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Everything posted by Virginia

  1. I hope everything is ok and glad to hear she has good results!
  2. I'm a (great) auntie again!! It's a boy!
  3. WOW; that's so cool!! Congratulations!!
  4. Oh how cool; I've always wanted to do that too; just one turn around the track!! Happy Birthday to her! I hope her favorite team wins!
  5. Yes, it's really good. I'd say that the coffee itself is less bitter than Starbucks, and the syrup is a little sweeter. No added sugar, but just a tad sweet. At Starbucks I always ask for nonfat milk too, and I never remember to at the other place, but I don't think that has anything to do with it! We recently also discovered Trader Joe's coffee; the regular dark roast has a nice flavor and a can of whole beans is only $4.99. It tastes more similar to Dunkin than Starbucks...not bitter.
  6. It's always nice to hear about dads hanging out with their daughters It's also great that both of your daughters are being proactive with their banking; that'll be great when they are at college and need to take care of things.
  7. I had another gingerbread latte today; they are sooo good! This coffee shop is about 20 minutes from home in the wrong direction, out in the country, so it's only an occasional treat. They are so much better than Starbucks!
  8. It sure did; my youngest daughter has since made Honor Roll, and my son just qualified for Regionals (swimming) in 2 individual events
  9. It sounds like there's a lot to celebrate here We got a note from our daughter's college today that she's made Dean's List We're very proud of her!
  10. Really warm, gray, windy and off and on raining. The temp here went up about 50 degrees between Friday and yesterday. We're expected to get some of that weather system from the mid-Atlantic this evening.
  11. That's awesome!! I saw them in the mid-80s and they remain one of my favorite ever concerts! That's wonderful! It's wonderful too how you can pick up with old friends like no time has passed
  12. Oh, it was horrible; I was bawling. Hubby just shook his head, lol. I was also catching up on Season 2 and saw another beloved character get married on his death bed :'( Too much for one night!
  13. I just finished making a really comfy knit scarf and hat for my daughter that I started a couple of years ago
  14. FYI, here's another good site on how to care for cast iron cookware: http://www.frugallivingnw.com/frugal-homemaking/cast-iron-101-basic-cleaning-seasoning-techniques/
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