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Posts posted by SteveAJones

  1. On 12/15/2021 at 3:52 AM, chef free said:

    Mr. Jones,

    In Grateful Dead drummer Bill Kreutzmann's  book "Deal", he repeats the well known story that the two bands met at Herb Green's studio on 14, January of 1969.  The book adds a detail I'd never heard, that Grateful Dead front man Pig Pen pulled out a gun and "accidentally" fired it into the ceiling!  The Dead are well known for their love of guns and were often photographed with them, California being an "open carry" state at that time.  Is there any confirmation of this story from the Led Zeppelin camp?

    JPJ recalls Pigpen being in possession of a firearm at that time but accidental discharge may be inaccurate or an embellishment. 

    On 12/19/2021 at 10:51 PM, ScarletMacaw said:

    I was wondering if anyone might know the answer to this: I read elsewhere on the internet that J.R.R. Tolkien encouraged Zep to use his books for inspiration. I've read the Humphrey Carpenter biography of Tolkien and it does not mention this. Has anyone come across information that would verify this? It seems unlikely to me because there is no evidence Tolkien listened to rock music at all. I think he mainly listened to his wife play the piano. 

    Highly unlikely and given one won't find a single quote from Tolkien that affirms it I'd say the claim is patently false.

    5 hours ago, 76229 said:

    In the official Zeppelin book, JPJ says he recalls Pigpen having a gun at that photo session. Nothing about him firing it though.


  2. 44 minutes ago, in_the_evening said:

    Can anyone identify these people?  I assume the woman with JPJ is his wife.  The others I am not so sure about!

    Definitely from the time when President Obama gave them the Kennedy Center Award.



    Left to right: John Paul Jones, Maureen Jones, Patty Griffin, Robert Plant, Joan Hudson, Jimmy Page

  3. 12 hours ago, Stryder1978 said:

    Cornell University is seeing an uptick in coronavirus cases and has detected the “highly contagious” omicron variant on campus, particularly in fully vaccinated individuals, according to campus officials.

    Between Dec. 7 and 13, the Ivy League school in Ithaca, New York, reported 883 students testing positive for COVID-19, its online dashboard shows.

    “Virtually every case of the Omicron variant to date has been found in fully vaccinated students, a portion of whom had also received a booster shot,” Joel M. Malina, the school’s vice president for university relations, said in a statement provided to McClatchy News.

    Translation: Vaccines and boosters provide no immunity from the virus.

    "Herd immunity -- not vaccinations -- is the only way out of this" -- Steve A. Jones, February 2020

  4. 2 hours ago, lynxwizard said:

    He was there for the first and last concerts of the band. Jimmy Page. 02 was just one show 1980 tour was 14 shows and Richard was not involved, Last LZ show Berlin 80,

    Not a big deal I guess but we are here for the facts I thought ....

    Jimmy's statement doesn't say Richard was involved in the last tour, it says he was there for the first and last concerts. Bear in mind Richard has died. 

  5. 7 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    You just love to push the political envelope don't you Steve?  LOL.  Leave my boy sleepy Joe alone

    I do love to use one's own logic against them, whomever they are. Just reminiscing on how a year ago President Trump was directly responsible for every single COVID death and CNN ran an around the clock death tracker. What a difference a year makes. Nearly TWICE as many deaths under President Xiden despite the rollout of numerous vaccines and not a word. Nope, all we ever hear about now is some bullshit about CASES every time a variant comes along and to go get more poison pumped into our veins because of it.



  6. 17 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    This is amusing:

    Trevor Noah Questions Impartiality Of Moderna CEO, Gets Called "Anti-Vaxxer" By His Own Fans | ZeroHedge

    Even liberals can't call attention to crony capitalists pimping their book.  Unfortunately there's no vaccine for being brain-dead.

    Trevor Noah is truly insufferable. He's yet to say one thing one can't hear in any community college classroom. 

    15 hours ago, rm2551 said:

    "planned-demic".... I'm unsure how to take that. I'll assume it in the best possible way (as being polite is important) but that term certainly does indicate a belief in a global conspiracy that this was whole thing was planned for whatever reason by whatever "global forces"

    So ALL Western democracies are in on it - or ALL Governments see through the lens of political gain above anything/everything that crops up in their respective countries up to and including a global pandemic? The first thought of EVERY Government is how to leverage the situation for power and wealth??? I fucking hope not Steve, Jeeeez,

    This was NEVER about a virus, the virus is merely a means to an end..... Agree to disagree. You/I/others might not like how it was dealt with or the response, but I don't get the leap to "means to an end" theory. However, I do think it is already evident (pre-pandemic) the west is becoming more a variant of authoritarianism in some ways, I get that (and think that's unfortunately very real) - so the framework within which a response is constructed could therefor not go against the movement toward more granular control because that is how everything is already heading (bigger picture - pre-pandemic) - but I don't think in and of itself the virus and response is "a means to an end". I hope that makes sense.

    The release from a bioweapons lab in Wuhan was inadvertent, but THE GLOBAL SPREAD was deliberate. The Communist Chinese purposefully ensured a global spread for a number of reasons I won't get into. 

    All Western democracies are exploiting it and that is obvious. It HAS quickly become a means to an end. If the people had rebelled on a mass scale once "two weeks to flatten the curve" was shown to be a lie they wouldn't be in this situation. Now mass (or mask?) rebellion is the only way out of it. 


  7. 1 hour ago, 1975NQ said:

    I personally think the governments of the world did the math on this (specifically with regards to long covid and the huge economic and social upset this will cause over time) and are trying to mitigate as best they can without freaking out the public at large (hence the bullshit messaging). Some are doing a better job than others, most are overstepping a bit (Euro nations are obviously hugely overstepping).

    I mean this in the nicest possible way: have you ever considered doing stand up comedy? Because that post is laugh out loud funny! If ANY math was done on this it was how much money can be made and how much political power can be seized in the shortest amount of time possible by convincing the general public a virus with a 98% survival rate is something to be deathly afraid of.

    Oh sure. This virus is such a threat to society that when Fauci was asked by a Fox News reporter if quarantines would be applied to illegal aliens flooding the southern border, he claimed “that’s a different issue.”



  8. 6 hours ago, rm2551 said:

    The push to go above 90% vaxx rate makes sense from a health/science perspective from what I understand - and I have not heard of credible scientific data/analysis that concludes vaccinations have a net negative effect, so it makes sense from a public health policy perspective from Government to push vaxx to 90% if the Gov. subscribes to the idea that the first duty of care (or at least equal first) is the health and well being of the population.

    Point 1. The CDC estimates there have already been 146 million COVID-19 infections in the United States. This means, essentially, that fully half of the US population has already attained immunity.

    Point 2. The first confirmed Omnicron infection the patient was fully vaccinated. 

    As I repeatedly stated in the earliest days of this planned-demic, the only way out is herd immunity. The feral governments didn't go that route because there's neither monetary nor political gain in doing so.

    This was NEVER about a virus, the virus is merely a means to an end.

  9. 4 hours ago, cryingbluerain said:

    And so the latest round of omicron (moronic) hysteria begins..


    Great, testing for international flights.  How about the thousands and thousands pouring across the southern border?  Oh, that's a different issue of course.  You can't make this shit up.


    Dr. Slouchy has long since been fully revealed as the lying weasel he is. He's principally and directly responsible for creating this Frankenstein in the first place. For justice to be served he should die from it in a prison.

  10. 14 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    You and me both, I feel like one of the few adults in a room of pre-schoolers gone full Lord of the Flies.

    You convinced me, I am out.

    Oh, bullshit. You'd be the last to leave this thread and your posts to it strongly suggest you're in no position to claim maturity.

    14 hours ago, Electrophile said:

    I appreciate you fighting the good fight, but you can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into. But, hey. When Joe Biden was inaugurated, there were 3 million fully vaccinated people in this country. Now there's 196 million. Should there be more? Hell yes. Does that mean progress hasn't been made? Hell no. Keep moving onwards and upwards.

    This we can work with. The issue now as I see it is despite whatever the overall vaccination level is it's clear the feral governments are continuing to push for it to be above 90% to be followed by untold booster shots. We've gotten so far away from "12 days to flatten the curve" it's preposterous. People really need to wake up that this was NEVER about containing a virus that by the way STILL has an ABOVE 98% SURVIVAL RATE for those infected.   

  11. 9 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

    I saw ALL the fucking video and it's clear that kid would be dead right now if he wasn't armed.

    Watching Rittenhouse blast those two scumbags is better than a Death Wish sequel! Truly one of my favorite clips of all time.  


    2 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    Regarding looting, burning etc. it is not worth a human life. 

    Spoken like a true Communist card carrying "Citizen of the World" who ought to have learned by now that private property rights are part of the bedrock of a free society.

    57 minutes ago, Stryder1978 said:

    I just got a notice from the University that they are "encouraging" all workers and students to get the booster next week.  The State Health Department has sent three "reminders" that I am eligible for the booster.  I don't plan to get it unless the University requires it or the new definition for "fully vaccinated" changes to be able to travel overseas.  

    Not one more drop for me. It's a virus with 99.8% mortality rate. This was never about the virus. They can stick their booster poison where the sun don't shine. 

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