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Posts posted by SteveAJones

  1. 26 minutes ago, Ross62 said:

    Jones you cockhead,

    After you were posted at in the hotel about your political fantasy drama and you stamped your little foot you brought your shit here.

    Your American ego has fucked you. 

    I merely asked how many countries acknowledge inalienable rights (I'll give you a hint: one). Then I exercised my right to rebut a silly moderator who worships at the altar of COVID-19 by walking away and never looking back. This is indisputable (documentation on file) no matter how often an effort is made to manipulate the outcome, your post being the latest example. I was here long before I was invited to join there by my good friend Midnight Toker in February 2008 (documentation on file), and yes, I am still here doing my show. Thanks for tuning in.

  2. 7 hours ago, Plant77 said:

    If I have offended you or anything of the sort that was not my intent. You are absolutely the first person I started following on this forum, as well as the original. I have said many times that your knowledge of the band and persons in the band are absolutely amazing. I was simply making a statement. Certainly not meaning to say anything other than that. If I did, I apologize. Your thoughts on all of the Zeppelin topics, as well as others are always appreciated by me. Even if I do not agree with your opinions. I can certainly appreciate your interest in said topics and your intellect. 

    Oh, we're good and yeah, I'm just doing my show. Hoodie Girl chose not to give me anything to work with, and that's her prerogative, but I was nothing but nice towards her.

  3. 14 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    Australia = America's bitch



    No one twisted Australia's arm to buy US subs. IMHO, I think it's money misspent unless Australia continues to upgrade its missile defense systems at the same time.

  4. 16 hours ago, Bong-Man said:

    Not picking a fight, but just thought I'd point out that means she's written one more song than 'The King of Rock & Roll'.

    Yes, that is historically accurate however Elvis was unlike anything popular culture had ever seen before. Lady Gaga not so much.

  5. 7 hours ago, Plant77 said:

    Who the hell said a man can get pregnant you box of rocks! Goddamn you are dim. You have no idea who I support Corcky Thatcher! I don’t support your idiotic nonsense. You are absolutely a small feeble minded dipshit. But you act tough, and act like you have answers. Reread all your scumbag bullshit. Stay in your little world boxed in by your little man brain thoughts you witless jackass. I will say it again, I will give you a tongue lashing on every stupid post you or crying blue balls posts. You are not the majority. You are a maggot minority. You on occasion have some good thoughts on this band and your knowledge of them. Otherwise you are someone that each member of the band would walk right past and consider you the toothless redneck they encountered while trying to get the hell out of your shitbag town. Listen here dipshit, start being respectful, or do not reply to my posts and or thoughts. If you want to play nice and make up and move on, I’ll appreciate that and apologize for making you look like the short 🚌 window licking, helmet wearing moron you are. I say that with all due respect retard. Or, keep posting your thoughtless garbage that you get off of Faux News and I’ll continue to school you and let you know that you are a spineless wimp! Take a vote on this forum and find out where you fit in. 

    I've got the end of Plant77's rant on video. Here it is:


  6. 7 hours ago, Plant77 said:

    Your pop culture references are just the best. That Hollywood Square above is just amazing. Man, what I wouldn’t give to be 12 and watching Threes company with Mr. Furly! I have to give respect when it is due. 

    Yeah, I'm like the Dennis Miller of the Official Led Zeppelin Forum. Mr. Furley was played by Don Knotts, my gif is Paul Lynde.

  7. 14 hours ago, custard pie man said:

    so although Weinstein was a fking. pig the establishment still wishes to protect this scumbag and  bury the ones who call them out? I know the answer which is why I refuse to watch anything related to these dirt bags

    I tell you what, when Paul said that I felt it. If Mira was my girl, I would feel the same way. She didn't work so hard to become a professional actress only to have her career torpedoed simply because she wasn't interested in allowing that gross bastard to wash his balls off in the sink before mounting her.

  8. 7 hours ago, sam_webmaster said:

    Willie Nelson will be joined by Robert Plant & Alison Krauss and John Fogerty on different dates of his 2023 Outlaw Music Festival tour.

    Robert Plant and Alison Krauss will join the festival's first three dates, beginning June 23 in Somerset, Wisc. The duo is touring in support of their most recent album, 2021's Raise the Roof.

    John Fogerty will appear on the last three dates, beginning Aug. 11 in Cleveland. The former Creedence Clearwater Revival frontman recently gained control of the band's publishing rights, bringing an end to a legal battle that had stretched on for decades.

    Willie Nelson 2023 Outlaw Festival Tour Dates * With Robert Plant & Alison Krauss:

    June 23 - Somerset, WI @ Somerset Amphitheater*
    June 24 - East Troy, WI @ Alpine Valley Music Theatre*
    June 25 - St. Louis, MO @ Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre*



    Wow! Now that's a package deal. Willie Nelson on the road again at 89.

  9. 5 hours ago, Plant77 said:

    Well, that may have been slightly dramatic. I am a small business owner with 20 plus employees in California and we get taxed beyond belief. I’m not for a hand out for anyone unless they cannot truly take care of themselves. I’m not into redistribution of wealth at all Steve. What I am about, is making sure we care for one another, and do our best to try and help one another. That isn’t anything other than being a kind person. I wasn’t given anything in life, and I pride myself on what I have accomplished with the help of my staff. I will say that making sure we just try to treat others as we would want to be treated. As long as we are doing that individually, and collectively then I personally can wake up in the morning and know I’m trying to make a difference. No matter how small or insignificant. I’m okay with that. I would like to think I/we are making some small improvements and a difference in our little corner of the world. 

    There is a chance that I am not doing any of those things. But I will continue to try and do what I think is right for myself and those that I employ. If nothing else we have created a pretty good work environment and we can all have fun why we are trying to make a living. So, no sir, I’m not for redistribution of wealth, resources, or anything like that. Get up, go to work, and try and make your employer money. You will be good with that attitude. 

    Then again, what the hell do I know. Not much. Have a great night, and week Steve. 

    Ok, that is much more palatable than "trying to help everyone". 

  10. 8 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:


    Well, ok but we have to be careful about assigning causation where there may only be a correlation. They need to dig into the demographics. Specifically, who is dying, and from what? I would expect a massive statistical increase in death rates as the Baby Boomers begin to shuffle off.

  11. 16 minutes ago, reids said:


    <Paul Sorvino>

    You can bet this is why...

    In January 2018, Sorvino found out that Harvey Weinstein allegedly sexually harassed his daughter Mira and blacklisted her within the film industry after she rejected the film mogul's sexual demands. In response, Sorvino told TMZ, "He's going to go to jail. Oh yeah. That son of a bitch. Good for him if he goes, because if not, he has to meet me. And I will kill the motherfucker. Real simple. If I had known it, he would not be walking. He'd be in a wheelchair. This pig will get his comeuppance. The law will get him. He's going to go to jail and die in jail."

  12. 4 hours ago, Plant77 said:

    While I love the Private Parts reference, I absolutely think we should be kind and caring to new members, especially those who have direct connections with the Band/Group that we all love and care about so much. Not trying to start anything, but I would like to thank Ana for even deciding to participate. 

    I also know that Steve likes to stir things up, you are an important member of this forum, and you have a lot of appreciation within the group. However, we can all choose to be compassionate and kind to each other. It’s just a better way to live. We would learn more about each other, and we would be able to build better relationships. But do your thing Steve. 

    Do scroll up and you will see I was nothing but nice towards the original poster. 

  13. 6 hours ago, Plant77 said:

    I mean, unless you are Native American who are the true nationals, we really should be trying to help everyone is this great country of ours. 

    Oh, stop. There is no such thing as a Native American. "Trying to help everyone" sounds a lot like redistribution of wealth. Here's an idea, let people help themselves for a change.

  14. 8 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    When I created this thread during the start of Covid, I never thought it would still be around this long.  Its become a battlefield of sorts.  

    You could not have known then that COVID-19 would essentially become a religion, replete with fanatics, dogma and rituals. I call them the Branch Covidians, people who placed their COVID-19 concerns above EVERYTHING else on earth. For example, on another well-established Led Zeppelin discussion board, a Branch Covidian admin's Leftist, heavy-handed moderation concerning the pandemic led me to end 14 years of participation there in rebuttal. Oh, my distorted smile to be fully vindicated about what I reported (leaked) to be the true origins of the virus, the people in collusion behind it and the purpose it served.


  15. 37 minutes ago, redrum said:

    I'll bet they know who it was who barfed on LaLa GaGa. 

    Lady Gaga is the epitome of a certain type of girl who goes well out of her way to use fashion, make up, clothing and antics to disguise the fact her natural personality is a boring as a breakfast croissant. What a country that this dipshit who has written precisely ONE SONG in her whole back catalog on her own is considered a pop culture icon. 


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