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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. It's tweety bird, ledhead . Don't mind me, i just want you to have that vacation. You need some fun...
  2. I don't agree with you Spats. First of all, the approach that was initially mentioned, the "nagging" approach, rarely works with men. My feeling was if you give some enticement, maybe it will prove to be effective. In the end, you both get what you want, maybe one of you (the woman) gets even more, a clean area and then something extra, lol. Anyway, if the man turns down an offer like that, he's probably not interested in the payment for services rendered to begin with ...at that point some thinking about the relationship is in order.
  3. What beach are you on? Only soft sand is all i've ever found, or if it wasn't soft i didn't notice.
  4. If you want that vacation bad enough you will compromise to get it. I know i am doing all i can to get away this month. I hope it works out for you. I hope it works out for me, too.
  5. LOL, what planet are you from? Never mind, i don't really care. Men want sex, period. What woman has to use a "bargaining chip" to get her guy to do her? I called it "incentive" to get him to clean up the mess you bitch about, and it might work if you live with a horny guy, lol. It was an "idea". Like most men, i like to do it in a variety of places. The floor is not excluded, and can be lots of fun. Not all of us are "over" a certain age, speak for yourself. Dzdoc, did the sore knees ruin your fun, lol? I could use a "cheap shot" come to think of it.
  6. Offer a man sex and you can get almost anything you want, lol. J/K
  7. I was thinking the same thing. If Manders won't share her margaritas and tacos maybe we should get our own! I love to share.
  8. okay whatever you say. hard to believe you're 47.
  9. LOL. I don't know what that means, but it sounds funny. Woot!
  10. That was me hitting the delete on my response by accident. Shit happens. Edit: have a field day with that response, lol.
  11. I have never been accused of bringing out the bitch in anyone before, shocking to me. I guess i don't give myself enough credit. Really i don't believe i brought out something in you, you don't already possess. The initial post i responded to is a good example. The one i "misinterpreted" you on. Again i apologize for that. Sure brought on alot of sensitivity. Seems strange you are so concerned about knowing the mods so you don't get thrown off the board. If you are so peaceful why would that be a worry? Anyway i've never been called a "wanker" before or been accused of having "big balls" (maybe big tits, but i don't think so either). So much for your idea of peace. I am sorry i caused you so much distress. Wasn't my intention. I have said my peace.
  12. I would have just read and moved on, but it's too interesting not to ask. With 7,592 registered members (as of this moment) it's funny how you already befriended people of "import". Why do you worry about getting thrown off the board? Should people who want to check out a message board of a band that happens to be their favorite fear they may get kicked off if they speak? Well you don't have to worry, you already found your way to the right peeps. I agree to disagree so please don't entice me to talk to you again. If for no other reason, your choice "adjectives" were my clue that you're not as high and mighty as you act.
  13. Anyone of import? Except for a few people here that i know beyond the internet, i don't consider anyone particularly important to me. You take what i say way more harshly than is intended, sorry i can't help that. I had no hard feelings when i posted what i did, but you seem easily offended, so i will refrain from replying to your posts. Not a big deal. btw...the urban slang you used towards me shows your maturity level and diplomacy skills. As for the "newbie" stuff you mention, i couldn't care less how long someone has been here. I know of the oldest and newest members, so what?
  14. It wasn't an assumption, it was what you wrote in your info. that shows up on every post. I didn't assume you lived there all your life, but you sounded EXACTLY like you do. Maybe the "culture" has rubbed off on you more than you think. I find when i vacation in the South i seem to talk "different" within hours of being there, and that's just my accent. Anyway, since i am from up this way, it wasn't a criticism, just an observation.
  15. I can't seem to find them where i live. I checked their website and noticed there are quite a few varieties. Do you have a favorite? I have only had the one kind. Would love one right now. I have forgotten a beer in the freezer at times. It makes good ice cubes in your beer (but you need a knife to get it out of the bottle) or it then has to sit and thaw out, lol.
  16. I want to begin by saying it's rare i feel my buttons are "pushed" on a message board. I truly don't let things said here bother me. I live real life stress and issues. I come here for enjoyment. If i come off in a way that i don't mean to, or interpret someone else in a way they didn't mean, so be it. That's to be expected. I looked at the way you excentuated certain words in your post, and quite honestly, i could "hear" the way it sounded (to me). Maybe it wasn't the way you sounded, but i can't help that. I also took into account the many girlfriends i have heard complain about this same thing over the past 20 years. I also took into account (sorry to stereotype you) where you live and how women tend to talk. I know many Jersey and Philly girls so i could "hear" the way they sound saying what you did. One of my best friends ( a Jersey girl) talks this way about her husband every single day! Yes, her husband is a slob and he doesn't care. I did presume you feel lucky to have him (until you say otherwise). Maybe i envy that right now. I know in my next relationship (like many in my past) i will focus on what i feel is really important, and not dwell on what i think is not. Men tend to not like being ragged on, i say this from EXPERERIENCE! I have learned to keep the ragging to a minimum, and when i occasionally fall off the wagon, i try to get back on it again. Ragging also doesn't usually work. I have heard men say over and over again that when their woman starts to rag on them, they no longer "hear" what she is saying. They shut you out and no wonder, when you ask them later on about something, they have no recollection of what you are talking about. I also know it feels good to vent and i was not trying to criticize you for doing so on a "pet peeves" thread. I was just thinking about my current situation and felt like, damn i hope i don't act/sound that way with my next guy (though i already have, lol). I want it to be all lovey/dovey i guess, and no petty bullshit. Yes, wish me good luck on that one, lol. My exhusband did learn to clean up after himself after a year or so of what was probably "bitching" at him, lol. He even did bathrooms before too long! Why was he easy to train? He was the kind of guy who would do absolutely anything for someone he loves (including his siblings and parents). He isn't typical of most guys, i'm sure. He was willing to change/compromise to keep the peace. A very personal question you ask, but since our divorce (5 years ago) we are not "enemies" but we are no longer in contact. Let's just say, i hurt him, so it was too painful for him to stay friends when my life moved on (we tried for a while). I am grateful he did find a happy life with someone who truly appreciates him. As for giving advice, i will do it if i feel like it. That's just how i am. Peace to you to, i don't come here to make waves...just to express myself.
  17. Maybe trying to make a messy man a tidy one just isn't always a possibility. If he has been picked up after by his mom all his life, or lived in a pig sty all his life, he just may not know any differently. You may have to take on the mess yourself so you don't feel uncomfortable living in it and accept it. Sure it sucks to have to use all that extra energy when he "should" clean up after himself. But that's a sacrifice some people have to make. I know women who are messy who live with men who are immaculate (my sisters husband is anal about disorganization). I have lived with men who enjoyed cleaning and i didn't have to do it on a weekly basis. They took on the responsibility because they were used to doing it for years and even felt more comfortable doing it themselves. Now it sounds like there may be some hope with your positive reinforcement. And maybe if you do organize the tools/garage/whatever rooms you think need it, and then firmly tell him to "keep it clean" it may just work (at least for a while). Good luck with all that. Remember there's always 1-800-junk if you find you run out of patience. Just so i don't seem like i'm living the life: i have a very messy child who thinks nothing of dropping food, drinks, toys, etc all over the place. I frequently trip over items that weren't on the floor a minute earlier. I have nearly broken a toe twice in the past six months because of this. Keeping up with the food and drink spills alone is a fight, especially with the warm weather and ant season upon us. I have plenty of understanding about your situations, girls. My strategy is to remember how much i love her (and i try not to always yell about the mess). I also teach her what i expect and she is picking up the idea well. A few more years and i think there will be improvement. Plus i need to call the junkman to take away all these old toys that are piling up...
  18. Time to call 1-800-Junk when he's at work and get the place cleaned up. lol...you better give deep consideration into whether or not he's worth all this trouble I'm not a miracle worker. But try my ideas about "incentive" as a last resort.
  19. lol...Drunk is being facetious! I would like to do simple things. I don't need to live dangerously. Lay on more beaches, hike in more mountains, swim in more of the Florida Bay (actually i prefer the Gulf Of Mexico)...watch more sunsets, have romantic seafood dinners by the ocean...bird watch...plant a new garden (it's been too long)...decorate a new house...send my daughter to Medical School...make love...
  20. Great idea, i need to buy a six pack today. I'm not sure what i'm in the mood for. I would love to find Shiner Bock. I haven't had one in about 10 years, so delicious. Hard to find in my area. Anyone here ever try it? I love my beer very cold. I usually put it in the freezer for 15 minutes before i drink it (after it's already been refrigerated). I drink liquor very seldom, so the thought of it right now is very appealing.
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