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Everything posted by Virginia

  1. Here's a picture of my old bike that I'm going to fix up :
  2. I'm putting "The Stranger" back on the shelf. I read it as a student, but this time it's like watching paint dry Maybe I'll re-read "The Little Prince" instead.
  3. Tonight was my oldest daughter's turn to win her first individual blue ribbon at the swim meet!
  4. Dinner at your place sounds wonderful! The girls and I just potted some flowers we picked up yesterday, and planted some herb seeds (rosemary, basil and cilantro); and my husband and his cousin just finished power washing the house. I've also been on a paper shredding rampage today, so it's been pretty productive!
  5. Today it's home grown tomatoes ... heaven!!
  6. I decided on Camus; trying to determine if I can remember how to read French .
  7. I'm in between books now. Maybe I'll re-read Harry Potter VI since the movie is coming out this fall.
  8. Quittin' time; this was one of the longest weeks ever!
  9. My youngest won her very first individual blue ribbon at the swim meet last night
  10. That looks good! I'm reading "Split Second" by David Baldacci.
  11. Aww they are adorable! What do they call you?
  12. Oh wow; I remember reading that waaay back in the 70s. I just remember that I read it though; not any of the details.
  13. Thanks! It's been pretty hot here too; hot and humid.
  14. Running this morning. I'm training for my first race this fall, and generally trying to get back on, and maintain, a regular workout schedule. Not easy to do with working F/T and driving the kids to their activities every evening.
  15. I'm reading 2; "The Best of Friends: Two Women, Two Continents, and One Enduring Friendship" by Sara James and Ginger Mauney (I'm really enjoying this!); and "Likely to Die" by Linda Fairstein.
  16. Aw, my younger daughter talks in her sleep too
  17. I heard from an old friend that I'd lost touch with
  18. I just brought home my old bike from my parents' house. It's a Fuji Sports 10; I saved up my money forever to pay half (mom and dad matched it) when I was 10 or 11; it's a really nice recreational bike. It still fits perfectly. I'm going to get new tires and whatever else and fix it up I will try to add a picture later; I can't find the camera cable right now.
  19. We rented "National Treasure 2" and "27 Dresses" this week; I enjoyed both.
  20. Thanks I should also mention that my son will be filling in as asst. coach for the little kids tomorrow and my older daughter is volunteering with me at work tomorrow and Saturday Then we all leave for the beach Sat. afternoon ... woo hoo!
  21. We had a practice swim meet tonight, and I was surprised to see my 6 year old daughter butterflying down the pool (normally only 7+ swim butterfly). She didn't DQ; and she swam faster than her freestyle and backstroke
  22. LOL; must be the cold medicine; took me until the 4th paragraph to get it
  23. This is more super cute than anything (sneezing baby panda): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoGk8uH8Zo4
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