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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. "Spent most of her life attending a Pentecostal church, which shaped her beliefs" (quoted from a CNN report on Palin). LOL, now i challenge all the Palin lovers to come out and admit they also love Scott Stapp, lol. Anyway, Electrophile, i feel as repulsed by this person as you. I just hope the country will see through her (at least the ones who aren't bible bangers). Funny, i initially thought her style of delivering a speech (telepromter read) was that of a pagent wanna be, but now i realize it's a sermon. Seems she has a bit more in common with Obama. http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5jCeGgS4...n_R-dQD92VOKVG0
  2. Anybody Seen My Baby? The Rolling Stones
  3. Oh that banana bread sounds good! Took my daughter and nephew to a Carnival, met up with my gf and her three kids, watched the kids go on rides and have a great time.
  4. Excellent posts and well said! All i want to say is i don't want or expect Barack or Joe to mudsling, because frankly, both have too much class. I do want them to be honest and bring to light what is so evident to the Dems about Palin (and McCain, too, lol). The smartest man i have ever known personally said that Palin sure has a lot of skeletons in her closet, lol. Funny thing was, before i asked him his opinion of her tonight, i was thinking about that and the Grateful Dead album! btw, I'm referring to my dad, who at 73 thinks our country is nuts to want a 72 year old for President! Lets hope people open their eyes and make the right choice this time.
  5. I hear it's beautiful, but they need to do something about the smell
  6. In response to your horrific finding (sarcasm) of Biden's plagerism, here is what happened: Biden has the experience of having run for President before, even if that experience was by no means a good one. Running in a crowded field in 1988, it was leaked to reporters (by a Dukakis staffer) that Biden plagiarized significant portions of his stump speech from then-British Labour Party Leader Neil Kinnock, and that he also plagiarized work in his first-year writing class in law school. While Biden has since been vindicated of blame in these incidents (it was determined that he had merely forgetten to credit a passage he’d cited many times before in the speech, and Syracuse law school cleared him of any hint of plagiarism—incidentally, Dukakis fired the aide responsible for the leak), in politics, perception is everything, and Biden may become the subject of more than a little right-wing talk show ridicule for the incidents. http://www.wikidemocrats.com/page/Joe+Biden?t=anon As for your above comment, Curtis Dunn killed Biden's wife and daughter, whether or not he was "at fault" and i'm sure he was, because a tractor trailer is pretty hard to "not see"...still the FACT IS HE KILLED THEM IN THE "ACCIDENT". He should feel bad as most people with emotions would. Biden smeared, his name, yeah right. Boohoo.
  7. Hey Medhb, i'm glad we agree on this!!! If we didn't, i wouldn't be talking in this thread, lol Biden just has to treat her like an opponent, and not be worried about her being a woman...just speak the truth, and he will expose her for the poor pick she is.
  8. Today was wonderful. Watching my daughter take her first creative dance/ballet class was so heartwarming! She had a great time and i saw her self-confidence grow along with the fun she was having!
  9. Probably what was meant. I know i used this one before (something i try not to do is repeat) but it's such a fantastic song: Do You Fear For Your Child?...My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult
  10. Lol, Joseph Biden is highly intelligent, and what he did, as i recall the story, was "paraphrase" but of course the Repubs had to blow it out of proportion. If you are a Bush lover, you should not be talking about anyone else's communication abilities. However, to answer your question, my boyfriend said it. No, Joe Biden isn't my boyfriend...
  11. I just heard today that Aerosmith are releasing a new album ( i think it's supposed to be in November) and plan to tour next year. I think if an artist/band can still sell tickets, they should tour if they so desire. I hope Bruce, U2, The Stones, Genesis, and should i even hope for... a Led Zep reunion? well i hope all these artists will still be touring in a few years. I am dying to take my daughter to a concert when she is old enough to sit through one. Many of my favorite bands are "old", lol...doesn't mean they're not still great!
  12. Bush came into this eight years ago with a balanced budget. Hmmm....where did he hide that? Trends in Federal Spending and the Deficit Since all spending must be covered through taxes, any increase in spending is an increase in taxes. Thus, we can understand the tax burden the people must suffer by analyzing the government's spending. Spending Trends since W.W.II. To look at spending, we asked, "How much does the Federal Government spend per citizen each year?" To do this, we adjusted the data for inflation using the Consumer Price Index (CPI) to calibrate our numbers. The data revealed surprising results. From Truman through Bush Sr. federal spending rose about $115 per year per citizen. The annual change in spending never deviated very far from this linear trend. The person, or party, in office made little difference in spending. After more than 40 years of nearly linear increase the pattern changed at the start of the Clinton administration. During this time, spending per person actually decreased! Under Clinton, Federal spending decreased roughly $18 per year per citizen. Tax payers were saving $166 per (man, woman, and child) over the spending before he started. Under GW Bush that pattern reversed, leading to the fastest increase in spending since the beginning of W.W.II. Now federal spending is increasing by over $250 per year per citizen. Recall that the typical American family is 3 people. That means, under GW Bush, the average family's taxes are increasing by over $750 per year. In the first four years of GW Bush's administration, Bush, himself, projects spending to increase by more than $1000 per citizen, or more than $3000 for a family of three. As we will see below, this spending is being relegated to the next generation, at an alarming rate. Notes: Throughout this document "Y2K $" means the value of the dollar in the year 2000 as determined by the CPI. Data Sources CPI population spending Related Data Debt Outsatnding Budget Tables Taxes & Spending Tax Tables The Federal Deficit per Person Here we look at the deficit per person. The deficit can be thought of as the taxes we should be paying to cover our own spending. The deficit can be though of as the taxes we dump on our children for benefits they will never receive. Overall, the federal budget has been going deeper into the red since W.W.II. The only significant transition to a balanced budget occurred during the Clinton years. When Clinton left office the budget was balanced. Future generations were saving $400 per person on the cost of past debts. That amounts to a savings of more than $2000 per person over the deficits that existed when Clinton took office. The worst plunge into deeper deficits occurred under GW. Bush. In just four years after GW Bush took office the deficit jumped to over $1600 per person, or about $4800 per year for each family of three. So, some future families will have to have their taxes raised this much to pay for benefits that they will not receive. That's an increase of more than $2300 per taxpayer, nearly $7000 for a family of three. Related pages: 20th Century Budget History spending since JFK 1999 Tax Rates & Alternatives Tax Rates since 1968 by Income Non-defense spending Federal Spending Cost of Tax Cuts Debt Clock Observations: It has been claimed by GW Bush and Reagan that tax cuts improve the economy. It has been claimed by GW Bush and FDR that increased spending will improve the economy. But during the Clinton years spending fell and taxes rose slightly while most economic indicators improved consistently for eight years. During the first three years of the GW Bush administration, spending increased at the fastest pace since 1942 and taxes dropped, while most economic indicators languished. The last 11 years of data clearly run counter to the theory. By contrast, the largest spending increase during the Great Depression, America's worst economic crisis, was $222 per person in 1939. The average spending increase during the Great Depression was $85 per person. That's much less than the $250 increase per citizen per year under GW Bush. Some Economic Indicators Employment Exports Private Investment Savings Taxes vs Revenue & Outlays click on link for graphs http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/lau...ilo/fedbgt4.htm
  13. What about the rest of the kids in this country whose parents can't afford healthcare for them. How big is her spot for them? She's no genius, she learned from being in beauty pagents how to be a charmer. Listening to her talk is like watching Miss America in her interview with Bob Barker. Hockey mom taking care of five kids, one with special needs, one with a child on the way by day, run our country by night. My girlfriend says "what does she think this is a clerk job?"
  14. I don't understand why the Dems always sit back and take it. Just like here, when i spoke my mind, i get a Repub giving me mouth about using the word bitch (as far as i can tell was true about her) and broad (man, that's a dirty word). So this person thinks it's just fine to call me a nasty name. They think it's their place to tell us what to think and feel. Sorry Freedom of Speech is more important to me than the right to bear arms (which is also important). Point is, the Dems are too nice and always back down to these bullies. Then we all lose out. Stand up and fight Obama and Biden. Obama was so courteous to Palin when the news of her family values (or lack there of) hit the public. What does she do in return, trash him, over and over. I didn't read the story yet, but apparently she continued trashing Obama today in an independent speech she gave. What a joke Palin and McCain are.
  15. Isn't that the first thing they teach in Pagent 101?
  16. Sorry to be so picky, but i can't play this game when people break the rules and post unrelated songs...lol The Night Before...The Beatles
  17. She is as dangerous as any man. Women are supposed to be the gentlier sex. I heard someone say ( i don't remember which reporter it was) her speech was the most macho one they have heard so far, lol. It's true. The guys would not like her so much if she was fat or ugly. edit for being very tired
  18. Lol, i have been working on getting rid of clutter in my house for a while now. What a nice feeling to get rid of so much! I know how you feel. I'm happy Dzldoc and Uncle Mark are both safe and didn't have too much damage to their homes! I'm happy today is my daughter's first dance class, it's called Creative Dance and is combined with Ballet. I'm also happy i will be purchasing Disney on Ice tickets! Kids stuff is so much fun, sometimes...
  19. For some (i think my excuse) he seems innocent and he is endearing. He brings out the mom/sister in me. For others, he is a challenge! Some give up, others relent, lol. But what always impresses me about Spats is, no matter how mean people are to him, he is always cordial in his response. I admire that (god knows it's hard to do)!!!
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