barrels of Russian oil annually, we can talk. Until then, it's all hyperventilating virtue signaling to me.

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