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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. McCain made an irresponsible choice and no matter how anyone tries to justify it, it still shows his lack of true concern for his country. He can potentially be leaving his family along with the rest of the Americans in the hands of someone who should not be in that place...Obama could have gone with the "sure thing" and chosen Hillary, but he gave thought to who would be the "best person" for the job. Anyway, i am by no means trying to tell you how to vote. But since you bring it up, i have to give my opinion. You know voting for Barr is a vote that won't count. It will help or hurt Obama/or McCain, but since the Libertarian party never get even close, the vote is a lost opportunity to pick who will be our next leader. With your intelligence, i think you should make your vote count. But then i guess just exercising your right to vote is the best thing to do, no matter who you pick (although i wish the Repubs would stay home on Nov. 4th). Just my feelings on this matter.
  2. What are your thoughts on McCain's rank of 894 out of 899 (pretty unimpressive)... Palin is very average in intelligence and should have stayed a Sportscaster. Definitely not leadership material.
  3. You found him! lol...i know there are lots of guys like what Ronniedawg described, i have known a few myself. I was just joking.
  4. If i were you, i would call Ronniedawg. He offered to hang out with you (so it seemed) and he says he's a stud muffin. Maybe he can get you some attention, lol. As for the lowering your standards thing. Yes some people will only get to know someone with a certain income, status, etc... i have never made those things, including someone's appearance, priorities. Like what Virginia said, to me personality, character, compassion, etc. are more important. Maybe you would have more luck meeting someone through an on-line dating service. You will get the opportunity to see her looks and find out about her personality. Plus, rejection that way should be less painful than in person. Edit: you may find girls choosing to talk to you more that way, too.
  5. I remember loving that movie. A few of my favorites: Eddie Murphy's "Raw", My Cousin Vinny, Rain Man, and Bird on a Wire (i love the way Goldie screamed in that movie).
  6. If you mean 20 Libs against 1 crush on Palin, okay, well at least the majority are thinkers. The rest of what you said makes no sense. What heat/what kitchen??? Anyway, you never answer anything, so afaic, you are not worth wasting time tallking to. But don't get your hopes up, i don't use the "ignore" function. I will still laugh at your silly posts.
  7. What's to judge? You have shown yourself in every silly/nasty post you make. You NEVER contribute anything, just all stupid talk. Funny, you can't defend anything i said about you. Proof you are just a phony...
  8. I'm sure you have never helped another human being. I'm certain you hate animals. I'm also certain you don't care about aborted babies... you are just a phoney. You are incapable of answering questions, just like Palin. Gee, we find even more you have in common with your little boy crush. Sad, she doesn't feel the same way about you...btw...Palin wasn't picked for you, srplane. You are so predictable.
  9. Well your snide little comment about "hunting Bambi" would suggest you don't have any reverence toward animals. Your attitude, period, is all the proof i need. People who are cruel to animals or hate them are missing a big HUMAN element, afaic...and i would NEVER be friends with someone i knew hated animals. So i see you as someone who is insignificant, if for no other reason, than because of your disgust of wildlife. As for your "passion" towards humans, have you ever helped another human being that wasn't a close family member or close friend? I help strangers every day i go to work. I help humans and i love animals. I am proud of these facts. I am teaching my child to love people AND ANIMALS. I am proud she is full of compassion towards "life". That is an achievement. Your animal hater Palin teaches the opposite.
  10. It's shameful that this person thinks hatred towards animals is in any way making him look good. Anyone who says they value life are just phony if they don't value animal life, too. I highly doubt srplane really cares about aborted babies. I think he just says that because he thinks it upsets us Liberal gals. News flash, srplane, your feelings/opinions/lack of knowledge, don't in any way make me feel. I don't care what you think. But i don't think you have one bit of concern about aborted babies. I agree with you, Electrophile, animals are "bettter" than people. Animals are REAL, people are often NOT. You know what they say about children who abuse animals. They often turn out to be Sociopaths. Not suggesting anything about srplane, just sayin....hmmm....
  11. Somebody Get Me A Doctor...Van Halen
  12. Don't worry, i won't compare you to a human... now GET OVER YOUR LITTLE BOY CRUSH! lol.
  13. Maybe that's because these people are smart and have common sense... If you haven't noticed, the approval rating on your lover Bush, well check the link i took the time to post last night. Not good, and the worst approval rating of any President, lol. Now that's someone to be proud of, srpplane (and i guess you don't live in this country or feel the impact of where this country is today)...McCain will give us another bout of the same mismanagement/corruption and destruction. Yeah there's something to root for! and srplane, Palin wasn't picked for YOU...get over your little boy crush.
  14. What's to like? What does she have in common with most women in this country? Aside from her militant views on abortion (sorry but she can do what she wants with her uterus, and every other woman "has" the same right)...her disregard for the environment (which is our planet EARTH), the same environment that the God she so crazily worships created, she trashes and can't wait to destroy with her drill, drill, drill (translation, OIL = Lots of money to be made for Sarah), she denies there is any Global Warming Problems, her lack of any kind of feeling toward wildlife (living creatures just like those babies she wants to save she has death in her heart towards), her ignornance towards what is important in our country today: (Economy, Environment, Employment, Education, Healthcare, oh and some little issue of Foreign Policy)...she is clueless to all the issues that our country requires leadership on (since we haven't had any in eight long years)...btw...did you see the link i posted about Bush's approval rating (worst ever, lol) and who the hell cares about banning books??? Sarah Palin does!!! What is that??? Then there's a little investigation on ABUSE OF POWER that is ongoing (and gee why is she not cooperating?) This woman is not smart and not honest and ran a small little town (Wasilla) into bankruptcy...and hey buddy, check the link i posted the other day about the ALASKAN WOMEN WHO HAD AN ANTI-PALIN RALLY. Women who have seen her leadership first hand... Read or watch some news, open your eyes, use your brain, and stop slobbering over her picture. She's not going to date you, move on. If she was Liberal, she would have some sense of reality.
  15. Well politics always brings up heated debates and strong opinions. It's more fun to have discussions with people who feel the way you do as opposed to those on the other side. Last election one of my best friends and I (i was surprised to find out she was a Republican back in 2000) had a "debate" over Bush being re-elected. SHE got upset over the conversation and stormed off, lol. We made up a few weeks later, but haven't spoken about Politics since. It's nice you are open minded and thinking with your mind. Palin is no mystery anymore. Now people will either use their common sense and reject her, or vote as sheep... and McCain, well he is the man not "for Change" but the man "who changes, changes his positions, changes his personality, and changes his principles". What a disgrace. I just watched this on Nightline. Here is the online story (click link for the entire story) Maverick to Candidate: Evolution of the New John McCain Republican Presidential Candidate's Positions, Campaign Style Have Shifted By TERRY MORAN Sept. 18, 2008 RSS John McCain, meet John McCain. Arizona Sen. John McCain talks to reporters on Capitol Hill in July 1988, left. At right, McCain, now the GOP's presidential nominee, gives the thumbs up on Sept. 4 during the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minn. (AP Photo/Getty Images)It is one of the most astonishing transformations of a political figure in recent history -- GOP presidential candidate John McCain is abandoning old positions and adopting new ones with both an impressive tactical nimbleness and a blithe disregard for his long legislative and political record. Imagine Ronald Reagan suddenly adopting a soak-the-rich stance or Bill Clinton becoming a protectionist, and you've got some idea of the campaign conversion of John McCain. Watch the story tonight on "Nightline" at 11:35 ET The old McCain was a champion of financial deregulation, playing a key role in the 1999 repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, the Depression-era law that strictly limited what banks, investment banks and mortgage lenders could and could not do. Related Who Has the Best Plan for the Economy? Candidates Put Economy CenterstageHow Well Do You Know the Candidates?The Arizona senator enthusiastically supported the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which further dismantled the old regulatory structure. And he backed the 2000 move by his former colleague -- and key economic adviser -- former Sen. Phil Gram to prohibit federal agencies from regulating the financial derivative markets, which went completely haywire and are now in total crisis, dragging the world's financial system into chaos. But that was then. This is now. And the new McCain is now promising voters a re-regulatory frenzy. He's not very specific -- though he does pledge to limit somehow the compensation of corporate CEOs, an idea he's backed in the past -- but he sure is vehement. McCain addressed voters in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, today, telling them, "The regulators were asleep, my friends. They were not working for you. The primary regulator of Wall Street is the Security and Exchange Commission, we call the SEC, kept in place trading rules that let speculators and hedge funds turn our markets into a casino." McCain also pledged today to fire the SEC commissioner, even though under federal law, the president does not have the authority to fire him because he is the head of an independent agency. The McCain campaign told ABC News today that while the president does not have the formal power to fire the chairman of the SEC, the president could pressure SEC chair Chris Cox for his resignation. (click link for the full story) http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/Vote2008/st...3277&page=1
  16. You did take a chance and i realize how difficult it was for you. But if you would have done the asking, she would have either said no, in which case you would for sure know she wasn't interested OR you would have had her number and known she was interested. You gave up the control of the situation and now you are left feeling bad. It's not about what gender made the move, it's about you finding out by taking the initiative, if she was interested. Move on, but don't let this happen again. Next time, you be the one to make the move.
  17. lol, if you think that was good, just wait until srplane jumps in with his one penny.
  18. I was going to at first say, surprising that a Texan is so "liberal", in other words, "down to earth" but then i saw you are from Austin. Austin is cool! Besides the point however, it's also nice to hear a young person speaking with common sense.
  19. I don't think you care and i don't care what you think. Your idol (hilarious, or just plain sad?) LINK: http://www.gambling911.com/George-Bush-App...ing-050208.html Monkey on His Back: George Bush Approval Rating Lowest in Modern History A major obstacle Republican Presidential candidate John McCain must try to overcome George Bush is the most unpopular US President in modern history according to a poll released by CNN. 71 percent of the American public disapprove of how Bush is handling his job as president and these numbers are mirrored by an AOL poll asking the same, whereby 74 percent said he has done a "poor" job as President. 74 percent also said he was deserving of the achievement. 11 percent said survey by America Online says he has done a good job, 9 percent a fair job and 6 percent said that President George W. Bush has been an excellent President. "No president has ever had a higher disapproval rating in any CNN or Gallup Poll; in fact, this is the first time that any president's disapproval rating has cracked the 70 percent mark," said Keating Holland, CNN's polling director. Still, today's generation tends to forget the Richard Nixon era and Harry Truman did not fare very well either. "Bush's approval rating, which stands at 28 percent in our new poll, remains better than the all-time lows set by Harry Truman and Richard Nixon [22 percent and 24 percent, respectively], but even those two presidents never got a disapproval rating in the 70s," Holland said. "The previous all-time record in CNN or Gallup polling was set by Truman, 67 percent disapproval in January 1952." By default, this is an obstacle that Senator John McCain will have to overcome since many voters tend to perceive another Republican in office as perhaps an "extension of the Bush administration". A NBC/WSJ poll reveals that 43% say McCain being too closely aligned to Bush and his policies is a major concern. That’s compared with 36% who say that about Clinton’s apparent flip-flops; 34% who say that about Obama’s bitter-guns-religion remark; 32% who say that about Wright and Bill Ayers; 31% who say that about Clinton’s honesty and trustworthiness; 27% who say that about Bill Clinton having too much influence on policy decisions; 17% who say that about Obama not being patriotic enough; and 16% who believe McCain might be too old. ----- Carrie Stroup, Gambling911.com Originally published May 2, 2008 2:22 pm EST --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and to put it in perspective for you, srplane: LINK: http://uspolitics.about.com/od/polls/l/bl_...al_approval.htm Historical Presidential Approval Ratings End of Term Also, see current approval rating data as well as July 2004 comprehensive analysis End-of-presidency job approval ratings are used by some pundits to forecast the odds of a President's being re-elected or getting a voter-initiated pink slip. A USA Today/Gallup poll (adults, ME3%), taken 9-10 October 2004, showed that 47 percent of American voters approved "of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president" and 49 percent disapproved. Compare that with the following chart. His father's approval rating was 56 percent at end-of-term, yet he was a one-term president. End-of-Presidency Job Approval Ratings President Rating (%) Election Results Bill Clinton (2 terms, D, 2001) 65 VP Gore (D) wins popular vote but Bush ® wins electoral college vote Ronald Reagan (2 terms, R, 1989) 64 VP Bush ® defeats Dukakis (D) John F. Kennedy (partial term, D, 1963) 63 (VP) Johnson (D) defeats Goldwater ® Dwight Eisenhower (2 terms, R, 1961) 59 Kennedy (D) defeats Nixon ® George Bush (1 term, R, 1993) 56 Clinton (D) defeats Bush ® Gerald Ford (partial term, R, 1977) 53 Carter (D) defeats Ford ® Lyndon Johnson (1+ terms, D, 1969) 49 Nixon ® defeats Humphrey (Johnson did not run) (D) Jimmy Carter (1 term, D, 1981) 34 Reagan ® defeats Carter (D) Richard Nixon (partial term, R, 1974) 24 Carter (D) defeats (VP) Ford ® Sources: ABC Historical Data USA Today/Gallup Poll
  20. AWESOME! One more term of Bush might just wind us up in the same situation. McCain will be 4 more years, god help us!
  21. Worth repeating, her character is what i have attacked all along. Her character is extreme, most likely due to her very religious Pentecostal upbringing. Look what it did to Scott Stapp, lol. But seriously, all her views are so self centered and very narrow. She doesn't even look at what might be best for her child. I am sure her daughter wasn't asked her opinion about keeping the baby or the marriage, and would not dare give it (if it differs from mommy). Just in, Palins numbers after tonight's Townhall Meeting: 40% favorable, 30% unfavorable (tonight), was 44% favorable, 22% unfavorable (AC 360, source) Keep talking Sarah, i'm sure you will drop much more when the ignorant get a taste of who you really are, what you really don't have to offer AMERICA.
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