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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. HE never does any research from what i've seen the little time i have spent on these threads.
  2. Are you implying the guys aren't thinking with their brains, again...lol That's where my slogan, McCain/no brain came from! Now i thought about that. Condi, black and a female. I wonder if that choice would have been a good pick. This Palin is a Bush lover herself, that is already public knowledge.
  3. Was on my mind, was ready to type their names, and still left off two favs: John Lennon and George Harrison.
  4. The Ocean Over The Hills and Far Away Going To California Thank You Custard Pie Boogie With Stu The Rover All Of My Love
  5. ~tangerine~


    It's great to hear Dzldoc and his family are doing well. I hope the storm is finished it's course and will allow everyone to return home soon. Very courageous, Dzldoc, i hope your home is still in good shape and you stay safe! Fantastic news
  6. or maybe he took my advice, asked the girl out, got a no thank you, and now he won't come out...i hope he's okay
  7. quote name='Reggie1971' date='Sep 1 2008, 03:22 PM' post='245816' quote name='~tangerine~' date='Sep 1 2008, 12:01 PM' post='245748' Truth hurts, lol. Just like the last eight years of corruption and the demise of my beautiful country has hurt. The demise of the country? Looking outside the window things seem to be pretty calm and collected considering that the country has been destroyed by Bush / Cheney. A bit of hyperbole perhaps?
  8. Hell, even the rednecks i know don't like rednecks...lol
  9. I think the Texas heat is frying your brain
  10. Boomerang is cool. I originally ordered it for The Flintstones. Penelope is funny! That southern accent cracks me up! Other shows my daughter loves on Boomerang are The Pink Panther, Scooby Doo, Gerald McBoong Boong, and Baby Looney Tunes.
  11. Truth hurts, lol. Just like the last eight years of corruption and the demise of my beautiful country has hurt. Sorry if you don't like Pink Floyd... How about this one, since if god forbid no brain somehow manages to rig the election and win, we'll need it: Had Enough Lyrics Artist(Band):The Who I've had enough of bein' nice I've had enough of right and wrong I've had enough of tryin' to love my brother I've had enough of bein' good And doin' everything like i'm told I should If you need a lover, you'd better find another Life is for the living Takers never giving Suspicion takes the place of trust My love is turning into lust If you get on the wrong side of me you better run for cover I've had enough of bein' trodden on My passive days are gonna be long gone If you slap one cheek, well, I ain't gonna turn the other Life is for the living Takers never giving Fooling no one but ourselves Good is dying Here comes the end Here comes the end of the world I'm gettin' sick of this universe Ain't gonna get better; it's gonna get worse And the world's gonna sink with the weight of the human race Hate and fear in every face I'm gettin' ready and I've packed my case If you find somewhere better, can you save my place? Fooling no one but ourselves Love is dying Here comes the end Here comes the end Here comes the end of the world
  12. Sheep...lol for the Republicans It's Only Love...The Beatles (for the rest of the Americans)
  13. lol, a Texan. Well that explains everything! Thanks, proof you are a sheep!
  14. If i could write songs, i wouldn't be wasting my time talking to Republicans who enjoy watching the demise of my beautiful country. I would be out performing! So all due credit to Roger Waters and Pink Floyd for saying it so well back in 1977. As for Joe Biden, he is one of the most well educated and intelligent men in our government. Don't tell me everyone doesn't "paraphrase". I wrote plenty of papers in college, everyone does it.
  15. The only post i will make here, because it's overload, and god knows listening to anymore lying Repubs talk about a "great pick" when all the women know, you are full of sh*t. You don't truly want this person being your Commander in Chief when the ole geezer (likely will be President number nine) is none longer available. So thanks again to Roger Waters for creating the perfect song for the Repubs/Bush lovers, who apparently just haven't had enough pain... My slogan: McCain/no brain and Pat Buchanan in a skirt Campaign, lol... i've said my peace... "Sheep" Harmlessly passing your time in the grassland away Only dimly aware of a certain unease in the air You better watch out There may be dogs about I've looked over Jordan and I have seen Things are not what they seem. What do you get for pretending the danger's not real Meek and obedient you follow the leader Down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel What a surprise! A look of terminal shock in your eyes Now things are really what they seem No, this is no bad dream. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want He makes me down to lie Through pastures green he leadeth me the silent waters by With bright knives he releaseth my soul He maketh me to hang on hooks in high places He converteth me to lamb cutlets For lo,m he hath great power and great hunger When cometh the day we lowly ones Through quiet reflection and great dedication Master the art of karate Lo, we shall rise up And then we'll make the bugger's eyes water. Bleating and babbling we fell on his neck with a scream Wave upon wave of demented avengers March cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream. Have you heard the news? The dogs are dead! You better stay home And do as you're told Get out of the road if you want to grow old.
  16. LOL, i have to post this one more time. Ironic, you hate animals, but you're one of the many... This is "my" slogan: McCain/no brain / Pat Buchanan in a skirt Campaign and this is the perfect song for the Rep followers... (special thanks to Roger Waters, lol) "Sheep" Harmlessly passing your time in the grassland away Only dimly aware of a certain unease in the air You better watch out There may be dogs about I've looked over Jordan and I have seen Things are not what they seem. What do you get for pretending the danger's not real Meek and obedient you follow the leader Down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel What a surprise! A look of terminal shock in your eyes Now things are really what they seem No, this is no bad dream. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want He makes me down to lie Through pastures green he leadeth me the silent waters by With bright knives he releaseth my soul He maketh me to hang on hooks in high places He converteth me to lamb cutlets For lo,m he hath great power and great hunger When cometh the day we lowly ones Through quiet reflection and great dedication Master the art of karate Lo, we shall rise up And then we'll make the bugger's eyes water. Bleating and babbling we fell on his neck with a scream Wave upon wave of demented avengers March cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream. Have you heard the news? The dogs are dead! You better stay home And do as you're told Get out of the road if you want to grow old.
  17. Women aren't so stupid to want a female Pat Buchanan running our country when the ole geezer can't. Especially no woman who cares about her country and the future for her children. What really shocks me is all the men who think this was a great pick ( i know most are chringing in silence). I can't believe any man wants this type of person to be their Commander in Chief or even "runner up". It just shows their blind following of the Republican party. Four more years of Bush? Really, there's still someone out there who hasn't had enough? You must be a Billionaire. "Sheep" Harmlessly passing your time in the grassland away Only dimly aware of a certain unease in the air You better watch out There may be dogs about I've looked over Jordan and I have seen Things are not what they seem. What do you get for pretending the danger's not real Meek and obedient you follow the leader Down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel What a surprise! A look of terminal shock in your eyes Now things are really what they seem No, this is no bad dream. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want He makes me down to lie Through pastures green he leadeth me the silent waters by With bright knives he releaseth my soul He maketh me to hang on hooks in high places He converteth me to lamb cutlets For lo,m he hath great power and great hunger When cometh the day we lowly ones Through quiet reflection and great dedication Master the art of karate Lo, we shall rise up And then we'll make the bugger's eyes water. Bleating and babbling we fell on his neck with a scream Wave upon wave of demented avengers March cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream. Have you heard the news? The dogs are dead! You better stay home And do as you're told Get out of the road if you want to grow old.
  18. My hope is that someone who wants to be our Commander in Chief actually cares about us. What a stupid desire. His pick shows he is "desperate" to win, because he obviously feels he won't. So if he croaks in office (quite possible) he leaves us with a "loon". I said this a while back, but it makes me question his "patriotism". If he wanted to add a woman to the ticket, he could have picked someone that is already respected and "known". That would have been a "winning ticket" (minus him, lol) and maybe even win him the f*in election. McCain, no brain.
  19. I don't know you except from your sad viewpoint on the state of our country and your obvious McCain like obssession with a woman who, if you read the articles i posted, easily qualifies as a loon. I do however, despise humans who feel animals have no rights, feel no pain, are not living, thinking beings. This is not about abortion vs. animal rights. It's about the senseless (not for food or animal control, just for sport) killing of innocent "life". Your disregard for wildlife/nature/life makes me fear you as a person. Hitler had a great fear of cats...
  20. Robert Plant has been my favorite vocalist for 31 years! Also love: Lou Gramm Bono Bruce Springsteen Peter Gabriel Phil Collins David Gilmour Jeff Buckley Lindsey Buckingham Don Henley Keith Richards ( i kinda like his voice more than Mick's) Mick Jagger Jim Morrison Eddie Vedder Hugo Ferrara Trent Reznor Tori Amos Jewel Liz Frasier Sinead O'Connor Fiona Apple Stevie Nicks Pavarotti Puccini
  21. This person, whoever he is, seems like a waste of our time to even converse with.
  22. You are talking about killing animals for "no reason". In many cases kids who hurt animals at a young age often grow up to be Sociopaths. I think i've heard enough from you. btw...you have shown nothing to support your "great pick", just a bunch of slobber coming from you.
  23. Give me a break. McCain is trying to sell sex in addition to whatever other lame reasons he chose a nobody. I try hard not to resort to distasteful name calling, but in this case, i believe it is warranted in making an obvious point to the people who thinks she's a "great pick". He is old and his decision in picking an inexperienced "runner up Miss 48th smallest populated state in America" quacks like a duck to me. You don't think millions of people aren't prejudice against Obama due to race, color, culture? If you are intelligent, then just look at the possibility, given McCain's age and health history, of Palin winding up in his place. Is she your idea of good for the country? Read up on her and open your eyes. I am not an Obama cheerleader (find a post where i mention my feelings towards him), but i strongly feel he is a "better" choice than ole, washed up, arrogant as hell McCain. His choice of Palin just confirmed his stupidity/desperation. I would feel perfectly safe with Biden by Obama's side, because i strongly believe Joe will make a huge impact on the Presidency. As for Foreign policy, Joe Biden is the man. Confession, yes i wanted Joe Biden for President. What military experience does Palin have (keep in mind, she may be the big boss)? Oh yeah, she hunts innocent bears and wolf pups for $150 a head...very sad. Palin and Cheney, the hunters of the Vice Presidency, lol. Keeping the sport of killing alive, but against abortion. Hypocrites. and GWB served his country prior to being elected?...lol. With all due respect to you Pb Derigable, this combination is just another term of the same old sh*t. I love my country, and i am afraid for it. I have felt the impact of the Bush Administration on my every day life, and i am bitter.
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