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Everything posted by Virginia

  1. I finally gave up Farmville2 back in March/April. This was after a short but very frustrating time with Candy Crush (damn chocolate...). I'm staying away from games from now on!
  2. Baking bread, making sauce/meatballs and working on "A Dance With Dragons". Also saying a little prayer to St. Anthony (lost objects) for an old piece of jewelry. Am thinking I may have given it to one of the kids as play jewelry but it's nowhere to be found. Not a biggie but it would be great if it turned up again.
  3. 2 more favorites; August Rush: and Fame:
  4. Very true; I love Richmond; we go there fairly often! We also don't all talk like Foghorn Leghorn either; I see that on tv a lot.
  5. Home from work now, then off to a HS football game with the kids
  6. I can imagine; thank goodness they have the lists in the back of the books so we can keep track!
  7. I finally just started the 5th book yesterday (this is why I haven't been around much!) and am about 100 pages in so far. Book 3 took me about 2 months; it's very slow going, but I'm glad to be reading it. It is definitely a lot of information to keep straight; I don't see how GRRM and other authors (JKR?) do it.
  8. One of my favorites is CJ Craig from The West Wing; watching the series again on Netflix and I think it truly is my favorite show of all time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7H_L5cYkg8
  9. https://soundcloud.com/diplo/lorde-tennis-court-diplos-andrew-agassi-remix
  10. The real family was from Nelson County. There's a Walton's museum there. I have caught episodes on the Hallmark channel evenings around 6-7'ish.
  11. This is both truly horrible and funny: I also really misheard Hotel California: "Living it up at the Hotel California" (should be "Plenty of Room at...") "Her mind is definitely twisted" ("..Tiffany twisted") And apparently I've misheard the entire song of Barracuda; I never looked up the lyrics (until just now) but since the 70s, every time I hear it I just sing along with a bunch of random nonsense I had no idea it was about porpoises!
  12. My favorites so far have been the Vatican Museum, The Accademia and on a much smaller scale, The Columbia River Maritime Museum, which had some really interesting exhibits. I have also spent a lot of time in the Smithsonian museums; particularly the Natural History and American History museums. I haven't yet been to the Louvre or the NYC museums (or the Spy Museum in DC) but those are all on my list!
  13. Not much on these days; I'm rewatching (not quite binge watching) The West Wing on Netflix. This is really one of the best shows ever; best writing, best ensemble cast. I'm about half way through Season 1 (which was actually from '99). If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it; and if you saw it, I definitely recommend watching it again.
  14. Thanks Stryder! Cat's father was calling for Tansy on his deathbed; if it's the same Tansy that could be interesting...
  15. I would be happy if the 3 of them walked off into the sunset (my least favorite characters). A couple of book questions that I am curious about but not sure I really want to know now, if it's a spoiler (I am now early in Book 3): Who is Tansy? Also, is Whitebeard the missing Ser Barristan; or has he already been accounted for and I just missed it?
  16. Ygritte left to become a secretary (anyone else see her on Downton Abbey?)
  17. I think we'll have to watch it online the next day; we're leaving for the beach Saturday morning and I don't think the cottage gets HBO. I'll have to stay off the internet until we see it!
  18. Although I am reading the series, I'm only in Book 2 (although only 100 more pages). So I'm hoping that there's a twist in which he isn't executed!
  19. Gosh; I think it was Jimmy from HR Pufnstuff (Jack Wild)! And of course, Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill)
  20. It really did remind me of Inigo Montoya, before I read any of the reviews yesterday. (And the cat from Shrek).
  21. REALLY wish I could unsee that ...
  22. Whoopie Cat; I saw that; it was hilarious!! I can't wait for tonight's episode! Meanwhile I've been reading the series; I'm about 1/3 through the second book. It's very slow going (book 2 is over 900 pages!) but I'm making steady progress and am looking forward to getting ahead of the tv series!
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