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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. I am so impressed! I agree with your friend, you should have asked for her number, but at least you made a move! That step may help you in the future. Maybe it gave you just a bit of confidence to do it again the next time you like a girl. In the meantime, i hope she calls you. If she does, you ask her out!
  2. Oh please. The n word is a racial slur that has always provoked deep anger. It's the most prejudice word you can use in reference to a black person. A dog in heat is called a bitch. A person who complains is said to be bitching. etc... I'd like to hear your reaction if someone made it look like you made a quote that you didn't...
  3. Thank you Lake of Shadows. I ignored the post when he originally made it, allowing him his freedom of speech and not making an issue of what i thought was a bit of humor on top of his disgust. But to make it look like i said the quote using the N word, when in fact Type O is the one who said it. That is unacceptable.
  4. From above post where TypeO is trying to make the quote (with the n word) look like mine. This is his original post from the other Presidential thread. Since i don't know how to quote it from there to here it is copied. I don't appreciate someone lying and saying i said something that they made up themself. Poll: The Next President of the USA will be? TypeO View Member Profile Add as Friend Send Message Find Member's Posts Posted on: Aug 31 2008, 07:11 PM Zep Head Group: Members Posts: 390 Joined: 12-December 07 From: Dirty South, Bay-beeee Member No.: 4,573 QUOTE (One Drop @ Aug 31 2008, 03:29 AM) [source: RealClearPolitics.com] Are you weeping yet, Medhb? QUOTE Funny how you only post polls that take in the dem convention. You seemed to have stopped posting polls when McCain was, for all intents and purposes, EVEN with B.O. going into the convention (where the convention party ALWAYS gets a bounce)? The Biden announcement couldn't even bring a dead-cat bounce :lolo: QUOTE (One Drop @ Aug 31 2008, 03:20 PM) One Drop's 2-question poll: Who do you think those 17% (cell phone only users) are more likely to support? Progressive candidate Barack Obama or Old-timer candidate John McCain? Who do you think those 31% (landline only users) are more likely to support?: Progressive candidate Barack Obama or Old-timer candidate John McCain? Point taken? QUOTE One Drop's poll stereotypes: Dems/Libs are hip/tech-savvy/ahead-of-the-curve Republicans/Conservatives are stodgy/technophobes/behind-the-times We dropped our landline over 2 years ago, as have many of the people I know, who I also know to be conservative/republican types. And though I'm a graphic artist by trade, I also earn side money diagnosing/repairing computers, to include a local OB/GYN office. The cell phone only user profile is a matter of smart (and conservative) financial management. Just because I'm not an 18 yr old text-maniac who can't set his phone down doesn't mean I'm not tech-savvy. And I use "I" as a representation, not me specifically. Sure, the vast majority of old folks are conservative, and you libs can't stand that. Ever wonder why people - in general - become more conservative the older they get? Experience. They've seen both sides and experience usually wins out over smoke and mirrors, or in B.O.'s case, clever theatrical backlighting to render a subtle "halo" around B.O. as he spoke to his worshippers from on high. "OMG, you should have been there - it was like he was glowing! It gave me chillbumps!" One Drop's 1-question poll: Who do you think "newly registered voters" are more likely to support? "Change" candidate Barack Obama or "More of the Same" candidate John McCain? Funny how the dems are always targeting NEW voters every 4 years. That's because they haven't gotten much experience in the real world yet. And those are the ones dems/libs have the best chance of snookering. "Look at us, we're hip, cool and oh so different" Get yer tattoos and piercings to show your individuality, just like the other 100 million people who have done the same thing. QUOTE (~tangerine~ @ Aug 31 2008, 04:54 PM) First of all, Fox News " is " Republican Central, always biased, always will be. That is a well known fact. QUOTE U mad? You only seem to have a problem when the bias is conservative. Truth, she is a friggin "hockey" mom, ex runner-up Miss Alaska. Yeah, when i watch a beauty pagent i think to myself, gee, she would make a great VP some day, not. The rest of her credentials are lame as well. John McCain was thinking with his , lol....figures. With the country in the sad place we are, i had hoped for a more responsible choice. Just shows his character (or lack of). The main reason i answered this post is because i find it sad that the Dems will feel the need to tippy toe around this bitch. I say speak up, and don't let the female gender be an issue. She can take it. She's a gun shooting, wolf shooting supporter, death penalty supporting (isn't that a contradiction to the pro-life stance???), big woman with the Oil men, broad. I don't see why anyone should have to watch what they say. I bet she can curse like a sailor any day, lol. I do hope that Hillary will have the guts to speak up for the rest of women who are ashamed of McCain's insinuation that we are too stupid to see his plot for what it is. Wow. Hmmm, let's run that post through the Minority Stereotype/Slur Translator and see how it would sound if a conservative were to use this response about B.O. Truth, he is a friggin bourgie, ex athlete. Yeah, when i watch a basketball game i think to myself, gee, he would make a great POTUS some day, not. The rest of his credentials are lame as well. John McCain was thinking with his , lol....figures. With the country in the sad place we are, i had hoped for a more responsible choice. Just shows his character (or lack of). The main reason i answered this post is because i find it sad that the Republicans will feel the need to tippy toe around this n-word. I say speak up, and don't let the black race be an issue. He can take it. He's a A-K shooting, GQ dressing, NAACP supporting, big man with the Oil men, broad. I don't see why anyone should have to watch what they say. I bet he can curse like a gangster rapper any day, lol. Imagine if that had been said about B.O. THEN everyone would be up in arms, because we know how racist those conservatives are. THEN noone would be up in arms, because we don't care how sexist those liberals are. Forum: Ramble On · Post Preview: #245411 · Replies: 4547 · Views: 37,777
  5. YOU TYPE O fabricated that paragraph entitled your Minority stereotype/slur translator. Then your above post, you make it look like that quote that you call "bannable" is from me, when it's from you. You should be ashamed to stoop so low.
  6. You need to take that quote that you fabricated out and explain yourself for putting that down as if i said it! edit: this quote was fabricated by Type 0 in an earlier post he made: QUOTE i find it sad that the Republicans will feel the need to tippy toe around this n-word. I say speak up, and don't let the black race be an issue. I want this explained. You said this, not me, and you call me names...
  7. www.smh.com.au/news/us-election/ palin-picks-abstinence-over-sexed/2008/09/03/1220121275973.html Palin picks abstinence McCain's judgement questioned Video:John McCain's judgement is called into question after his vice presidential pick raises a storm of controversy. Baby bump surprise Video:Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin has announced the pregnancy of her unmarried teenage daughter. Who is Sarah Palin? Audio slideshow: Former communications director for John McCain says Sarah Palin is a risky choice. John McCain, the man Audio slideshow: Washington correspondent Anne Davies profiles John McCain. September 3, 2008 - 8:54AM Page 1 of 2 | Single page US Republican presidential candidate John McCain, whose presumptive running mate disclosed that her unmarried 17-year-old daughter is pregnant, has opposed proposals to spend federal money on teen-pregnancy prevention programs and voted to require poor teenage mothers to stay in school or lose their welfare benefits. Alaska Governor Sarah Palin's announcement yesterday about her daughter Bristol was aimed at rebutting Internet rumors that Palin's youngest son, born in April, was actually her daughter's. Palin said her daughter intends to raise her child and marry the baby's father, identified in news reports as Levi Johnston, 18, of Wasilla, a high school hockey player whom Bristol has dated for about one year. The baby is due in late December. McCain's record on issues surrounding teen pregnancy and contraceptives during his more than two decades in the Senate indicate that he and Palin have similar views. Until yesterday, when the subject surfaced in a deeply personal manner, teen pregnancy and sex education were not issues in the national political campaign. Palin herself said she opposes funding sexual-education programs in Alaska. She has supported abstinence programs in schools. "The explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support," she wrote in a 2006 questionnaire distributed among gubernatorial candidates. McCain's position on contraceptives and teen pregnancy issues has been difficult to judge on the campaign trail, as he appears uncomfortable discussing such topics. Reporters asked the presumptive Republican presidential nominee in November 2007 whether he supported grants for sex education in the United States, whether such programs should include directions for using contraceptives or whether he supports President George W Bush's policy of promoting abstinence. "Ahhh, I think I support the president's policy," McCain said. When a reporter asked McCain whether he thought contraceptives help stop the spread of HIV, he replied: "You've stumped me." McCain said later that he was sure he opposed government spending on contraceptives. Asked whether he would oppose condom distribution if he knew that condoms stop the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, McCain said he had never got into those issues before. The McCain campaign did not respond yesterday to repeated requests for information. In Senate votes, McCain has opposed some proposals to pay for teen-pregnancy prevention programs. In 2006, McCain joined fellow Republicans in voting against a Senate Democratic proposal to send $US100 million ($A117.7 million) to communities for teen-pregnancy prevention programs that would have included sex education about contraceptives. In 2005, McCain opposed a Senate Democratic proposal that would have spent tens of millions of dollars to pay for pregnancy prevention programs including education on emergency contraception such as the morning-after pill; teen-pregnancy prevention programs except abstinence-only education; and required insurance companies that cover Viagra also to pay for prescription contraception. McCain voted for the Family Support Act in 1988, which passed overwhelmingly in the Senate and required teen mothers who receive public assistance to remain in high school and, in some cases, to live with their parents. "Young parents who have not completed high school will be required to stay in or return to school to complete the basic education so necessary to a productive life," said President Ronald Reagan, as he signed the law in October 1988. McCain cited abortion, sex education and birth control as some of the issues on which he differed with Joycelyn Elders, former President Bill Clinton's nominee for surgeon general. He quoted Elders as telling lawmakers that abortion has had positive health effects, including reducing the number of children "afflicted with severe defects." "As a father of a number of young children, including an adopted daughter who was born with a birth defect, I am deeply, deeply troubled by these views," McCain said in a 1993 speech opposing Elders' confirmation. Palin's fifth child, a son named Trig, was born in April with Down syndrome, a genetic abnormality that impedes physical, intellectual and language development. Conservatives supportive of Palin as McCain's running mate have praised her choice to deliver Trig even after the family learned about his condition during prenatal testing. McCain said the country unarguably had a problem with teen pregnancy, but he said Elders' approach would make it worse. He said Elders started a program to distribute condoms in schools, but the rate of teen pregnancy rose in those counties. When it turned out many of the condoms were defective, Elders decided to continue the program rather than halt it or inform the public of the risk, McCain said. AP
  8. You said it because it was easier than defending your position with something of value. It's easy to call people names, and it reflects on you, not me.
  9. For your information, Uncle Bill, Palin is the one who spilled the story. Maybe her judgement is what should be in question. This McCain/Palin team is more interesting than an episode of "Days of Our Lives".
  10. Agreed, but seems McCain has nothing left to say, lol. It's a joke, and i would love to see the supporters of Palin explain WHY she is the "best qualified" to replace McCain as Commander in Chief.
  11. Look in the mirror, buddy. Look at what your McCain lovers are spewing and call yourself the hypocrite you are. edit for spelling
  12. Bottom line, she practices "abstinence" and apparently didn't teach her daughter birth control. I believe teaching abstinence alone is irresponsible. Didn't work out very well. That is why i say she failed as a parent. Is she so far removed from reality to expect teens aren't hormonal and won't want to experiment with sex? I believe a parent is "obligated" to educate their children on sex. If they don't do it, who will? Palin doesn't want birth control taught in schools, either, and stands by it in her policies. This is the kind of narrow-minded thinking we can expect if she gets into office. I am soley judging "her" values, not those of any other parent. If parents at least make the attempt to teach their children and this happens, that is another story. I didn't mean to outrage anyone personally. Sorry if you feel i did. I know i didn't "trash" her daughter in my statements. It's not the daughter's fault her mom doesn't believe in sex education. and btw...who was it that brought this story to light in the first place? Sarah Palin did, so she is responsible for exposing her family issues. This is a woman who is running for Vice President of our country, and the Repubs are putting her up on a pedestal. So imo, when we start to find out about her real life (since she's an unknown), i have a right to judge her. She may wind up being my President, and i am not happy about this. I don't agree with most of her values or lifestyle, and this just shows how "imperfect" this "great pick" is. Maybe a mother of five, with an infant at home with Downs (i'm still curious to know who is taking care of this baby), should be making motherhood a priority over politics. This woman should be an embarrassment to McCain. While i gave my opinion of this, it has been reported that this story is the talk of Alaska. Like it or not, the story is public now, and people will talk about it. and late breaking news...Reported that Sarah is promoting her daughter now getting married. Also reported, Sarah's husband has a DUI. This may be a common scenario, but not what i expect from my Commander in Chief or VP. I think they should be held to a higher standard. If anyone feels i'm being harsh, just ask yourself how the Republicans would be acting right now if Obama was the one with a pregnant teen. To answer your question LedZep4ever, i plan to teach my child when she seems even remotely ready to learn, and i expect she will also be taught in school too, about sex. I hope to always be involved enough in her life to know what is going on, but if i don't, at least i will try my best. I wish you the best in your situation. You are an average American, like me, dealing with reality. Believe me, if i were running for office, i would have plenty of people judging my views and my life, too.
  13. CNN reported there was a phone call from her office in regards to the ex-brother-in-law and a few emails were found. They will get to the bottom of this. Palin, abuse her power? She seems like such a sweet woman, i just can't believe anything like that about her...lol (sweet as a wolf in sheep's clothes) Her daughter's situation is already out there. People can judge for themselves...17 and pregnant with an infant sibling in the house...sounds like a fun family. Sorry, as a parent in the year 2008, she has failed her child. A CNN reporter who was in Alaska said "this is all they are talking about". She said walk into any restuarant for even a minute and this is the conversation everyone is talking about...again, lol. Palin is a joke and a frightening thought for our country.
  14. Most likely Rove came up with the plot. That's no surprise. Palin is a joke. I can understand if you think this is a good move on McCain's part to be "elected" but i don't believe this is the person you want to be your Commander in Chief if/when (inevitable) McCain is too ill to fulfill his responsibility to a country he claims to care about. Keep pretending "she's the one". You Repubs would never admit your disgust in this choice.
  15. Far Away Eyes...The Rolling Stones
  16. I don't write them, i just report them, lol...
  17. Great pic, but i didn't quite understand what was going on there, lol....j/k I meant that, too... not thinking with their "brains", lol anyway One Drop, keep up the good work!
  18. I have expressed my opinion, and given plenty of "professional" data to back up my opinions. You do nothing but slobber slurs and repeat the same phrases in each post. I'm no comedian, but i think i found some funny stuff Biden is a god, thanks for agreeing with me. This is really good stuff: Sarah Palin Jokes: 8 Untrue Rumors about Sarah Palin There are lots of rumors flying around about Alaskan governor Sarah Palin since McCain selected her as his running mate. Here are 8 of the most common rumors, and proof they are completely and utterly untrue: Sarah Palin Rumors: Rumor 1. Sarah Palin likes to eat raw polar bear meat. UNTRUE. She likes it medium rare. Rumor 2. Sarah Palin uses live penguins for target practice. UNTRUE. The live ones wiggle too much. Rumor 3. Sarah Palin doesn’t know much about defense. UNTRUE. She was once an excellent basketball player. Rumor 4. Sarah Palin is under investigation for possible abuse of power. UNTRUE. She is under investigation for being CAUGHT possibly abusing power. Rumor 5. Sarah Palin wants to drill for oil throughout the beautiful Alaskan wilderness. UNTRUE. She has no interest in doing that at all. She just wants oil companies to do it. Rumor 6. Scholars say Sarah Palin is the least experienced, least qualified, least credentialed person to join a major-party ticket in the modern era. UNTRUE. According to a very recent Wikipedia entry, the “modern era” began in the year 1000 a.d. and records suggest there may have been as many as 3 other people with a comparable degree of inexperience who attempted to gain a national leadership position in their respective countries during that time. Rumor 7. Sarah Palin strongly dislikes gays. UNTRUE. Her hair stylist for her first major campaign (her town’s beauty pageant) was gay, and she thought he did a fantastic job with her highlights, and used just the right amount of hairspray, and was a pretty likeable person considering his abominable lifestyle. Rumor 8. Sarah Palin has less than two years of executive leadership experience, in one of the least populated states in the nation, and is completely unprepared to take on international issues. UNTRUE: Her several years of grueling leadership experience as both a PTA leader, and as a part time mayor of a small Alaskan town MORE than qualify her for trips to Russia to negotiate over the Georgian crisis, and trips to Jordon and Egypt to represent the U.S. in talks over Iran’s nuclear weapons program. These are basically the same issue as school bathroom graffiti, just on a slightly larger scale. In addition, Alaska is one of the most populated states in the U.S.* * source: “From Mice to Moose- The Millions of Alaskan Mammals“. http://www.innocentenglish.com/politics/sa...arah-palin.html
  19. A little humor before bed, lol... Notice the quote from her own Mother-in-law, lol... Daniel Kurtzman's Political Humor Blog By Daniel Kurtzman, About.com Guide to Political Humor since 2000 My BioMy BlogMy ForumAdd to: iGoogleMy Yahoo!RSS Sarah Palin Jokes Saturday August 30, 2008 Based on the early returns, it's safe to say that Republican presidential candidate Sarah Palin is going to be good for comedy... "John McCain's VP pick is the governor of Alaska, a unknown hockey mom named Sarah Palin that no one ever heard of. The only other job she had in politics was the mayor of a small town known as Wasilla, Alaska, and now she has the opportunity to be on a ticket opposite of Barack Obama, the first black man she's ever seen." –Bill Maher "This isn't a presidential ticket, this is a sitcom. The maverick and the MILF." –Bill Maher "She's not bad looking. She looks like one of those women in the Van Halen videos who takes off her glasses, shakes out her hair, and then all of a sudden, she's in high heels and a bikini. All of a sudden, I am FOR drilling in Alaska." --Jimmy Kimmel "Palin and McCain are a good pair. She's pro-life and he's clinging to life." –Jay Leno Read more Sarah Palin jokes... Quotes about Palin "She does know about international relations because she is right up there in Alaska, right next door to Russia." –FOX News Channel's Steve Doocy, gushing over Palin's qualifications, to which Jon Stewart quipped, "When you think about it, Alaska is also near the North Pole, so she must also be friends with Santa." "I'm not sure what she brings to the ticket other than she's a woman and a conservative." –Sarah Palin's mother-in-law, Faye Palin, who said she may vote for Obama "She's old enough. She's a U.S. citizen." --John Harris, Alaska's Republican speaker of the house, when asked about Palin's qualifications for vice president Sarah Palin in Her Own Words "As for that VP talk all the time, I'll tell you, I still can't answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day?" --Sarah Palin, in an interview with CNBC's "Kudlow & Co." "I've been so focused on state government, I haven't really focused much on the war in Iraq." --Palin "It's great to see another part of the country." --Palin, campaigning in Pennsylvania More Palin Punch Lines • John McCain's Wandering Eyes (YouTube) The McCain/Palin Jokes You Won’t Be Hearing on Letterman: 1. John McCain turned 72 on Friday and apparently decided he deserved a really hot birthday present so he introduced his “Vice President” choice. 2. John McCain said he had to talk to his wife Cindy before making a final choice for VP. Well, of course he did, the wife always has veto power on any threesome. 3. Cindy McCain has to be careful. John has a history of dumping his current wife for beauty pageant contestants. 4. John McCain says he won’t need an intern when he moves in to the Oval Office. He will simply rely on his Vice President. 5. When John McCain takes office, he intends to be less formal than his predecessors. Instead of “Mr. President”, he’ll have his Vice President call him “Daddy”. 6. John McCain has denied rumors that if he wins they will start referring to the White House as the Playboy Mansion. He said Hefner has three girlfriends and the Constitution limits him to only one Vice President. http://politicalhumor.about.com/b/2008/08/...palin-jokes.htm
  20. I don't start my day before dawn, so not yet. Thanks for asking, Mr. Misothery
  21. HE never does any research from what i've seen the little time i have spent on these threads.
  22. Are you implying the guys aren't thinking with their brains, again...lol That's where my slogan, McCain/no brain came from! Now i thought about that. Condi, black and a female. I wonder if that choice would have been a good pick. This Palin is a Bush lover herself, that is already public knowledge.
  23. Was on my mind, was ready to type their names, and still left off two favs: John Lennon and George Harrison.
  24. The Ocean Over The Hills and Far Away Going To California Thank You Custard Pie Boogie With Stu The Rover All Of My Love
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