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Posts posted by SteveAJones

  1. On 10/2/2022 at 4:54 PM, shnflacwav said:

    60K Ford trucks waiting on computer chips. Great job on the supply chain Pete Bootyjudge!

    Just wait till China takes complete control of Taiwan, and they will within the next two to three years.

    Don't worry about Pete, you can bet his pantry gets restocked with baby formula. 

  2. On 10/1/2022 at 10:51 AM, Strider said:

    You have got to be fucking kidding me...


    The entire month of October is a celebration of cryptocurrencies and the cultivation of new economic growth opportunities they bring.

    It's globalist-backed social conditioning. 

  3. 11 hours ago, jabe said:

    I had a regular primary care checkup today...all was cool.
    Upon checking out, the mid 30ish woman asked if my doctor had scheduled a followup. 
    Me: "Yes ma'am, 6 months." 
    Her: "It's sir."

    Upon handing me on paper the date and time of my future appointment,
    I replied,  thank you sir."
    She replied, " take it easy."

    Kinda fuckin' weird.

    I'm not sure how I will react in that situation. If the benevolent angel on my shoulder prevails, I'll suppress an eye roll, make no comment and leave. If the Archie Bunker angel on my shoulder prevails, I will comment and bluntly so.


  4. 1 hour ago, Styngyn said:

    Dang poor girl just stops in here to talk about her 15 mins of fame and her authentic hoodie and now drama is already starting to sprout! 🥴

    Public forums are like ant farms for people. Ants are going do what ants do, and people are going to behave like people. I don't know if you were here when the actress Virginia Parker, who plays the blonde damsel in distress in Robert's fantasy sequence, visited the forum. It played out pretty much the same way. I was hoping Virginia would continue here longer than she did, because she had other interests that were of interest to me, and she was willing to share more about them. However, communicating in a public forum is not nearly the same as around a dining table, in a living room or on a patio. It's like having to maintain a conversation you wanted to have in private in the middle of a Starbucks. I use that to our advantage and remind them I'm just doing my show. If some people here can't or won't give me anything to work if only for the sake of entertaining ourselves and the public, we end up with dead air. 


  5. 2 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

    She is a moron. She has no talent or intelligence. She is where she is because of the people she knows and the boxes she ticks. There is no real reason for her to be in the position she is in or anywhere near another position like it.

    It goes deeper than that. Joe Biden was Obama's bullet proof vest for eight years. Now that Biden is essentially carrying out Obama's third term, they had to find someone even worse to serve as Biden's bullet proof vest. They struck gold with this fake black ditz. How universally disliked is Cum-allya? If you recall when she was running for President, she was polling at 1%. ONE percent.  


  6. 2 hours ago, rm2551 said:

    At best, it's a gaff that deserves the following: She has to go on every Fox show that will have her and answer a single question:

    What the fuck was that????

    At best.

    How can we be considered a serious country any longer? The entire administration is comprised of oath-violating Affirmative Action hires, epitomized by this moronic dullard in a pant suit. "I'm not finished. Hee hee hee hee". No, you are finished. I would debate this idiot tonight and twice on Sunday on ANY topic and she'd get her ass handed to her.



  7. 15 minutes ago, rm2551 said:

    I know full well would be better 🤣

    Yes, my original post began "I know full well..." and I do. However, I changed my words because I realized what's more important here is that I express to her that I understand her, not that I express I understand myself. I put quite a lot of thought into my posts. Uneasy is the head that wears a crown. 🤣 

  8. On 9/11/2022 at 9:32 AM, DallasTexan said:

    I could be wrong but I feel like Jimmy has kind of kept quiet over the last year or so, not sure if it has to do with the pandemic or the controversy surrounding his home, but that seems to be the timeframe that Jimmy has gone more inward than what we saw in the past.  I don’t think he owes us anything. Like many of you, I am always hoping to hear more LZ music that is perhaps unreleased, whether it is live or studio.  Hopefully Jimmy is enjoying his time. 

    His public visibility over the past 20 years runs in cycles. When he's got something Led Zeppelin related to promote, he gets out there otherwise he goes home and pulls up the drawbridge so to speak. There will almost certainly be a 30th Anniversary edition release of Coverdale/Page in Spring 2023, so you'll see him out there soon. The release doesn't intrigue me much, but it will be interesting to see how the promotional duties are handled between the two, if in fact both are going to fulfill promotional duties. David's downsized his life quite a bit in recent years and as you said, it's all quiet on the Page front so it would be great to see them out there promoting music they are so proud to have made together.

  9. 11 hours ago, ediblehorse said:

    Thanks for the info! Really appreciate it. Do you happen to have a cue sheet in yours?

    If so, is it possible to get a copy?



    I don't show I have a cue sheet on file, though presumably one was included when it was shipped to stations. Sometimes they can be found online. Neer Perfect Productions seems to still be a going concern so perhaps inquire with them at Dan Neer | Rock Radio Legend, Interviewer Extraordinaire, Voice Overs.

  10. It's not a bootleg, it's a legitimate radio program that was nationally syndicated in the US. This was released and aired in Autumn 1990 to coincide with the release of the Led Zeppelin boxed set, and features music tracks from it interspersed with interview clips with Page, Plant and Jones (all three as I recall). Radio stations at the time were embracing the cd format and these would have been mailed directly to them for air play. I purchased mine in August 1992 for $150.00 from The Old Hippie, an established, reputable merchant who ran ads in Goldmine (a monthly record collector's publication). Nowadays I think you'd be hard pressed to find a buyer at $50.00 because the buzz over the compact disc format has long since faded and there is a glut of these type of radio & interview format radio programs in the market. Sometimes you'll find a motivated buyer who wants something like this because it reminds of them of where they were at in life when they first heard it but most people could'nt care less and are satisfied with an mp3 copy of the content.   

  11. 22 hours ago, zeplz71 said:

    Page & Rodgers in The Firm 1984-1985 is up there too.

    Interesting. I'll have to think about this. Certainly, Page was courageous to get himself together and carry on, going so far as to incorporate changes to his playing tone. Page credits Rodgers with being "valiant" in accepting the challenge of forming a new band. Some criticize The Firm for just cranking out more regressive music from two masters of the form, whereas hopefully I'm not the only one who believes Robert's Shaken 'n' Stirred delivered a genre of music that actually doesn't exist yet. 😄


  12. 17 hours ago, Ana Pearce said:

    Oh Stevie still holding a grudge? I forgive you ! Thank you for the compliment though ☺️ 

    The interior of your home is impeccable and feels so organic...the earth tones, the cultural accents. I imagine the sound of the music on the fourth album resonating within that space. In that image I discern there is indeed a depth to your humanity such that if we never speak of Led Zeppelin again, we will still always have something to talk about. 


  13. 11 hours ago, Strider said:

    Pseudo-psychological or not, I do believe there is some validity to the concept of closure and that it does help in the grieving process.

    What has changed is that grieving used to be a private matter and now it seems we expect everyone to publicly grieve. Maybe it was because I was younger, but I do not recall many public displays when Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, and Jim Morrison died. Elvis Presley's death was the first occurrence I remember of people making a public spectacle of a celebrity's death. It happened again with John Lennon's murder. But the ball really got going with Princess Diana's death. Ever since then, it seems we can't allow anyone to die in peace without turning it into a narcissistic display of public emoting.

    On this we are 100% in agreement. I attended Diana's funeral and that was one of the more surreal experiences of my life. It was as if a mass psychosis had taken hold of London. With the benefit of hindsight, I can see it was very much a media generated spectacle, with a heap of collective guilt thrown in for good measure. The commentary which resonated the most for me were the words of her brother spoken from the pulpit. Unsure how to bring this back on topic except to say the loss of John does seem a decidedly more personal and private experience. A good friend of mine appears in this feature and he has affirmed for me that the sense of sadness among them all was just overwhelming


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