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Posts posted by SteveAJones

  1. On 5/15/2022 at 1:35 AM, reids said:

    Excerpt from Issue # 300: By Ian Fortnam ( Classic Rock ) :JP: “Well, I really can’t put on record what the new record is. I’ll leave it to your imagination. The thing is there are so many ways I could present myself right now. Actually, not right now. I’ll rephrase that: within a space of time [laughs]. I’ve come across all these various projects I did.“

    I hope JP is working on an Anthology (career retrospective) audio (Vinyl, CD, etc) companion to his book of recent years. 


    We'll probably get a rerelease of Coverdale/Page with some previously unheard tracks at best. You're hopeful for more but you know the odds.  

  2. 9 hours ago, luvlz2 said:


    I've always enjoyed that documentary. It actually offers quite a lot. According to my notes, the original air date was 9/25/99. It was probably rebroadcast when How The West Was Won was released and whomever uploaded it doesn't realize it's a few years older than that.

  3. 11 hours ago, redrum said:

    I think the gun grabbers actually want this to keep happening. That's why they refuse to put armed guards in schools. Thier crocodile tears soon turn into 'do something disease political action.' 

    The teacher's unions oppose armed guards in schools. This video is so repulsive I can see where it would fuel conspiracy theories. However, in my opinion, this level of criminal negligence was not planned. It's simply what happens when too many tactical failures to count occur under the watch of an incompetent on-scene incident commander.

  4. On 7/13/2022 at 6:09 AM, Stryder1978 said:

    And since fear mongering for Covid and monkey-pox are no longer enough:

    PSA on nuclear attack leaves New Yorkers worried, baffled

    Tue, July 12, 2022 at 8:02 PM

    NEW YORK (AP) — New York City residents are accustomed to warnings about all kinds of potential threats — severe weather, public health, mass shootings.

    But a new PSA on surviving a nuclear attack has rattled some cages.

    Released this week by the city’s emergency management agency, the 90-second video advises citizens to stay indoors and wash off any radioactive dust or ash. It opens on a computer-generated street, devoid of life. Damaged skyscrapers can be seen in the background.

    Looking into the camera, a spokesperson says: “So there’s been a nuclear attack. Don’t ask me how or why. Just know that the big one has hit."

    Many New Yorkers were left asking, “Why now?”

    Christina Farrell, the city's emergency management deputy commissioner, said the video isn’t tied to any specific threats. She said it's about raising awareness of something most people haven't given much thought.

    “There’s no overarching reason why this is the time we sent this out,” Farrell told The Associated Press on Tuesday. “It’s just one tool in the toolbox to be prepared in the 21st century."

    This PSA for a nuclear attack is just the Biden Administration's latest, desperate attempt to spin Putin as not only the boogeyman but a nuclear threat. Where is the PSA for what to do when the economy collapses into recession later this year, disenfranchising millions of already unstable citizens?


  5. 7 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

    I didn't even know what was done to it, now that I've heard it WTF!???   who is this guy to think he could improve on genius.?? The music he added was unremarkable. It added nothing to the skit or the overall presentation. Literally useless.

    Thanks to You Tube everyone thinks they're Phil Spector or something. 90% of the remixes online are not better than the original, and half of them are unlistenable.

  6. 2 hours ago, Plant77 said:

    How does it get better, well, I think it does by dialogue, voting your conscious, voting based off of facts

    Plant77, I think those five broads on The View hacked your account. You must realize it is impossible to vote this country back to righteousness. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.   



  7. 13 minutes ago, rm2551 said:

    Wealthy - for sure, 100%. cults - no.

    I don't think all people have the basic belief systems that I do. I also don't think the overwhelming majority of those people subscribe to any cults. They just have a different view. That doesn't ring true at all mate.

    I just want to put this out there because it vexes me (and has done my whole life): ALL beliefs are self-referential. I'll leave it at that for all truth seekers. 

  8. 19 hours ago, Stryder1978 said:

    The reports quoted Griner as saying through an interpreter at the court hearing that she had acted unintentionally because she was packing in haste.

    If I'm the presiding judge I sentence her to 100 years then explain it all away by saying I made my ruling in haste.

  9. 6 hours ago, Plant77 said:

    The liberal world order established after World War II simply means countries follow a rules-based international order, and don't get to invade neighboring countries, breaking international law or committing war crimes. A strange thing to be against, imho.

    You are describing The New World Order, which post World War II was a cooperative balance of power to facilitate reconciliation between nations to prevent the prospect of another global conflict. The Liberal World Order, in my opinion, is motivated entirely by an ideology that loosely translates to America Last. 

  10. Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (Assassinated)

    An immeasurable loss for Japan and the world. I consider Prime Minister Abe the third greatest political figure (among all nations) during my lifetime. 


  11. 3 hours ago, rm2551 said:

    That is quite possibly the single most generous post I have seen by you or anyone Steve. Probably anywhere.

    I don't think he'll mind me sharing this story because it is so laugh out loud funny...A few years back I noticed he's in Argentina. Well, I've got this young, married lady friend who loves to travel and have new experiences. I sent along a few photos on her behalf and mentioned to him she was interested in visiting if he'd be willing to show her a good time. rodrigo replied that he'd meet her with open arms at the airport...if she got divorced first. :slapface: 


  12. On 7/3/2022 at 4:30 PM, Plant77 said:

    It truly is a random thought. Like your opinion matters, so does mine. And I find it very distasteful to put it on this forum. You are certainly entitled to your thoughts and feelings. I don’t know that you truly do have a horse in the race. I could go into great detail on that but won’t because this is not the place for it. Just as it probably wasn’t the place for you to post what you did. But you did post it. And you wanted a reaction. And you have received a few. As I said earlier, regardless of your political beliefs, and thoughts you have always been one of my favorites to read on this forum. Saying something as offensive as you did, and meaning offensive to me does not mean that I throw away all the other contributions you have made. I was just letting you know that I felt it wasn’t the place for it. You are a long time member here. You can do you. I’m not woke, and I don’t want people to not express themselves. If anything I want people to wake up and realize that the same thoughts you have are the very thoughts that are going to be the ruin of our nation. I don’t want an authoritarian figure in charge of our country. I also don’t want OAC, or others like her in charge. We have gone way to far to the right, way to far to the left, and there really is no in between anymore. Statements like the one you made point it out. 

    As far as being married and having a daughter in your life, there is a difference.  I’m sure you know where I’m going with that. If you do not, that just shows me your inability to understand. 

    Either way, good luck to you and yours. As I said, congratulations on your win. It was obviously something that you felt strongly about. Certainly something as strong to post about it in and on a music forum. 

    I genuinely do not see how you find any of what I posted to be offensive. It's factual and correct so what exactly do you take exception to? Could it be that I said one can choose not to get pregnant, is that it? Does it help if I point out there are no less than 17 different ways to avoid becoming pregnant? One's marital and family status is totally irrelevant if looking at this issue from my perspective, which is strictly from a legal perspective. I truly couldn't care less if my post(s) generates responses. I post to Facebook all of the time yet I never bother to read the reactions.

  13. 3 hours ago, cryingbluerain said:

    Yeah, this is still a thing. With only .02% of Covid deaths being children of course we need to vax infants and toddlers now don't we..


    Yesterday, I saw a jackass alone in their car wearing a mask. Today I saw a jackass walking alone down the street in the wide-open air wearing a mask. It's become a religion to these nimrods. I call them the Branch Covidians.

  14. On 6/17/2022 at 11:50 AM, orgone said:

    Also didn't know that he purchased an occult bookstore just to obtain a bunch of Crowley artifacts

    Not exactly. Jimmy was frustrated by being unable to find the occult books he was looking for. The thought occurred to him to open an occult bookstore of his own, The Equinox, just minutes away from his home in Kensington. Soon after it served not only as a gathering place for likeminded enthusiasts, but as a publisher, reprinting many of Crowley's original works.

    The Equinox - Wikipedia 

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