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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=7450974&page=1 Specter: 'Prospects for Winning a Republican Primary Are Bleak' Long-time Republican Says He Finds Himself More Aligned with Democrats' Philosophy By Z. BYRON WOLF and JONATHAN KARL WASHINGTON, April 28, 2009 Sen. Arlen Specter stunned both parties on Capitol Hill today when he announced he would switch his party allegiance to Democrat after 42 years as a Republican, including 28 as a senator from Pennsylvania. Arlen Specter abandons the GOP to become a Democrat, impacting balance of power.Beyond the personal drama and implications for the Republican Party, which has endured major setbacks in the last two general elections, Specter's decision could potentially give Democrats the ability to break Republican filibusters in the Senate. Specter called his decision to switch from Republican to Democrat "painful," and said he made the decision based on public and private polling in Pennsylvania that showed "the prospects for winning a Republican primary [in Pennsylvania] are bleak." "As the Republican party has moved farther and farther to the right, I have found myself increasingly at odds with the Republican philosophy and more in line with the philosophy of the Democratic Party," Specter said at a news conference Tuesday afternoon. Former Congressman Pat Toomey, a conservative Republican, officially entered the primary race against Specter just two weeks ago and was way ahead in polls. "I'm not prepared to have my 29-year record in the United States Senate decided by the Pennsylvania Republican primary. This is a decision that has been reached gradually as I have traveled the state in the last several months. Specifically, I got my own poll results back last Friday and consulted with my campaign manager..." he added.
  2. The Last Resort... The Eagles just a note: my last post was placed right before yours, see above, lol
  3. On The Turning Away... Pink Floyd
  4. lol, my ex-husband thought the same back in 97'... and i dragged him to Trenton of all places for a concert. He was a great sport! When they came out, i really liked Creed's first two albums.. and before he became too egomaniacal, i thought Scott was pretty hot. That was a decade ago...(i did mention Creed on the bands you're ashamed to say you like). I still like the songs off their first two albums
  5. I haven't given much thought to this (yet) since i see respiratory illness all the time... i know an epidemic and pandemic are always possible...but coworkers and I heard tonight, the Emergency Department where i work had 20 people there with the possible diagnosis of swine flu. I'll have to see if anything came of it when i go back to work at the end of the week. Best thing anyone can do to help prevent the spread of respiratory illness (as mentioned already) PRACTICE GOOD HANDWASHING AND COVER YOUR MOUTH/NOSE WHEN YOU COUGH AND SNEEZE!
  6. I liked The Golden Girls years ago, and i remember Maude from my mom watching the show. Bea was funny in the most serious way, and that made her funny. Sad news.
  7. King of the Night Time World... KISS
  8. Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun... Pink Floyd
  9. Donating blood can save someone's life. It's a very generous thing to do!
  10. Spending a beautiful afternoon at the park with my favorite girl. Lots of jungle gyms, swings, nature walks, a pond, and fresh air everywhere! This time next month the swim club will be opening!
  11. Ordinary World... Duran Duran
  12. If you read the list the poster opened with, she/he had Peter Frampton on it. My guess is, they meant top five "artists" including bands and solo artists. Just your five favorites
  13. California Roll (crabmeat/avocado/rice) and a Philly roll (smoked salmon/cream cheese/rice) sushi (all cooked)!
  14. I have a few concert videos (from way back), so i have seen what their performances are like (though in person is different). Ogre does seem like a cool guy...maybe it's the Vancouver thing? I read an interview from a few years back where Ogre discussed the drug addictions, and he sounded like he has been clean for quite a while now. He did say the music was highly influenced by the drugs My favorite Skinny Puppy record is probably their easiest to listen to, "Rabies". I was a big fan of Industrial music in the 90's, but even my husband, who loved Industrial and Techno, couldn't get into this band. We both enjoyed other bands that were softer on the ear, like Ministry and KMFDM. Did you meet Ogre? edit: Dwayne died in August 1995 of a heroin overdose.
  15. Oh i'm so jealous! When and where did you see them? After Dwayne Goettel died i know they broke up for a while. I haven't followed Skinny Puppy since the late 90's, but i have all their albums before Dwayne's death (i think there are 12 of them)... I know they are surely out the ordinary, but i found when i learned the lyrics to the songs, i could appreciate the songs along with the music! If you don't know the lyrics it mostly sounds like noise. The two Kevins (Ogilvie and Cey) are rare talents... and Ogilvie is hot, too (Trent Reznor fans, this dude was at it first)!.... for anyone who wants to expand their musical journey For anyone who might take a look at their music... one main theme that can be found is their passion for "animal rights"
  16. See, i'm being teased Great song, and Runaway, and Miracles to name a couple others.
  17. Maybe because of the melodies that Jefferson Airplane were famous for in the 70's would seem silly to some. I just pulled out my Gold CD and played some of my favorites last week! Echo and the Bunnymen were kind of 80's pop (although they have some real heavy songs too) and might not be the taste of many here. Here's one everyone will hate: Skinny Puppy. A band i love.
  18. I bought some of Sinead's music before the SNL Pope scene. She also appeared on SNL prior to that appearance and did a couple amazing songs. I love her voice and one album she put out i also really loved. But she's not for everyone, certainly Tantric was added because they aren't very popular and i would think some here would find them to be lame. Have you ever seen them live? I got very close to Hugo once, lol.
  19. My new neighbors who moved in next door last year smoke. I think they are the only ones on my cul-de-sac that do. They are in their mid twenties and have a one year old. They do go outside to smoke. When i go out to the car i sometimes smell it (and they are on their porch which isn't very close to where i park. Sometimes when the windows are open, the smoke lingers into the house a bit. It only takes a small whiff of smoke for me to be disgusted. I know the outdoors is now public (air), but i still don't want to smell second hand smoke in my house. I will add, they are nice people and i am glad to have them, aside from their bad habit.
  20. I'm not afraid to admit i like these bands, i just think many will laugh, lol , but that doesn't matter to me: Tori Amos, Counting Crows, Jefferson Airplane (especially the hits that Marty Balin sang), Tantric, Thirty Seconds To Mars, Sinead O'Connor, Bee Gees, Bread, Julian Lennon... all i can think of at the moment. and i recently pulled out the first two Creed CD's that i haven't heard in years. edit: and i like Echo and the Bunnymen, forgot about them.
  21. In order: The Beatles Led Zeppelin (and Robert Plant solo) Bruce Springsteen Genesis The Rolling Stones U2 The Cure Pink Floyd Cocteau Twins The Who/YES/Moody Blues etc....
  22. Something I Can Never Have... Nine Inch Nails
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