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Posts posted by SteveAJones

  1. 15 hours ago, Plant77 said:

    We should “delve “ into the background of all mass shooters. I did just watch the video of his father and it explains sooo much. That poor bastard didn’t have a chance coming from that family tree. Their tree looks like a totem pole. Which when I think about it, so much of the south, the Midwest has a tree with very few branches. It explains a ton. I recently saw a tweet where a woman from the right is now suggesting that we raise the voting age to 21. I would love to have an IQ test and a history test before people are allowed to vote. Certainly I know that isn’t realistic, but all these crazy bastards who are allowed to vote on either side is a concern. 

    Getting back to the Rightwimg nut job who tweeted that we should raise the voting age to 21, it is interesting to me that certain groups are never about changing their policies or looking at how they can reach people who do not agree with their thoughts and policies. They automatically want to disenfranchise a certain portion of the population. Says a lot about where they are going and what they think of their own party. 

    As a side note, the Republican Party has won the popular vote once since 1988. What does that say about our country. Truly interested in your thoughts. 

    I'll bet you dollars to donuts they won't delve into the Walmart shooter's family tree because he was a bastard with no father figure whatsoever in his daily life. We can't have that narrative, because it suggests the role of a Father in a person's life is significant. Oh, hell no -- anything pro-masculinity has got to go!

    My thoughts are we no longer live in a sober, serious nation thanks in large part to our feral federal government which sanctions a Hierarchy of Victimhood for all of the so-called disenfranchised groups. There simply aren't enough straight, conservative Caucasian males left to make this country great again. Without them, you no longer have the nuclear family as the basic social unit, which is what American society is founded upon.

    I can't support raising the voting age to 21 when one can be drafted at 18. Besides, the broadening of knowledge between 18 and 21 is infinitesimal given civics isn't taught anymore and our public schools, colleges and universities in particular, are little more than indoctrination centers to advance cultural Marxism. 

    Toppling statues of our Founding Fathers tells me all I need to know about this country. Popular vote outcomes since 1988 are quite predictable given the cover that the lamestream media and the public schools give for one party over the other. For example, if the Hunter Biden laptop story was not deliberately covered up and dismissed as Russian disinformation, polling shows President Trump would have been reelected.



  2. The lamestream media provided an inordinate amount of coverage on the gay nightclub shooter's Grandfather and Father, who had nothing whatsoever to do with it, because of their political opinions. When are they going to delve into the family tree of the Walmart shooter? 

  3. 5 hours ago, shnflacwav said:

    I am sure this Walmart shooter was a white supremacist right wing nut job. No wonder you can never find an employee to unlock a case for you in the store.




    He didn't mean to blow his own brains out, but his forehead got in the way.

  4. 2 hours ago, Bong-Man said:

    I hope the new Surgeon General is a black 'female' transvestite, just for the sake of entertainment.

    We've already had an Affirmative Action Surgeon General. Her name was Jocelyn Elders.

     Anyway, now that we know the Walmart mass shooter is black, watch that story disappear faster than a bowl of Vicodin at Matthew Perry’s house.

  5. 5 hours ago, cryingbluerain said:

    That popping sound you hear is the narrative bubble bursting..

    Report: Colorado Gay Nightclub Shooter Identifies as Non-Binary (breitbart.com)

    Watch how quickly this story disappears.

    Yep. A pro-LGBTQ nudist allegedly attacked Paul Pelosi with a hammer, and it was blamed on right-wing conservatives. A non-binary (mentally ill) they/them went on a shooting spree at a gay nightclub and it was blamed on right-wing conservatives. I'm noticing a trend. I knew when these were first reported it was one of their own, because for all of the Left's rhetoric, right-wing conservatives aren't the biggest threat to society, it's all of these drug-addled, unhinged, mental defectives in our midst. 

  6. On 11/6/2022 at 11:48 AM, Sems Fir said:

    Hi Steve!

    I hope you are doing well.  The podcast was fantastic!  I always learn something new whenever I chat with Michael.  For reference from the podcast here's an image for you. 😁   Four pairs (side by side).  Have a good one!




    Look at those beauties! Amazing. I've never seen more than one Detroit ticket presented at a time. I myself have only one. 

    On 11/16/2022 at 11:38 PM, Cookie0024 said:

    Thanks, Mark for taking the time to chat - really enjoyed it!

    James, you sexy bitch! Leave some women for us, will you? Has it really been 10 years since LedZepNews began? Congrats on a remarkable accomplishment.

  7. On 11/18/2022 at 9:30 AM, hummingbird69 said:


    Goddamn, Another round of trump probes!!   I guess not finding anything during the last 6 means they must be close to getting to the truth.

    Still waiting for the first round of investigation into the origins of the Wuhan Coronavirus which killed over a million Americans, so that those responsible can be held accountable.

    We no longer live in a sober, serious nation.

  8. On 11/18/2022 at 10:30 PM, slave to zep said:


    You've changed your mind since getting them?

    Absolutely, on account of the shifting goal posts. We went from "get vaccinated or be ineligible to travel internationally" to "get boosted or be ineligible to travel internationally" to "even though you are vaccinated and boosted you must still wear a mask and practice social distancing" to "the vaccines confer no immunity, they merely increase the likelihood you won't get as sick when you get infected". I haven't felt right since getting boosted nearly five months ago. I'm tired all the time and experience tightness in my chest often.

  9. I'm regretfully fully vaccinated and boosted. During a recent routine doctor's visit, the physician offered an "Omnicron variant booster" or some such nonsense.

    I gave her a look that implied she may as well be trying to serve me a shit sandwich, then politely but unequivocally explained I am not interested in any additional

    COVID-19 related boosters for any reason whatsoever. The boosters have got nothing to do with health and wellness, it's all about $$$.

  10. 11 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

    After what this appalling Government announced today, we are well and truly fucked. There will be rioting on the streets very soon. Watch this space

    The Summer of 2023 is going to be apocalyptic for most of the Western World. It's all collapsing by design.

  11. 55 minutes ago, cryingbluerain said:

    Wide open border, crime out of control in the major cities, fentanyl killing our kids, inflation up the wazoo, stock market meltdown, etc. etc. and apparently people want more of the same.

    They don't mind. We no longer live in a sober, serious nation so we're well on our way to becoming a third world shit hole and voting does nothing to stop it. The US is not too big to fail, it's too big to fix. I'm watching the various state resizing movements (Greater Idaho) with interest, because that's the future for this country. The Continental United States are going to be resized into about a dozen.       

  12. 14 hours ago, The Only Way To Fly said:

    Yes, but not in the way you think. He was navigator and flew a mission after the bomb drop. 

    In the photo, one of the men is holding what seems to be a film camera. This suggests the aircraft had some notoriety at the time, I another reason why I lean towards it having been taken on Kwajalein Island in 1946. I'm sure there is a specialized group of Enola Gay enthusiasts who can figure out the date and location fairly quickly. Another telltale sign this may be 1946 is the nose is devoid of the number 82, which as I understand it was on the aircraft when it first arrived in the Pacific theater in 1945. 

  13. 15 hours ago, Bong-Man said:

    I was raised in a strong Catholic family...

    I as well. Completed all the traditional sacraments to the age of 18. Soon after, my inquisitive nature gave way to doubt and distrust about what I was raised to believe. Specifically, I asked one of our priests why was Christmas celebrated on December 25th when there is no evidence to support that being the date of Christ's birth. I was astonished when he told me he didn't know. I thought to myself, how could you not?  I looked into it myself. Come to find out December 25th was a feast day for Mithras, the Persian God championed by the Roman Army. Come to find out most days of significance on the Catholic feast day were chosen to "erase" pagan feast days. Then there was "no meat on Friday's". Why not? God himself never commanded it; this was church doctrine. Come to find out it was concocted to benefit the fish merchants, who would otherwise see a good portion of their harvest spoil over the weekends. On and on. The last straw for me was at the age of 19. The parishioners my age had decided the traditional mass was too dull, and wanted to incorporate acoustic guitar into the Sunday mass music. The music director was a traditionalist who insisted upon choir and pipe organ for mass. Fair enough, but clergy and staff did not even offer to discuss alternatives with us, and many of us perceived that as "sit down and shut up". I wasn't interested in those terms given I had become an adult. I walked out and have never looked back. That said, the Bible really is a reliable set of operating instructions for how to lead a righteous life. Unfortunately, it's often misinterpreted, misunderstood and misapplied to contemporary social issues in my opinon.   

  14. On 11/10/2022 at 4:18 PM, The Only Way To Fly said:

    Too all the Veterans in this forum, Thank you for your service. These are photos of my Grandfather somewhere in the South Pacific in 1945 and my Father somewhere in Turkey in 1967. I never wore the uniform but did work at military bases throughout Iraq and Afghanistan for more than 10 years. Thanks to all who've worn the uniform. 

    Grandpa Herman.jpeg


    The original photograph was very difficult for me to restore. A professional with better software can probably improve upon these.







    Only Way to Fly Grandfather 001.jpg

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