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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. You don't know if she knew that baby was going to be retarded or if she found out when the baby was born. Women also often don't find out until they are in their second term about birth defects. By then, abortion becomes more unpleasant of an option to the average woman. No matter what her case was, doesn't make her any kind of saint. Sarah Palin encourages killing wolf pups!!! Yeah, what a gal!
  2. Sarah Palin...McCains choice because she likes to make babies...McCain you dirty ole man. Sarah Palin, likes murder for a sport. And supports Bush on 95% of the issues. Wake up people! McCain will drain our country. Repubs, but get your hands out of your pants and try to use your brain. http://www.care2.com/news/member/338686546/863062 http://www.dailykos.com/story/2008/8/29/125025/911 http://www.defenders.org/newsroom/press_re...nty_program.php Get Defenders Headlines Get the latest wildlife conservation news and information... right when we post it online. Defenders of Wildlife Asks Judge to Shut Down Palin's Wolf Bounty Program Bounty Law Repealed in 1984 – Alaska Does Not Have Regulatory Authority to Impose New Incentives Anchorage, AK -- Today Defenders of Wildlife, the Alaska Wildlife Alliance and the Alaska Chapter of the Sierra Club asked the Alaska Superior Court to shut down Governor Palin's $150-per-wolf bounty program citing the fact that Alaska's bounty laws were repealed in 1984 and the State has no current legal authority to implement the bounties. "The Governor is overstepping her legal authority by offering cash payments for each wolf killed by aerial gunners," stated Tom Banks, Defenders of Wildlife's Alaska Associate. "That's a bounty by anyone's standards regardless of what they call it." Hoping to boost the number of wolves killed this year by permitees, Palin announced the state would pay $150 for each kill. According to an Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) news release, the bounty was instituted to "motivate permittees to redouble their efforts and to help offset the high cost of aviation fuel, ADF&G will offer cash payments to those who return biological specimens to the department." The state's press release, issued last Wednesday, indicates that "Permittees will be paid $150 when they bring in the left forelegs of wolves taken from any of several designated control areas." "Governor Palin needs to take a close look at wildlife management practice in her state and restore the use of sound science," concludes Banks. "She said would heed the will of the public, but it's increasingly clear she's only listening to that segment that is willing to sacrifice Alaska's natural heritage for the benefit of a few." The judge is expected to make a decision fairly quickly. Defenders and the co-plaintiffs expressed an additional concern that the bounty offered by the State will encourage the illegal killing of wolves outside the control area. Defenders of Wildlife is represented by Mike Frank of Trustees for Alaska, a public interest law firm, and Valerie Brown, an Anchorage attorney in private practice. ### Defenders of Wildlife is recognized as one of the nation's most progressive advocates for wildlife and its habitat. With more than 500,000 members and supporters, Defenders of Wildlife is an effective leader on endangered species issues. For more information visit www.defenders.org
  3. This always gets me a little. How can someone be pro-life, but still be for the death penalty. I'm sorry, but that is contradictory and hypocricy. But what really upset me about her was the artilcle, i will dig it up, i read about her support of hunting wolves. If you live in Alaska i think you should have great reverence for nature and wildlife. Well there are so many of these articles about here apparent hatred of wildlife. Bitch. Latest News Animals & Money: Palin's fiscal weakness for hunters Ballot Measure 2, Limit Predator Control: "YES" Fish and Game Policies Reveal Another Corrupt State Agency Palin's Wildlife Cartel Represents Circumnavigation of Ethics, Truth Fish and Game is Doing Lousy Job Managing the State's Wildlife Zoos not contacted before wolf pup kills Fish and Game Should be Honest About Killing Wolf Pups Misuse of Public Funds? Outsiders' Propaganda is Bad Fuel for the Ol' Wood Stove Opponents of State Wolf Control are Alaskans Governor Sarah Palin - Polar Bear Lawsuit by State of Alaska Comments / Anchorage Daily News / August 4, 2008 So Palin once again bows to the Alaska Outdoors Council which is so worried it might not have enough Alaskan wildlife to kill for trophies, eh? The federal biologists have shown the polar bears are in trouble. Alaska state biologists have warned they are in trouble. Even the Natives along the Northern Coastal Plain have noted how things are getting worse for the polar bears. But, like Palin, there are commenters in this discussion who are willing to sell Alaska down the drain for a few oil-soaked dollars. I can see the true VECO mentality (?) is alive and well and can be found here in their comments. Palin allows airborne killing of wolves and bears, wants polar bears to remain huntable for trophies, and has generally shown she is even worse than Murkowski could ever have been when it comes to selling out our wildlife to the highest bidder. Next > This 'Predator Control' Thing is Getting Way Out of Control Friday, 21 March 2008 In response to the March 11 article "Hunters team up for baited bear kills": A thousand years ago, before politically correct phrases like "predator control" (read: slaughter), one has to wonder how the ratio of black bears to moose in Alaska was kept in balance. Hmmm, can we maybe say ... nature? Yes, I'm the meat-eating, beer-drinking type of guy that is rampant in our state, and I was born here, but even I can't stomach one of the rules of this so-called "hunt." And I quote, "hides and skulls have to be salvaged and sealed; meat does not." Seems to me that not one of the bears soon to die has a set of moose antlers hanging on the wall of his den. Bears don't kill for sport, they kill for survival. But man, the "intelligent creature," likes to kill for pleasure. I hope my life never gets that empty. Michael Wilber, Wasilla http://www.akwildlife.org/content/view/98/61/ Sarah Palin...pos.
  4. LOL...some thoughts from people who know something about her. Since none of us know her any better than McCain himself. Sarah Palin bio continues to climb As we noted yesterday, the biography of relatively unknown Sarah Palin was being snapped up by people eager to learn more about John McCain's choice for VP. Today the book -- "Sarah: How a Hockey Mom Turned Alaska's Political Establishment on Its Ear," by Kaylene Johnson -- is at No. 12 in all of books on Amazon. It is the No. 1 bestseller in Biographies & Memoirs of Women and also No. 1 in Biographies & Memoirs of Leaders and Notable People -- Politicians. The Wall Street Journal quotes author Johnson as saying that "the book has been selling well in Alaska because people really like her." That's probably an old quote, as the book is now selling well pretty much everywhere. And some in Alaska aren't Palin-boosters. The Anchorage Daily News says local politicians are "stunned." Republican state Senate President Lyda Green, who, along with Johnson, is from Palin's hometown of Wasilla, said: "She's not prepared to be governor. How can she be prepared to be vice president or president?" Many are looking to Johnson's bio for the answer to that question. -- Carolyn Kellogg UPDATE: "Sarah" is now, after 1pm Pacific, at #10 on Amazon's sales chart; it's the only biography in the top 10. Photo credit: Kiichiro Sato / Associated Press August 30, 2008 in Books, Current Affairs, politics | Permalink TrackBack http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/jacketcopy...-palin-b-1.html
  5. LOL, and i have wondered, how can she take care of them properly and find time to Govern Alaska (good thing it's the 48th least populated state in America). A Down Syndrome child takes constant care. Wait, i read she is good at "mutli-tasking". That's what our country needs, lol. We may find out who she is, eventually. But it's obviously none of our business who the next potential VP, who needs to be prepared for the big job at a moment's notice, is. We are just ignorant Americans letting people with signs of Alzheimer's disease, make decisions for us. Or at least some of us want that. The same people who think our country is just fine as we fall further into deep trouble. She has five children because she was never taught "birth control" or she's really horny (McCain is hoping so, lol). edit for typo
  6. LOL, Dzldoc, I know, the men like the idea of a "take charge" woman, but she won't be in their bedroom, she will be running their country (at least the likelihood is pretty high). As a parent, think about your son's future and where his country is heading in the hands of more mismanaged leadership.
  7. She's no big deal. If McCain wanted to change our country, he would have choosen a running mate who has real credentials. Obama and his record aside, lets just focus on McCain's choice here. He had so many to pick from, plenty of women Senators who could have really made an impression and maybe even had real contributions to make. He picks a nobody who he himself only met one time prior to deciding. What does this say about him? My theory is he is hoping for some "alone time" with her, lol. If you are going to have, well since you're a bo, lets say Prostate Surgery, do you want a surgeon who's been in practice at Community General Hospital for two years, or do you want someone who has some experience? Well maybe that depends on what the surgeon looks like. This woman has a good chance (sorry McCain but you're 72, that's old by retirement age standards) and have health issues. Why pick someone so unknown and inexperienced? Dirty old man... I already posted the stats on Wasilla, population 1/10th the amount of people who were at Live Aid in just Philadelphia. Not impressed. Governor of the 48th "smallest populated" state in America. Not impressed, sorry. But hey, if she gets mad, i bet she's a much better shot than Dickhead Cheney is. That's impressive. And if there's a wolf in your backyard, you have her permission to KILL him. Pro-life, depends on whose life you're talking about. And no worries, i'm sure more truth will be dug up about her (she's already involved in controversy over her sister's exhusband) and using her "authority". Obama has Biden, and IF VP's are going to actually be important this time around, Biden's the man to make this country great again. Sarah may need to get a degree in nursing to help ole McCain.
  8. Have you shown any info on this person to back up your claim of "great pick"? Obviously like McCain, you are thinking with the same thing. Seems "great pick" is your catch phrase, and you have nothing else to offer. Accept it, Mr. Slogan. You are rooting for the further demise of the soon to be once greatest country in the world (if people don't wake up and end the plague our country has been infected with the past eight years). Three strikes and we're out!
  9. She has no relevant experience to running the country with a man who is so full of himself, he will be another four years of digging our graves. Accept it! Republicans will bring down America if we give them a third try. Three strikes and we're out! Hey i like that slogan...lol.
  10. I care because as we get further into debt, they get closer to owning our country. We need some brains to turn things around, not a man who's heading into dementia and a Myocardial Infarction away from leaving the Presidency in the hands of a cheerleader. In truth, other countries opinions don't matter to me, but they do see things clearly. If you read what they think, you will see they are right on, lol. If McCain was really sharp, he would have found a woman with an established reputation. The only reason this broad is making so much news is because nobody knows who she is. She's a nobody. McCain doesn't even know her. How sad is that.
  11. Stooping to the use of sex...just shows how warped, or is that early onset dementia setting in for McCain. lol. What would be funny is if McCain goes shooting with her one day. Maybe we can have another Dickhead Cheney incident... Okay, low blow... If this was reversed and she was the Dem pick, you wouldn't be singing her praises. You are set on the country being led from bad to worse. Republicans are blind to how bad the condition of the United States is because of their last two picks. If you haven't opened your eyes over the past eight years, there is no hope for you...
  12. After working last night into the morning, i am now off until Wednesday! The more days off i have, the happier i am!
  13. First of all, Fox News " is " Republican Central, always biased, always will be. That is a well known fact. Truth, she is a friggin "hockey" mom, ex runner-up Miss Alaska. Yeah, when i watch a beauty pagent i think to myself, gee, she would make a great VP some day, not. The rest of her credentials are lame as well. John McCain was thinking with his , lol....figures. With the country in the sad place we are, i had hoped for a more responsible choice. Just shows his character (or lack of). The main reason i answered this post is because i find it sad that the Dems will feel the need to tippy toe around this bitch. I say speak up, and don't let the female gender be an issue. She can take it. She's a gun shooting, wolf shooting supporter, death penalty supporting (isn't that a contradiction to the pro-life stance???), big woman with the Oil men, broad. I don't see why anyone should have to watch what they say. I bet she can curse like a sailor any day, lol. I do hope that Hillary will have the guts to speak up for the rest of women who are ashamed of McCain's insinuation that we are too stupid to see his plot for what it is. The outsiders looking in see things clearly: http://blogs.dw-world.de/acrossthepond/michael/1.7038.html McCain's Pick Palin Gets Mixed Review From International Media It's fair to say that most Americans were not familiar with the name Sarah Palin prior to John McCain's decision to pick her as his vice presidential candidate. So it's pretty clear that people around the globe – even politically interested ones who follow the campaign closely – had never heard the name Sarah Palin before Saturday's announcement. So it's no surprise that many global media outlets (as did many U.S. outlets) headlined their reports about John McCain's running mate similar to how Berlin's Tagesspiegel did, simply asking "Who is Sarah Palin?" And also not surprisingly many news organizations then spent most of their time answering that question for themselves and their audiences by drawing up a basic biographical sketch of the Alaska Governor. Analysis of what Palin means for McCain, Obama and the world followed only as a third step. Germany's Die Welt argues in an article titled "McCain and his women" that with the selection of Palin, McCain essentially scratched his main argument against Obama - experience. Instead, writes the paper, McCain's goal is to lure Hillary Clinton's 17 million supporters over to the Republican side with the help of Sarah Palin, his wife Cindy and his high profile advisers Carly Fiorina and Meg Whitman. Italy's La Republica (via Handelsblatt) agrees that by putting Palin on the ticket, McCain hopes to steal votes from the Democrats especially from Hillary supporters. "This is McCain's attempt to trump Obama", comments the paper. Dutch daily De Volkskrant (via Handelsblatt) takes a similiar stance and writes that with the surprising choice of Palin, McCain underscored that he is a more dangerous opponent than Democrats may have thought. Finally, The Austrialian doesn't mince words: "Palin? For the US, she might be a great vice-president - her reformist agenda is admirable and she has star quality and a fascinating life story. But that's for Americans to debate...Australia, rightly, has no say in the electoral process in the US. We are observers. But this is a poor decision," editorializes the paper and concludes that "as an ally who has fought alongside the US forces in every conflict America has been involved in for the past 100 years, there is reason to be worried. As an ally, we deserved better than this from McCain." Michael Knigge 31.08.2008, 19:49
  14. It's so disheartening to know there are just as many people this time around dying to keep this country down with the same mistake/s we had for the last eight years. Anyway, some great reasons for McCains genius pick. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0808/12997.html 6 things Palin pick says about McCain By JIM VANDEHEI & JOHN F. HARRIS | 8/30/08 8:57 AM EST Text Size: John McCain’s pick of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin says a lot about his decison-making – and some of it is downright breathtaking. Photo: AP The selection of a running mate is among the most consequential and the most defining decisions a presidential nominee can make. John McCain’s pick of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin says a lot about his decision-making — and some of it is downright breathtaking. We knew McCain is a politician who relishes improvisation and likes to go with his gut. But it is remarkable that someone who has repeatedly emphasized experience in this campaign named an inexperienced governor he barely knew to be his No. 2. Whatever you think of the pick, here are six things it tells us about McCain: 1. He’s desperate. Let’s stop pretending this race is as close as national polling suggests. The truth is McCain is essentially tied or trailing in every swing state that matters — and too close for comfort in several states, such as Indiana and Montana, that the GOP usually wins pretty easily in presidential races. On top of that, voters seem very inclined to elect Democrats in general this election — and very sick of the Bush years. McCain could easily lose in an electoral landslide. That is the private view of Democrats and Republicans alike. McCain’s pick shows he is not pretending. Politicians, even “mavericks” like McCain, play it safe when they think they are winning — or see an easy path to winning. They roll the dice only when they know that the risks of conventionality are greater than the risks of boldness. See Also The story behind the Palin surprise Obama loses spotlight to new rival Obama ad portrays McCain as clueless Politico's guide to the conventions The Republican brand is a mess. McCain is reasonably concluding that it won’t work to replicate George W. Bush and Karl Rove’s electoral formula, based around national security and a big advantage among Y chromosomes, from 2004. “She’s a fresh new face in a party that’s dying for one — the antidote to boring white men,” a campaign official said. Palin, the logic goes, will prompt voters to give McCain a second look — especially women who have watched Democrats reject Hillary Rodham Clinton for Barack Obama. The risks of a backlash from choosing someone so unknown and so untested are obvious. In one swift stroke, McCain demolished what had been one of his main arguments against Obama. “I think we’re going to have to examine our tag line, ‘dangerously inexperienced,’” a top McCain official said wryly. 2. He’s willing to gamble — bigtime. Let’s face it: This is not the pick of a self-confident candidate. It is the political equivalent of a trick play or, as some Democrats called it, a Hail Mary pass in football. McCain talks incessantly about experience, and then goes and selects a woman he hardly knows, who hardly knows foreign policy and who can hardly be seen as instantly ready for the presidency. He is smart enough to know it could work, at least politically. Many Republicans see this pick as a brilliant stroke, because it will be difficult for Democrats to run hard against a woman in the wake of the Hillary Clinton drama. Will this push those disgruntled Hillary voters McCain’s way? Perhaps. But this is hardly aimed at them: It is directed at the huge bloc of independent women who could decide this election — especially those who do not see abortion as a make-or-break issue. McCain has a history of taking dares. Palin represents his biggest one yet. 3. He’s worried about the political implications of his age. Like a driver overcorrecting out of a swerve, he chooses someone who is two years younger than the youthful Obama and 28 years younger than he is. (He turned 72 on Friday.) The father-daughter comparison was inevitable when they appeared next to each other. 4. He’s not worried about the actuarial implications of his age. He thinks he’s in fine fettle and Palin wouldn’t be performing the main constitutional duty of a vice president, which is standing by in case a president dies or becomes incapacitated. If he were really concerned about an inexperienced person sitting in the Oval Office, we would be writing about vice presidential nominee Mitt Romney or Tom Ridge or Condoleezza Rice. There is no plausible way McCain could say that he picked Palin, who was only elected governor in 2006 and whose most extended public service was as mayor of Wasilla, Alaska (population 8,471), because she was ready to be president on Day One. Nor can McCain argue that he was looking for someone he could trust as a close adviser. Most people know the staff at the local Starbucks better than McCain knows Palin. They met for the first time last February at a National Governors Association meeting in Washington. Then, they spoke again — by phone — on Sunday while she was at the Alaska state fair and he was at home in Arizona. McCain has made a mockery out of his campaign's longtime contention that Barack Obama is too dangerously inexperienced to be commander in chief. Now, the Democratic ticket boasts 40 years of national experience (four years for Obama and 36 years for Joe Biden of Delaware), while the Republican ticket has 26 (McCain’s four years in the House and 22 in the Senate). The McCain campaign has made a calculation that most voters don’t really care about the national experience or credentials of a vice president, and that Palin’s ebullient personality and reputation as a reformer who took on cesspool politics in Alaska matters more. 5. He’s worried about his conservative base. If he had room to maneuver, there were lots of people McCain could have selected who would have represented a break from Washington politics as usual. Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman comes to mind (and it certainly came to McCain’s throughout the process). He had no such room. GOP stalwarts were furious over trial balloons about the possibility of choosing a supporter of abortion rights, including the possibility that he would reach out to his friend. Palin is an ardent opponent of abortion who was previously scheduled to keynote the Republican National Coalition for Life's "Life of the Party" event in the Twin Cities this week. “She’s really a perfect selection,” said Darla St. Martin, the co-director of the National Right to Life Committee. It is no secret McCain wanted to shake things up in this race — and he realized he was limited to a shake-up conservatives could stomach. 6. At the end of the day, McCain is still McCain. People may find him a refreshing maverick or an erratic egotist. In either event, he marches to his own beat. On the upside, his team did manage to play to the media’s love of drama, fanning speculation about his possible choices and maximizing coverage of the decision. On the potential downside, the drama was evidently entirely genuine. The fact that McCain only spoke with Palin about the vice presidency for the first time on Sunday, and that he was seriously considering Lieberman until days ago, suggests just how hectic and improvisational his process was. In the end, this selection gives him a chance to reclaim the mantle of a different kind of politician intent on changing Washington. He once had a legitimate claim to this: After all, he took on his own party over campaign finance reform and immigration. He jeopardized this claim in recent months by embracing ideas he once opposed (Bush tax cuts) and ideas that appeared politically motivated (gas tax holiday). Spontaneity, with a touch of impulsiveness, is one of the traits that attract some of McCain’s admirers. Whether it’s a good calling card for a potential president will depend on the reaction in coming days to what, for the moment, looks like the most daring vice presidential selection in generations. Mike Allen contributed to this story.
  15. I just thought Midnight Rambler was feeling resentment that Keith isn't sharing his stash. Maybe i was wrong. Or maybe he means McCain like Keith has lost many of his memory cells, lol.
  16. LOL, very funny stuff. I bet if you emailed Keith and asked him for one, he might send it to you. Worth a try.
  17. Amen!!!!! What's really funny is that McCain met her one time and then had a secret meeting with her before making his selection. What an idiot. He must really think he is immortal, because i can't figure out any other reason why such a patriotic man would jeopardize his country this way (not the healthiest or the youngest).
  18. ~tangerine~


    Gustav is now a category 4. I hope all my friends from the board and my daughter's Uncle are all safe and far away from this storm.
  19. Are you kidding? If everyone agreed with you, there would be no discussion. The approval ratings wouldn't be so close. I think we can all disagree with your statement, lol. As for Alaska, population 670,000, http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/02000.html, as of 2006. That puts Alaska at the 47th smallest populated state in America, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._...s_by_population. It's the population, not the square footage that matters when you are counting votes, lol. In this case, i think size does matter. She represents one of our smallest states for a mere two years. I find that underqualified to represent my favorite country.
  20. Silly. She's an ex "runner up" Miss Alaska (would be great if some Vanessa Williams type scenario were to evolve, lol), and a soccer mom. Two things that do not impress me. Her values do nothing for me either. She sounds very similar to a female GWB from what i have read. As for keeping a Down Syndrome child, that was her choice. I would not think ill of anyone who would choose to abort a child in that condition. Women are given the option to test for birth defects if they are in a high risk group (over 35) so that they have a choice of whether to keep the baby. I chose not to be tested when i was pregnant, reason being, i wouldn't have aborted, so i didn't want to know. But i still maintain, i would not blame anyone who wouldn't feel capable of carrying a child who is retarded to term. I see sickness every day. I am fully aware of how hard it is to be sick and the hard choices people make about "quality" of life. Sarah wants to revoke that choice from women who are pregnant. Same old Republican story. To me, worse than a man who wants to take away a woman's right to choose, is a woman who wants to do that. Anyone can become a mayor of a small city. I met a mayor recently of a small Pennsylvania city who told me, basically, it's really not that big a deal. She lacks experience where our country needs it, her resume is lame to me, and i will repeat god forbid she ever winds up running our country. Our country needs reform from what has happened the last two elections, imo. This will be more of the same. If McCain thought a woman would bring him Hillary voters, that is sad. Hillary voters love Hillary for her, not because she's a female. As for Senator Joseph Biden, nobody can say anything against Joe that bothers me. He is a great man and i am elated to see him getting a chance to fix the sad state our country has become the past 8 years! edit for typo
  21. I took this article to be in favor of her. I can't find any reason that would qualify her to be VP and god forbid, if it ever were to come about, President. I'm not going to further express my opinion, i'm just hopeful this plan of McCain's proves to be as ludicrous to the rest of the country as it is to me. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/worl...icle4635147.ece From Times OnlineAugust 29, 2008 Who is Sarah Palin? (Brian Wallace/AP) Sarah Palin during a controversy over the dismissal of a state trooper involved in a bitter divorce with her sister Hannah Strange Sarah Palin, a former runner-up in the Miss Alaska beauty contest, burst on to the political scene in 2006 by becoming both the first female and youngest governor in Alaskan history at the age of 42. She had previously gained statewide attention as a gutsy maverick unafraid to speak truth after whistleblowing on ethical violations by state Republican Party leaders during her time on the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. A "soccer-mom" type with telegenic appeal, Mrs Palin is a real life Miss Congeniality — she won the title in the Wasilla beauty pageant back in 1984. But the mother-of-five combines her homely air with a keen grasp of the issues and a formidable campaigning style. Related Links McCain picks female governor as running mate Multimedia Reaction to Palin on the web A strong social conservative and a staunch supporter of gun rights, she is hugely popular in Alaska — a poll published last month showed her approval rating at 80 per cent. Mrs Palin is strongly pro-life — typified, observers say, by the fact that her fifth child, born in April, has Down's Syndrome. The Palins also have teenage son, Track, and three young daughters, Bristol, Willow, and Piper. She also opposes same-sex marriage, but has often sympathised with the concerns of gay community about discrimination and has implemented legislation ensuring equal benefits for same-sex couples. After running her gubernatorial campaign on clean government, Mrs Palin has successfully pushed through an ethics Bill as well as shelving pork-barrel projects supported by fellow Republicans. She is a spending hawk, having slashed the state's construction budget by $237 million - the largest cuts in Alaskan history. After taking office, she followed through on a campaign promise to sell a Windward II jet purchased on state credit. Placing it on eBay three times, she eventually sold it to the highest bidder for $2.7 million. Mrs Palin's energy stance dovetails nicely with that of Mr McCain — promoting resource development while also taking steps to address climate change and environmental issues. She has recently announced plans to create a new sub-cabinet group of advisers, tasked with reducing greenhouse gas emissions within Alaska. However, Mrs Palin is not entirely free of scandal. She is currently under investigation by the state legislature for possible abuse of power surrounding the dismissal of the commissioner for public safety, Walter Moneghan. Mr Moneghan alleges that he was fired because he was reluctant to sack a state trooper who was involved in a bitter divorce and custody battle with her sister, Molly McCann. The governor is said to be co-operating with the investigation, which is being overseen by Democratic State Senator Hollis French. An Alaskan through and through, Mrs Palin grew up with a love of traditional outdoor pursuits. As a child she regularly got up before dawn to go moose-hunting with her father and is still a strong believer in gun ownership. She is a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association. Before entering politics she had a number of unconventional jobs including sports reporter and commercial fisherman, the latter alongside her husband Ted, who is a Yupik Innuit.
  22. So if McCain did win the Presidency, and something happened to him, you supporters would feel comfortable with a "44 year old, unknown, former small town mayor" (quoted from the Sydney Herald) as our Commander in Chief...ugh...stupid pick. I have a hard time believing any intelligent people would feel otherwise. Her experience? Former mayor of Wasilla (what's the population of that city)? The census approximates it in 2005 at 8,471. Laughable. Okay, sorry, also the Govenor of Alaska for two years. Has she been to the White House? This choice is showing ominous signs of early dementia
  23. Ask her out. If she says no, at least you won't be running into her for a long time.
  24. Seeing my cousin, his wife and three kids who lives in Manhattan and only visit a few times a year. My daughter always has such a great time playing with her cousins. My cousin is a screenwriter and after 15 years may finally get his "big" break next week. If it goes well, he will be writing for a show HBO or Showtime will pick up. Would be great to have a celebrity in the family. His wife is friends with Alec Baldwin, lol. They have lunch together and he adores her kids. Anyway, was great to catch up with my cousin and his ever fascinating life.
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