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Everything posted by zepscoda

  1. It's back to normal now, a little cold but no crazy biblical proportional events , its still mind boggling that an F4 hit in December.... Here's some raw news airal footage https://youtu.be/Aakmu8-02c8
  2. Some more footage, I think the rated this as an EF4
  3. I really dig what Collin Hay has been doing the past few years...
  4. http://www.fox4news.com/news/63566813-story Link for additional info...unfortunately at least 8 lost their lives. ....some scary shit to say the least.
  5. A friend of mine lost his home last night when the monster tornado in the video below took his house. Thank god he and his family were not there when it hit...
  6. Love the snow pics Patricia, expecially the one looking down the road!
  7. Just got back from the Angelica , saw The Big Short. I thought it was really well done. Loved the way the director explained certain trading terms/ definitions to the audience.
  8. Twice for me so far.... probably go again before the year's over.
  9. "Surrealism is destructive, but it destroys only what it considers to be shackles limiting our vision." ~ Salvador Dali
  10. Not sure if this has been posted anywhere but there's a Kashmir reference at the 27 minute mark:
  11. The first 2 thirds of the film were awesome... During the last third of the film, I was in the lounge with my 6 year old, it had just gotten too loud for her. I'm going again this morning. I haven't read any posts here in the last few days as to not spoil anything..so I'm not sure what the consensus on likeing the movie or not. I'll just say this: The 3d effects are spectacular, and this is a fun movie in its own right. It really holds its own , I never got the sense that the shadow of the Star Wars franchise loom over it, no sense of trying to live up to the original 3.
  12. I haven't seen it yet, 10 hours and counting...lol....but, the biggest difference between this and episodes 1,2,&3 is JJ Abrams. From what I'm hearing, its pretty awesome.
  13. II'll be at the Plano Cinamark on Friday night.....I can't wait!!!
  14. So ask my girls if they were wearing their Yoda t shirts to the movie and they said "Yoda's dead daddy, he won't be in this movie.... we need a new shirts" LOL
  15. Not sure if this has been posted yet.... http://www.billboard.com/articles/news/6792621/jason-bonham-on-phil-collins-john-bonham-led-zeppelin-sammy-hagar
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