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Everything posted by Virginia

  1. Making chili, cleaning, planning to bake cookies soon. Getting all the laundry done before Sandy arrives in case we lose power.
  2. Happy Birthday Redhairedqueen and sabelstorm!
  3. Happy Birthday Rock Historian!
  4. Thank you everyone! Strider, I hope both teams will finish the season strong. It'll be interesting to see what happens when they play each other at the end of November!
  5. Thanks, and happy belated birthday to Chillumpuffer too! My daughter came home from college this weekend and the weather was perfect; can't ask for more!
  6. Awesome! Glad you all were able to meet up!
  7. Absolutely beautiful fall day here; blue sky; colorful leaves and right now it's 58 degrees. I'm not a farmer's almanac buff per se, but they are calling for a hard winter, and judging by the number of acorns and dogwood berries on the ground, I'd say they could very well be right.
  8. Pizza (cheese) from our favorite nearby Mom & Pops Italian restaurant
  9. Happy Birthday to Rover and to Planted's daughter!
  10. I like it! I'm sorry a couple of them didn't get chosen, though. Enjoying Message in a Bottle
  11. Happy Birthday to Deb, Ledzepfvr and Badgeholder!
  12. Watching the presidential debate, and simultaneously watching my Facebook feed light up with comments at both extremes. Absolutely fascinating
  13. Actually listening to the whole concert, but right now it's:
  14. Saw Jack White for the first time tonight in Virginia and it was a great show; he really is an incredible musician. In addition to his new songs there were plenty of White Stripes songs, and more. He had great solos in Cut Like a Buffalo and Steady As She Goes (definitely one of the best solos of the night) and he did Carolina Drama. Unfortunately I forgot my glasses so he was kind of a moving blur on stage; he was definitely all over the place. Before the show started, one of the Men In Black came out and asked the audience to experience the music with their eyes and not through their cell phones; which we all thought was great. His website publishes photos of each show that fans can download for free afterwards. We were not in the mosh pit, and we were not the oldest people there (whew!)
  15. Absolutely awesome! I'll post more on the "after" concert thread. Have a great time tomorrow!!
  16. I'm looking forward to it! Hope your show is great too!
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