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Everything posted by Roxie

  1. My next show will most likely be Megadeth in February.
  2. I picked this up at the bookstore today. Actually I almost tripped over it is a better way to phrase it. It was so prominently displayed that you couldn't miss it. That was pretty cool. (and the fact that the bookstore was playing "Please Read The Letter" while I was looking at it was even cooler!
  3. Nice!! Never seen those before.
  4. Rain Will Fall - I Mother Earth
  5. You were so lucky to experience that live. I would have loved to have seen that. Glad to hear all is well in AeroLand once again.
  6. Megadeth Radio. Been hooked on this internet station since it started a few weeks ago.
  7. Lately I've been hooked on absolute trash: The HillsReal Housewives Of New JerseyReal Housewives Of Atlanta
  8. Hell Is For Children - Pat Benatar
  9. I hope Perry vs. Tyler can work out their differences. They've been through similar times before, so there's hope I would think. I was a big Aerosmith fan, then sort of lost interest for awhile, then saw them live again a few years ago. It made me remember why I was such a fan in the first place. The whole band is great, but Tyler is one hell of a frontman, and Perry is mesmerizing.
  10. Very cool! So refreshing to see him singing this. Great video.
  11. So I'm embarrassed to admit that I've only recently become enamored with all things Bowie. Just curious if there is a definitive Bowie biography out there. I've checked Amazon, and the ones listed didn't really do anything for me. I just want to make sure I didn't bypass one that is actually a good one.
  12. Roxie

    Oh CANADA!

    It doesn't surprise me the Starbucks is better in B.C. The first time I ever had Starbucks was in Vancouver. Was hooked after that.
  13. Roxie

    Oh CANADA!

    I used to wave the Starbucks flag, but for some reason over the last year I'm not impressed with the coffee anymore. Not sure why. Maybe it's just the local one near me that doesn't make it as good. But I am anxiously waiting for the Christmas specials to come out. I'll take a Gingerbread Latte now please & thank you. Now as far as Tim Horton's goes... I started my work day this morning without it - and I just ain't the same.
  14. Neither have I. Very pleasantly surprised to see that pic. I would love to see a mid-70's pic of the 2 of them, or even a recent pic.
  15. Not sure if this has been posted yet, but I've been on a Bowie kick lately and found this on YouTube:
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